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November 2015

November 1 2015 (Tony Lam`s Comments: how about affordable housing in CANADA)

Canada's pension fund ready to invest $2B in affordable housing in India, official says

November 2 2015

Canada under Conservatives was the freest and most tolerant nation in the world, study finds

November 7 2015

BC Muslim newspaper calls on Trudeau’s government to “focus on immigration from Muslim countries”

November 9 2015

Queen's portrait removed from Foreign Affairs

November 9 2015

WATCH: "Non-partisan" civil servants cheer Justin Trudeau -- and BOO reporter who asks about underpaid Liberal female cabinet ministers

Montreal Sewage Dump Given Green Light By Environment Minister Catherine McKenna

November 13 2015

Transcript: Trudeau, Ambrose release statements on Paris attacks

November 13 2015

Trudeau orders Kitsilano Coast Guard station re-opened

November 15 2015

Queen's portrait removed from Foreign Affairs

Prime Minister announces infrastructure funding for Indonesia

Trudeau's new science minister Kirsty Duncan was advocate of controversial and largely disproven MS treatment

November 16 2015

In Justin Trudeau’s ‘Canadastan,’ you get arrested for speaking out against Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris

November 16 2015

Justin Trudeau says Canada will do "its part" in anti-isis coalition

November 16 2015

Decisive strike needed now against ISIS

November 17 2015

Police shoot Muslim "Suicide Bomber" in Ontario

November 18 2015

History will prove Stephen Harper was one of Canada’s greatest Prime Ministers

November 19 2015

Refugees to be temporarily housed at military sites in Quebec, Ontario

Tender issued for $1.5M contract to winterize temporary housing at CFB Valcartier

November 19 2015

PODCAST: What do Canadians think of Justin Trudeau's plan for ISIS, refugees

The Pollcast: What do Canadians think of Justin Trudeau's plan for ISIS, refugees

November 20 2015

Alberta not obligated to pass laws in English and French:SCC

The Tail of Two Trudeaus

November 20 2015

60% of Canadians disagree with Liberal plan to accept Syrian refugees: ipsos poll

November 20 2015

Details of Liberals' Syrian refugee plan selectively leaked - security, logistics questions remain

November 20 2015

Liberals to announce details of Syrian refugee plan tuesday

November 20 2015

Cost of Syrian refugee plan pegged at $1.2 Billion over six years

November 20 2015

Refugee plan cost pegged at $1.2 billion over 6 years

November 22 2015

Alberta to implement carbon tax in 2017

November 23 2015

Canada Syrian refugee plan limited to women, children and families, unaccompanied men not included because of ongoing security concerns

November 24 2015

Justin Trudeau justifies refugee delay, says Liberals want it 'done right'

November 23 2015

Lisa Raitt - Liberals too this year's $1.4 billion surplus and turned it into a $3 billion deficit.

November 26 2015

Ottawa exempts Syrian refugees from loan repayment

Syrian refugees: Canada issues 928 visas, adding $100M in aid

November 27 2015

Canada pledges $2.65 Billion to help developing countries tackle climate change

November 28 2015

Canadian Government Pledges Over $15 Million For African Job Training

November 29 2015

Syrian refugee coordinator in Montreal to make $1,800 a day to welcome the newcomers to Canada

Refugees with infectious diseases will not be denied entry into Canada: Health minister

November 30 2015

Justin Trudeau tells Paris climate summit Canada ready to do more

November 30 2015

Trudeau children's nannies being paid for by taxpayers

caregivers will be paid $15-$20 an hour during the day and $11-$13 hourly at night

November 30 2015

Paris climate talks: Trudeau speaks of Canada’s desire to tackle climate change

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