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November 2016

November 1 2016

Trudeau woos investors with $35 billion infrastructure bank | Financial Post[if lte IE 7]><link rel='stylesheet' id='4966-css'

November 1 2016

Trinity Western wins victory in fight to open Christian law school, limits on accrediting called ‘unreasonable’

November 1 2016

Morneau adds more spending to deficit as Canadian economy ‘not growing fast enough’

November 1 2016

Deeper deficits, no sign of balanced budgets in economic forecast

November 1 2016

SHOCKING: FOI docs reveal NDP in disarray over water bomber contracts prior to Fort Mac wildfire

November 1 2016

Toronto Police’s Muslim Chaplain says marrying 9-year-old girl is permissible in Islam

November 1 2016

WestJet CEO: Carbon taxes will cost us between $60 and $70 million in 2017

November 1 2016

Kent Hehr’s lackadaisical approach hurts veterans

November 2 2016

Ashley Csanady: Liberal hypocrisy reveals a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian so long as they’re in Cabinet\

November 2 2016

Harper right about Trudeau’s deficits

Wikileaks: Trudeau's Liberals annoyed Hillary Clinton team over fundraising at event

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Shows Hillary Clinton May Have Helped Trudeau Win The Canadian Election

November 3 2016

Canadian military sends surveillance aircraft to Arctic to investigate mysterious pinging sounds

November 3 2016

Ex-prisoner now living in Canada talks about Iran's new list of targets for assassination abroad

November 3 2016

French language descriptors coming to stores near you

November 3 2016

Joe Oliver: Our post-national prime minister

November 3 2016

Justin Trudeau defends Maryam Monsef over nationality flap

November 4 2016

$1.6B Squamish LNG project receives green light

November 4 2016

Canadian Parliament passed motion condemning Islamophobia

November 4 2016

Trudeau’s defence of Monsef gets the facts wrong

November 4 2016

Alberta NDP “forgot” to re-tender water bomber contracts until day before Fort Mac fire

November 4 2016

Carbon Tax Explained: How much Trudeau’s scheme will cost, and why it won’t work

November 4 2016

Former Alberta friend of accused in Abbotsford, BC stabbing says he was ‘typical high school kid’

November 4 2016

Free Islamic books in Toronto: Jews are “enemies of Islam”, “liars”

November 4 2016

Toronto Imam explains Quran verse that interpreted as legalizing wife beating

November 4 2016

Kevin Libin: The Liberal government gives hugs to middle class Canadians so it can reach for their wallets

November 4 2016

Liberal MPs defend invitation list for Stéphane Dion round table on Iran

November 4 2016

The Beast is alive: How the fire that tried to destroy Fort McMurray is still burning near the Saskatchewan


November 4 2016

Toronto police chaplain under fire for women's 'obedience' comments to stay with force for now

November 4 2016

Toronto police chaplain under fire for women's 'obedience' comments to stay with force for now

November 4 2016 (Tony Lam's Comments: hahahahaha, sadly jokes on us.)

Trudeau presents achievements after a year in power

The Clinton connection How Bill and Hillary raised and earned millions from Canada's corporate elite

November 5 2016

'Every radical social change in Canada in the past 30 years has been decided by nine unelected, unaccountable judges”

November 5 2016

This is why the Monsef case is significant, prime minister

November 5 2016

Contempt for Alberta? In the House, a Bloc Quebecois MP dismisses the plight of laid-off resource workers

November 5 2016

Journalism is “racist”? I’ve been “called every name in the book for asking tough questions” about Monsef’s background

November 5 2016

Hundreds attend rally against carbon tax in Calgary\

November 5 2016

The Rebel, Pegida call on to fire Toronto chaplain over “misogynistic” comments

November 5 2016

One year in, Trudeau liberals a disappointment - even to liberals!

November 6 2016

A Liberal candidate in the Yukon had homeless people sign over their voting rights to others. Is that legal?

November 6 2016

CBC: Controversial Muslim chaplain “to stay with force for now”

November 6 2016

Skepticism about peace bonds after arrest of alleged ISIL supporter for second time in two weeks

November 6 2016

Trudeau gambles on our indifference to deficits: Watt

Liberal Minister Maryam Monsef Being Investigated For Citizenship Fraud

Trudeau again faces accusations of tax hypocrisy following Paradise Papers revelations

Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials

November 7 2016

Accused in Abbotsford school stabbing stays still, mute during court appearance

November 7 2016

Book condoning sexslaves, stoning handed out at Ontario Islamic Heritage Month event

November 7 2016

SHOCK! UN bans all journalists from nanny state conference: Trudeau’s delegation votes for the blacklist

