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Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on Imamat Day - Aga Khan

Tony Lam's Comments: Doing this will get you funding and a vacation to Aga Khan's private island.

Why does a billionaire who owns an island in the Bahamas need funding from tax paying Canadians to the tune of 47 million in 2016? And $55 million from 2016 to 2020 . This is just as bad as Trudeau's cash for access scandal with the Chinese. Perception is reality.

Welcome to VacationGate. Trudeau loves going on vacations. His first year he had a whopping ten!!


Ottawa, Ontario

July 11, 2016

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the occasion of Imamat Day:

“Today, we join Shia Ismaili Muslims in Canada and around the world to celebrate His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, who on this day in 1957 became Imam—spiritual leader—of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims.

“In the almost 60 years since, the Aga Khan has demonstrated a tireless and admirable dedication to the common good. His achievements and contributions toward improving the lives of some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people are immeasurable.

“Above all, he has demonstrated the importance of being a good global citizen and the value of helping others, regardless of their origin or religion, to reach their full potential.

“The values promoted by the Aga Khan—pluralism, compassion, inclusion, respect for diversity, and human rights—are those that we as Canadians hold dear, and we are honoured to call him a friend, and to host here in Canada both the Global Centre for Pluralism and the only Islamic Museum in North America—the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto.

“On this day, we thank the Aga Khan for being a true humanitarian, and for inspiring us all to show more kindness and generosity of heart to others.

“Kushiali Mubarak.”


October 23 2013

December 22 2015

March 30 2016

January 6 2017

Trudeau’s trip to Aga Khan’s private island kept secret to protect privacy, PMO says

January 6 2017

Trudeau and family were New Year’s guests of the Aga Khan on his private Bahamas island

January 11 2017

'Fake news” — this time from the Prime Minister

Liberal MP, party president joined Trudeau for his controversial Bahamas vacation with the Aga Khan

January 12 2017

Trudeau denies use of Aga Khan private helicopter was unethical

January 13 2017

Why Justin Trudeau’s trip to the Aga Khan’s island matters

January 16 2017

Justin Trudeau’s holiday on Aga Khan’s island comes under investigation

January 16 2017

Ethics Commissioner probing Trudeau trip to Aga Khan’s private island

January 17 2017

Pressed for details about the history of his relationship with the Aga Khan, Trudeau stays silent

January 17 2017

Justin Trudeau won't say how many times he visited the Aga Khan's island

March 21 2017

Trudeau's Aga Khan island trip cost taxpayers $127,000

March 21 2017

Tories Slam $127K Tab For Trudeau's Trip To Aga Khan's Private Bahamas Island

April 11 2017

Trudeau back on defensive over vacation with Aga Khan after report refutes need to take private helicopter

May 10 2017

Trudeau’s determination to stick to a script undercuts his message - The Globe and Mail

May 11 2017

Video CPAC.

How many times did Justin Trudeau meet with the Ethics Commissioner?

May 16 2017

Aga Khan island that hosted Trudeau owned by company with offshore ties, records show - Politics - CBC News

July 11 2017

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau commemorates Aga Khan's diamond jubilee

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued the following statement on Imamat Day:

“Shia Ismaili Muslims gather today in Canada and around the world to celebrate the diamond jubilee of their 49th hereditary Imam and spiritual leader, His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV.

“Since becoming Imam in 1957, the Aga Khan has used his role to advance global humanitarian causes, helping to support sustainable development and poverty reduction projects and enhance civil society and education around the world.

“His spirit of cooperation also led the Aga Khan to establish, in 2006, the Global Centre for Pluralism, in partnership with the Government of Canada, and to choose Ottawa as its headquarters. In recognition of his commitment to diversity and pluralism and his many humanitarian efforts on behalf of people around the world, the Government of Canada made His Highness an honorary Canadian citizen in 2009.

