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December 2016

December 1 2016

Justin Trudeau’s claim that Castro made ‘significant improvements’ to Cuban health care and education

VIDEO: Maryam Monsef vs everyone in Question Period as she attacks MPs who worked on electoral reform

Minister 'disappointed' as electoral reform committee recommends referendum on proportional representation

Monsef to send 15 million postcards to consult all households on electoral reform

Ontario passes a motion rejecting anti- Israel BDS movement

Oreo cookie maker to close Montreal factory

December 2 2016

Federal Liberals eye tax on private health and dental plans, a move that would take in about $2.9B

Influential Chinese-Canadians paying to attend private fundraisers with Trudeau

Tony Lam's Comments: I agree, legalize it.)

Leitch wants to legalize mace for self defence, and “feminist” Liberals lose it

(Tony Lam's Comments: What a load of crock)

Politicians must address economic anxiety or face backlash, Trudeau says

Rex Murphy: Sing along with Fidel, sensitive souls, and you won’t hear the Cubans’ screams

Trudeau says he was “lucky” to be born a “white straight male”

December 3 2016

Is Canada Being Led by a Fool or Terror-Supporter?

Monsef dodges CBC’s question about her original refugee documents

Trudeau says Canadians oppose “white nationalism”

December 4 2016

Maryam Monsef apology not accepted by everyone on electoral reform committee

(Tony Lam's Comments: Something Trudeau did right!)

Canada votes against six anti-Israel resolutions at the UN

Edmonton agencies nearing 1 year anniversary of helping Syrian refugees

More people should engage in politics so 'no party gets to run against Muslim Canadians,' Justin Trudeau


Prime Minister Trudeau’s affection for despots, autocrats and Islamists

Trudeau solves physics problems with Toronto teachers

Trudeau urges police to ‘enforce the law’ on marijuana

Calgary Muslims With Possible STD’s Charged For Sexual Assault On 14-Year-Old Girl

December 5 2016

Gunter: Fraser Institute survey shows Alberta is headed down with a bullet

3,000 Rebels rally in Edmonton — and Media Party goes crazy

Edmonton rally-goers get “basket of deplorables” treatment from dishonest media

Board of Trade president says pipelines — not lattés — boost economy

CBC’s “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” celebrates white genocide

Princess Cruise Lines fined $40M for dumping waste into ocean, cover-up

Hudson's Bay Company Reports Third Quarter 2016 Financial Results

John Ivison: Liberals face revolt if health tax used to pay down deficit

Media mocks people’s legitimate tax worries

Publication ban on slain Toronto doctor challenged on social media with #SayHerName

Trudeau’s Parliamentary Secretary urged offering asylum in Canada to 5 million Palestinians

December 6 2016

Alberta 'lock her up' scandal is a contrived non-story

Conservative politicians “turtled” when they should have “Trumped” at Rebel rally

Farina Siddiqui says Toronto Muslim chaplain expressed “true teachings of Islam”

Feds can’t dump care of Syrian refugees onto provinces: Senate committee

Liberals paint gloomy picture of Canada's economy

Movement pushes for more bilingual road signs in Quebec

Opposition parties urge federal watchdogs to probe Liberal fundraisers

Trudeau narrowly avoids walkout during speech to First Nations chiefs

Trudeau Skipped More Question Periods Than He Attended In First Year As PM

Trudeau worries Liberals may lose 2019 federal election

Rescue, ransom, escape or death are the only four outcomes for hostages | Toronto Star

The mayor of Fort St. John wrote this letter about pipelines to the citizens of British Columbia

December 7 2016

Be afraid: The brains behind Ontario's energy disaster are now advising PM

Biden’s visit to Ottawa could damage Canada-U.S. relations, Tory MP warns

Canada announces $4.4 million for Lebanon to buy winter clothing, mountain gear

Conservative politicians “threw 3000 Alberta voters under the bus” after Rebel rally

Despite questions about fundraisers, Trudeau insists Liberals acting ethically

Environmentalists have impoverished First Nations, pro-pipeline chief says

Justin Trudeau is just not that into you

Terence Corcoran: Trudeau’s tears on the CBC wash away credit the Harper Tories deserve for Syrian


Toronto bans Christian festival; allows to turn Dundas Square & Queens’ Park into a temporary mosque

Trudeau calls on Muslims to govern Canada as conservatives after the next election

Trudeau government spent $416K to renovate new office building

Mulcair uses humour to question Trudeau's attendance record - Politics - CBC News

December 8 2016

2016 year in review: 4 Canadian political scandals

'Make Canada great again' flyers with anti-Muslim, anti-gay imagery alarm McGill University community

Canada: Pro-jihad imam welcomed in Alberta legislature, recites Qur’an

Iran opens The City of Games for Revolutionary Children, where children pretend to attack U.S. and Israel

Maryam Monsef Should Be Fired, Tory MP Tom Lukiwski Says

Michael Den Tandt: Trudeau must end cash-for-access fundraising, or face a crippling erosion of his brand

Muslim man convicted of sexual assault flees Canada to Pakistan before he can be sentenced by using SECOND passport