Canada’s oceans get $1.5 billion over five years for marine protection plan

November 8 2016

More than 10,000 document security incidents in Trudeau government's 1st year

November 8 2016

Court’s citizenship ruling has implications for Monsef

November 8 2016

Jason Kenney: “The Liberal hidden agenda” is to keep oil in the ground

November 8 2016

Justin Trudeau to retrace father’s steps on Cuba visit, may meet with Fidel Castro

November 8 2016

Kady O’Malley: What we’ve learned so far about Team Trudeau’s bills for travel, alcohol and ministerial


November 8 2016

Muslim community slams Peel District School Board over 'stigmatizing' Friday prayer restrictions

November 8 2016

Questions raised also over Toronto Police Muslim Chaplain’s background

November 8 2016

WATCH: Bloc Quebecois MP laughs at hardship of unemployed energy workers

Liberals returned expenses as small as $3 amid controversy

November 9 2016

Harper gets what Trudeau doesn't in wake of Trump win

November 9 2016

HILARIOUS: Kathleen Wynne is worried President TRUMP will hurt Ontario's economy

November 9 2016

John Ivison: Inexplicable Trump victory caught Trudeau Liberals off guard, but Canadians must accept it

November 10 2016

Hey lefties, quit scaring your kids! Here’s how to explain Trump’s victory

November 10 2016

'Complete insanity' to pursue carbon tax now that Trump will be president, says Ambrose

November 10 2016

Minister Dion announces contributions to strengthen Canada's partnership with Kenya with 19.1 million in funding.

November 10 2016 (Tony Lam's Comments: Wow he kept a promise)

Prime Minister re-opens Veterans Affairs Canada office in Sydney, Nova Scotia

November 10 2016

CBC's most biased moment yet? US election commentator literally compared Trump to Hitler

November 11 2016

Canada has overhauled its immigration process for international students

November 11 2016

Canadian province to give every citizen $1,320 income boost to overcome poverty

November 11 2016

Free book in Toronto: Goal of jihad to make Allah’s word the highest

November 11 2016

Six of the jihadis involved in Paris jihad massacres entered Europe as “refugees”

November 11 2016

Trudeau says soldiers died in defence of democracy, diversity

November 11 2016

Tuberculosis case confirmed at Moncton middle school

November 12 2016

Book condoning sex-slaves, stoning handed out at Ontario Islamic Heritage Month event

November 12 2016

Syrian refugees in Canada: “Increased Child Tax Benefits encourages childbearing”

November 12 2016

Toronto Police’s Muslim Chaplain opposes sexed curriculum, “social suicide”

November 13 2016

Human rights commissioner weighs in on ze and hir

November 14 2016

Justin Trudeau pitches Canada to powerful investors

November 14 2016

Ottawa to ease path to permanent residency for skilled workers, students

November 15 2016

225 Canadian “piggies at the trough” at UN climate conference: Look who went to Morocco on your dime

November 15 2016

Book condoning stoning, wife beating handed out at York University

November 15 2016

Changes to Express Entry to attract highly skilled immigrants

November 15 2016

Developer behind ‘Muslim housing project’ in Montreal says anyone with shared values welcome

November 15 2016

Honouring Rona Ambrose, the House’s tireless worker

November 15 2016

John Robson: When 225 Canadians jet to Morocco to ‘fight climate change’, they emit clouds of hypocrisy

November 15 2016

Liberals to revamp 'discriminatory' age law for anal intercourse

November 15 2016


An Alberta Judge Hid the Identity of A Child Lurer Because He Was Worried About Creep Catchers

November 16 2016

Liberals restore funding to controversial Palestinian aid agency

November 16 2016

Liberals restore $25 million in funding to controversial Palestinian aid agency

November 16 2016

Canadian special forces involved in many armed clashes with ISIL fighters in recent weeks, commander says

November 16 2016

John Ivison: Liberals borrowing to keep the lights on

November 16 2016

Justin Trudeau mocked for telling Donald Trump Canada willing to renegotiate NAFTA

November 16 2016

Trudeau unwise to signal intention to re-write NAFTA, Trump insider Rick Santorum says

November 16 2016

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau takes push for gender equality to Cuba

November 16 2016

Trudeau Liberals ‘trampling’ on women’s rights with new CPP regime: opposition

November 17 2016

Trudeau Liberals give $25M to UN agency with links to banned terrorist group Hamas

November 17 2016

''He has a deep sense of humanity': Syrian refugee family names newborn son Justin after PM Trudeau

November 17 2016

Another swastika spray-painted on an Ottawa Jewish place of worship — the third time in less than week

November 17 2016

Canadian military hospital will provide medical support to Islamic State jihadists

November 17 2016

Elizabeth May interrupts Michelle Rempel for using ‘unparliamentary’ language: ‘The word was f-a-r-t

November 17 2016

Oshawa mayor says $3,600 worth of power used should not result in $151,000 streetlight bill