“On this day, I invite all Canadians to reflect on the Aga Khan’s example as he continues to inspire us to show compassion towards all those less fortunate than ourselves. To all Ismaili Canadians celebrating the Diamond Jubilee, I wish all of you Khushali Mubarak!”


July 20 2017

Trudeau caught breaking rules and lying about it!

September 13 2017

Trudeau's Bahamas trip is back with a vengeance

September 13 2017

PM's Aga Khan trip cost more than $215Gs: Report

November 17 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Well If I received millions of dollars in funding from multi countries I could be a humanitarian also.)

The Aga Khan Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize

December 15 2017

Rex Murphy: When there's a Liberal ethics scandal, the 'commissioner' helpfully smothers it

December 20 2017

Globe editorial: Justin Trudeau fails his ethics test - The Globe and Mail

PM Trudeau broke ethics rules, watchdog finds

Justin Trudeau’s Bahamas vacation broke multiple ethics rules: commissioner

An ethics breach that should stick to Justin Trudeau

Busted! Ethics watchdog finds Trudeau broke conflict of interest rules with Aga Khan island vacation | Toronto Sun

Justin Trudeau’s Bahamas vacation broke multiple ethics rules: commissioner - National |

MAKING HISTORY: Trudeau Becomes First Sitting PM Found In Violation Of A Federal Statute - Spencer Fernando

The Ethics Commissioners Report

VIOLATION: Ethics Commissioner Rules Justin Trudeau’s Billionaire Island Trip Broke MULTIPLE Parts Of The Conflict Of Interest Act

Trudeau's Press Conference. (Tony Lam's Comments: What a smug look on his face!)

December 21 2017

Trudeau should repay $200K to taxpayers for trip to Aga Khan's private island: opposition

John Kerry vacationed on Aga Khan's private island during Trudeau visit

December 22 2017

Ethics Commissioner: Justin Trudeau broke anti-bribery laws

RIGGED: Lobbying Commissioner Says Law Doesn’t Apply To Aga Khan, Won’t Investigate Further

EDITORIAL: Keep Trudeau ethics scandal alive in 2018

December 23 2017

December 25 2017

What a federal ethics report reveals about how Justin Trudeau sees his job | National

This Is How Justin Trudeau Sees His Job, According To Ethics Report

January 3 2018

Kelly McParland: Trudeau reveals sense of privilege when pressed on Aga Khan vacation

Janaury 9 2018

RIGGED: Liberals Block Committee From Making Trudeau Testify On His Ethics Violations

January 17 2018

Trudeau, John Kerry discussed incoming U.S. administration during Aga Khan trip

REVEALED: Trudeau Spoke To John Kerry About Trump Administration During His “Family Vacation” On The Aga Khan’s Island

January 29 2018

Trudeau’s Aga Khan vacation, get ready for Duffy part 2

March 27 2018

Trudeau breaks his silence on exchange of gifts with Aga Khan

LOL: Trudeau Claims His Gift From The Aga Khan Was “An Overnight Bag”

April 11 2018

Seamus O'Regan may face inquiry for failure to disclose Aga Khan vacation with PM to ethics commissioner

June 24 2018

Forget the sunglasses, what about that vacation

April 16 2019

Court orders lobbying czar to take new look at Aga Khan's vacation gift to PM

Court orders lobbying watchdog to reopen probe into Aga Khan over Bahamas vacation controversy

April 26 2019

Ottawa appeals court ruling that ordered fresh look at Aga Khan-Trudeau episode

April 30 2019

Chrystia Freeland set to speak at “invitation-only” Aga Khan event

May 6 2019

RCMP asked to investigate Trudeau’s trips to Aga Khan’s island

June 6 2019

June 25 2019

Court undermines lobbying oversight in Aga Khan ruling, federal lawyers say

December 4 2019

RCMP owe the Aga Khan's island more than $56,000 for Trudeau vacation

December 5 2019

Mounties should have steered clear of any probe into Trudeau's Bahamas vacation: MP

October 15 2020

Supreme Court declines to hear appeal in Aga Khan lobbying case

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