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Third Party Election Advertising Reports for the 42nd General Election

Third Party's Name Submission Date 101 Reasons to Vote Against Harper 2016-02-29 1VoteMatters 2016-01-27 45 Degrés Nord Inc. 2016-01-21 Adbusters Media Foundation 2016-02-18 Alliance 4 Democracy 2016-02-19 Amalgamated Transit Union Canadian Council 2016-02-12 Animal Justice Canada Legislative Fund 2016-01-05 Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada – 2015-12-03 AVAAZ 2016-02-19 BC Government and Service Employees' Union 2016-02-15 BC Health Coalition 2016-02-16 BC Professional Fire Fighters Association 2016-02-19 BCWF Political Action Alliance 2016-02-15 BDS-Québec (comité de la CJPP) 2016-01-19 British Columbia Nurses' Union 2016-02-18 British Columbia Teachers' Federation 2015-11-24 C4ST – Canadians for Safe Technology 2016-02-18 Campaign For Canada 2016-02-17 Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions 2016-02-17 Canadian Federation of Students 2016-02-19 Canadian Veterans ABC Campaign 2015 2016-02-19 Canadian Equal Parenting Council 2016-02-19 Canadian Health Coalition 2016-01-16 Canadian Labour Congress 2016-02-18 Canadian Media Guild 2016-02-19 Canadian Medical Association 2016-02-19 Canadian Mobilization and Education Hub Society 2016-02-20 Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) 2015-12-21 Canadian Union of Postal Workers "CUPW" 2016-02-19 Canadian Union of Public Employees 2016-02-17 Canadian Wheat Board Alliance 2016-02-19 Canadians United for Change 2016-02-19 Chicken Farmers of Canada 2016-02-04 Chang Chen 2016-02-17 Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada 2016-02-10 Chris Purton 2016-01-22 Climate Action Now Barrie 2016-02-18 Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC 2016-01-30 COPE 378 2016-02-19 COPE (Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union) 2016-02-12 Council of Senior Citizens' Organization of B.C. 2016-02-12 Dairy Farmers Of Canada 2016-01-12 Diane Babcock 2016-02-26 Dogwood Initiative 2017-12-21 Downtown Mission of Windsor Inc. 2016-02-16 Ecology Ottawa 2016-02-19 Equiterre 2016-02-17 Eric & Juliana Vallée 2016-01-08 Fair Vote Canada 2016-02-18 Fédération des Travailleurs et Travailleuses du Québec (FTQ) 2016-02-18 Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC 2016-02-11 Friends of Canadian Broadcasting 2016-01-27 Friends of Public Services 2016-02-18 Force of Nature Alliance 2016-02-18 Front d'action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU) 2015-12-18 Glasswaters Foundation 2016-02-13 GreenPAC 2016-02-01 Greenpeace Canada 2016-02-17 IATSE 2016-02-12 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 2016-02-04 International Fund for Animal Welfare Inc. (IFAW) 2016-02-16 International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada 2016-02-12 Just the Facts Canada Inc. 2016-02-10 Languages Canada 2015-12-02 Leadnow Society 2016-02-18 Les Sans-Chemise 2015-12-10 Let's Build Canada 2016-02-19 Making Waves Windsor – Essex 2016-01-21 Metro Vancouver Alliance 2015-12-15 Michelle Good 2016-05-09 National Citizens Coalition Inc. 2016-02-11 NORML Canada Inc. 2015-12-02 Nova Scotia Citizens' Healthcare Network 2015-11-30 One Cowichan 2016-01-20 Ontario Health Coalition 2016-02-18 Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) 2016-02-12 Open Media 2016-01-25 Ottawa Action Network 2015-11-23 Organisation unies pour l'Independance (Oui Québec) 2016-02-05 Our Right To Know 2015-12-14 Project Democracy 2016-02-15 Public Service Alliance of Canada 2016-02-16 Ranbir Singh Thandi 2016-02-19 Rayissa Palmer & Sandy Bodnar 2016-03-01 Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) 2015-12-17 Rick Ingram 2015-10-19 Saskatchewan Federation of Labour 2015-12-23 Saskatchewan Party Caucus 2016-02-21 Seafarers' International Union of Canada 2016-02-24 Sensible Change Society 2016-02-12 Shirley Clement 2016-01-28 Stand Up For Canada 2015-12-04 Strong and Free 2016-01-26 SUMOFUS Canada Society 2016-02-16 Team CSSA (Canadian Shooting Sports Association) 2016-02-11 Teamsters Canada 2015-12-10 The Council of Canadians 2016-02-18 The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada 2016-02-18 The Vote For Change Campaign 2016-02-10 ThinkRad Studios Inc. 2016-02-17 Time is Now 2017-03-17 TORONTO350.ORG 2016-01-23 UFCW Canada 2016-02-17 UNIFOR 2016-02-19 Unite Here 2016-02-17 United Steelworkers 2016-02-04 Vancouver Fire Fighters' Union Local 18 2016-02-14 2016-02-19 Voters Against Harper 2016-02-16 Voters For Honest Politicians 2016-03-17 2015-12-30 We Love Canada 2016-01-26 West Coast Environmental Law Association 2016-02-19 West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation 2016-02-19 Windsor Health Coalition 2016-02-19.

May 23 2017

Millions in foreign funds spent in 2015 federal election to defeat Harper government, report alleges

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