November 17 2016

Here's why Liberal MPs don't oppose “sharia values” housing complex in Montreal

November 18 2016

APEC summit: Trudeau seeks to save trade deals in Peru

November 18 2016

Canada announces $54M for disaster relief and long-term aid in Haiti

November 18 2016

New immigration rules make it easier for Americans to work and stay in Canada

November 18 2016

Rex Murphy: Curb your climate change enthusiasm

November 18 2016

Rick Santorum jeers PM Trudeau's NAFTA move

November 18 2016

Trudeau “denounces recent acts of anti- Semitism”

November 18 2016

Trudeau gives your cash to Hamas-influenced group

November 18 2016

Trudeau Praised And Criticized For Splitting With Harper On Mideast

November 18 2016

Trudeau says not all male ministers were chosen based on merit

November 18 2016

UPDATE: What kind of virulent anti-semitism are Liberals funding with Canadian tax dollars

November 18 2016

War of pamphlets in Toronto over immigration, Canadian values

November 19 2016

Jewish groups decry Trudeau’s decision to fund Hamas-linked UN agency

November 19 2016

NDP, Liberals make groundless allegations about violent Islamophobic attacks

November 19 2016

Trudeau says climate change hits disproportionately the most vulnerable people

November 20 2016

Libya: Monkey pulls off Muslim girl's hijab; monkey and 21 people killed, 50 injured in ensuing fighting

November 20 2016

Trudeau urges action to fight early marriages, child soldiers and child labour

November 21 2016

'Climate Barbie” Catherine McKenna goes on luxury car buying spree

November 21 2016

Open letter to MPs, Senators: “I have a reasonable fear of radical Islam”

November 21 2016

Generation Trudeau: Send troops on peacekeeping missions anywhere! (Even fictional countries)

November 21 2016

Notley NDP throw $500K at non-existent “problem” of women’s equality

November 21 2016

Open letter to MPs, Senators: “I have a reasonable fear of radical Islam”

November 21 2016

Trudeau government deserves credit for getting rid of coal: Editorial

November 21 2016

Trudeau Liberals move to outlaw coal, put “green religion” ahead of jobs

November 22 2016

Barbara Kay: A Marxist revolution by alt-left millennials?

November 22 2016

Canadian police force holds seminar against “Islamophobia”

November 22 2016

Trudeau attended cash-for-access fundraiser with Chinese billionaires

‘It Doesn’t Pass the Smell Test’: Trudeau ‘Cash-for-Access’ Fundraiser Dominates Question Period

November 22 2016

Trudeau defends fundraiser with Chinese businessmen who later donated $200,000 to father's foundation

November 22 2016

Trudeau carbon tax takes from the poor, gives to the rich

November 23 2016

“Climate Barbie” McKenna would abolish anti-rape security lighting — but spent $40K on well-lit selfies

November 23 2016

Alberta MLA Sandra Jansen latest in long string of female politicians to face abuse

November 23 2016

Andrew Saxton: Trudeau’s carbon tax is all about ideology, not the climate or Canadian interests

November 23 2016

Food bank for Syrian refugees can't keep up with demand for Middle Eastern food

November 23 2016

Irony Alert! Finance Minister spent $160K on 3 day photo shoot to promote (deficit) Budget 2016

November 23 2016

Jonathan Kay admits the media helped Trudeau defeat Harper

November 23 2016

Rona Ambrose: PM's Response To Judge's Decision Makes It Harder For Sexual Assault Victims

November 23 2016

Trudeau’s broken Syrian refugee promises come to a head as “Month 13” looms

November 23 2016

Why Canadian taxpayers have to pay Wall Street bankers $28 million for an Ontario wind farm that never got built

November 24 2016

Ex-MP Chuck Strahl resigns from Trudeau Foundation

November 24 2016

Free speech a thing of the past on university campuses?

November 24 2016

Liberal-linked Canada 2020 seeks insulation from cash-for-access controversy

November 24 2016

Liberals to reverse Tory voting rules, will allow citizens without ID to cast ballot

November 24 2016

Monsef introduces bill allowing vouching for voter without proper ID

Bill C-33 An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts Sponsor Maryam Monsef Liberal

November 24 2016

More than 200 officials forced to sign lifetime gag order on fighter jets

November 24 2016

Renovations to Prime Minister’s residence could cost $38-million: report

November 24 2016

Saudi Arabia is already here, in Toronto

November 24 2016

Scott Brison caught red-handed eating during Question Period

November 24 2016

Trudeau announces $12.5 million in funding for Liberia

November 24 2016

Canada announces $7.5 million in funding for Madagascar

Former MP Chuck Strahl quits Trudeau Foundation in wake of donor revelations

November 25 2016

Canada to lift visa requirement for Mexico as of December 2016

November 25 2016

Canada’s fleet of CF-18 fighter jets can fly beyond 2025, says air force commander

November 25 2016

Trudeau: “We must challenge attitudes that allow violence against women”

November 25 2016

Canadian imam asks Allah to burn all of Israel

November 25 2016

Clients of convicted immigration consultant facing deportation for lying

November 25 2016

Does Trudeau actually like Canada? Here are 3 reasons to wonder

November 25 2016

Ontario Imam: “Islam defines that puberty is the age of consent for marriage”

November 25 2016

Ottawa’s monthly deficit double last year’s on higher spending and lower revenue

November 25 2016

The truth about Trudeau’s refugee budget numbers

November 26 2016

Dumba$$ Justin Trudeau Faces Backlash after Praising Castro after His Death (VIDEO)

November 26 2016

#TrudeauEulogies fondly remembers some of history’s most brutal figures

November 26 2016

Kellie Leitch: “Trudeau embarrasses Canada”

November 26 2016

McKenna: “We’ll set more stringent standards on cars that burn fossil fuels”

November 26 2016

Trudeau in hot water over “pay for play” but Clinton parallels don’t end there

November 27 2016

Analysis: Justin Trudeau’s confusing Fidel Castro defence

November 27 2016

Dion mourns “iconic” Fidel Castro

November 27 2016

Trudeau’s not a Communist. He’s just F Stupid

November 27 2016

Trudeau’s turn from cool to laughing stock

November 27 2016

F-35s could be considered despite election promise: Liberal government

November 27 2016

Jason Kenney mocks Trudeau with eulogy for “Korean icon Kim Il- Sung”

November 27 2016

Trudeau announces additional $112.8 million for international aid projects

November 28 2016

960 Canadian military members report being sexually assaulted last year

November 28 2016

#TrudeauEulogies: Trudeau’s glowing tribute to Castro makes Canada a “global farce”

November 28 2016

HILARIOUS: Canadian Prime Minister Relentlessly Mocked For Reaction To Castro's Death

November 28 2016

Curious Just How Terrible Fidel Castro Really Was_ Here You Go! - Chicks On The Right

November 28 2016

CBC asks for $400M more in funding to go ad-free

November 28 2016

Embarrassed to be a Canadian

November 28 2016

Liberals Changed Air Force's Fighter Jet Requirement: Commander

November 28 2016

'Like cult members,” Trudeau family applauds billionaire dictator Fidel Castro

November 28 2016

Ontario Imam clarifies he didn’t pray for burning Jews, just properties

November 29 2016

Auditor General slams incompetence, indifference and neglect in federal government: ‘Deja vu all over again’

November 29 2016

Barbara Kay: When reaching out to the Muslim community, choose your ambassadors carefully

November 29 2016

Carfentanil found at scene of a deadly overdose in Vancouver

November 29 2016

France's National Front leader calls Canada's refugee plan 'madness'

November 29 2016

Liberals approve Trans Mountain and Line 3 pipeline projects, reject Northern Gateway

November 29 2016

Monsef’s own words raise new questions over her credibility

November 29 2016

Refugees with infectious diseases will not be denied entry into Canada: Health minister

November 29 2016

Opinion: “The Canadian fringe is becoming the political norm”

November 29 2016

Syrian refugees fear what lies ahead as government sponsored year runs out

November 29 2016

Trudeau cabinet approves Trans Mountain, Line 3 pipelines, rejects Northern Gateway

November 29 2016

Trudeau didn’t just approve Trans Mountain, he put his weight behind it

November 29 2016

Who did “PM Zoolander” rush to honour: Tyrant Fidel Castro or fallen Canadian hero?

November 29 2016

Women who are captured by Isis and kept as slaves endure more than just sexual violence

November 30 2016

Ambrose calls on Trudeau to cut funding to the CBC

November 30 2016

Are globalist forces converging around Trudeau Foundation as their last best hope?

November 30 2016

Fact check: Did Justin Trudeau break his word by approving pipelines?

November 30 2016

Notley says $30 was never an upper limit on carbon tax, timeline for move to $50 still unknown

November 30 2016

Students in Indonesia lashed 100 times in front of mosque for 'having sex outside of marriage'

November 30 2016

The Justin Trudeau honeymoon is over

Editorial: Justin Trudeau was booed at the Grey Cup game. He should get used to it.

November 30 2016

TRUDEAU’S VALUES ARE NOT MY VALUES When multiculturalism embraces evil.

November 30 2016

Joe Oliver: Praising Castro puts Trudeau in Donald Trump’s bad books

November 30 2016

Fort St. John mayor claims 'silent majority' in Lower Mainland support Trans Mountain

November 30 2016

Islamic book sold in Toronto explains the wisdom of STONING adulterers to death

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