School boards must oppose rising Islamist ideology

December 9 2016

Trudeau stammered when asked if he lied over electoral reform (video)

Assembly of First Nations wants Constitution to recognize them as order of government\

Trudeau announces 'pan-Canadian framework' on climate — but Sask., Manitoba hold off

Brad Wall calls on PM to release secret memo on carbon pricing

John McCallum says government still has to convince Canadians to embrace refugees

Liberal MP Iqra Khalid tables second anti- Islamophobia motion M 103

Manitoba will not sign onto national climate change plan

PM boasts of climate change deal, but without Saskatchewan, Manitoba

Questions arise after controversial land swap deal mentions Chinese government

Sask.'s Brad Wall says timing not right for carbon tax

Saskatchewan’s Wall, B.C.’s Clark get premiers gathering off to fractious start

(Tony Lam's Comments: Bullshite)

Wobbles aside, Justin Trudeau’s honeymoon continues

Syrian refugees in B.C. actively looking for work, but a third live in emotional turmoil: report

Ted Cruz and Mark Steyn Destroy ‘Man-Made Global Warming’ in Under 5 Minutes…

Trudeau’s policies will get Canada “Trumped”

Syrian refugees in Canada lose support one year on: 'How are we going to live?'

December 10 2016

“Offensive” Islamic poster moved to Queen’s TTC station in Toronto

(Tony Lam's Comments: hahahahaha)

Biden says the world needs genuine leaders such as Trudeau

Elizabeth May: Canada was 'hated' for its inaction on climate change

Trudeau must reject fraudulent carbon credits

McCallum says Canada to focus on bringing in African refugees

More homeless turning to Sask. shelters in extreme cold

December 11 2016

Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over Liberals, analysis shows

After one year, only half of Syrian adult refugees are working

Bilingual teddy bear helps Syrian refugee families integrate into Canada

Canada announces $13.6 million to fight corruption in 12 countries

Catherine McKenna expects hold-out Manitoba to sign climate deal

Liberals ignore reports of Mexican drug cartels ready to exploit visa reversal

Canadian Official Says It’s “Offensive” To Allow Women To Carry Pepper Spray

Trudeau Liberals’ national climate deal to have big price tag for Canadians

40 big box Rona stores across Canada to be converted to Lowe’s in 2017

Maryam Monsef Should Be Fired, Tory MP Tom Lukiwski Says

Billions of litres of raw sewage, untreated waste water pouring into Canadian waterways

Canadian ‘Minister of Women’ Opposes Self Defense… Because It’s Sexist?!

EXCLUSIVE: ATIP docs reveal “globalist” Trudeau government interfered in Brexit vote

Globe editorial: Syrian refugees need a little more help adapting to their new home

How will Trudeau’s plan to tax private health care plans “help” middle class?

John Ivison: Justin Trudeau admits to being lobbied at Liberal fundraisers

Justin Trudeau admits he gets lobbied at so-called cash-for-access Liberal fundraisers

Justin Trudeau has been lobbied at fundraisers, says donors haven’t influenced decisions

Many think Trudeau can be bought

Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over Liberals, analysis shows

PM admits he's lobbied at Liberal fundraisers but says no impact on decisions

Trudeau says he’s lobbied, but not influenced, at Liberal fundraisers

Murders of Canadian hostages 'a low point' in 2016: Trudeau

New low: CBC smears Wildrose MLA Fildebrandt as a Nazi

Newfoundland minister speaks out about ‘vile and sexually exploitative’ comments

Super Hornet fighter jet costs being examined by budget watchdog

Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over Liberals, analysis shows

December 13 2016

Trudeau’s climate ‘deal’: all pain, no gain

Notley NDP spend $9M to sell largest tax hike in Alberta history to taxpayers

Denouncing Islamophobia while ignoring terror

December 13 2016 (Tony Lam's Comments: WTF? Never even heard of the guy????? )

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the birthday of His Highness the Aga Khan

Ottawa, Ontario

December 13, 2016

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the 80th birthday of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan:

“Sophie and I offer our best wishes today to His Highness the Aga Khan, the spiritual leader of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims – a community that includes tens of thousands in Canada and millions around the world.

“For more than fifty years, His Highness has worked tirelessly to reduce hunger, poverty, disease, and illiteracy in developing countries. He is a beacon of acceptance and compassion, and an inspiration to both his community and the world.

“Canada has come to share a close relationship with the Aga Khan and bestowed honorary citizenship on him in 2009. I am proud to call His Highness both a mentor and friend. He has shown time and time again that no matter our faith, where we were born, what colour is our skin, or what language we speak, we are equal members of this world.

“Today, we salute the tremendous efforts that the Aga Khan has undertaken over his lifetime to help those most vulnerable, and wish him health and happiness on this special day.”

Rachel Notley's popularity just 31%: Poll

‘I’m not overly surprised’: Montreal ranks last in national health, lifestyle rankings

Canadian Imam: “The hypocrites of the West are our enemy”

Conference on refugee sponsorship is led by Canada and George Soros

Decriminalizing pot would only help organized crime: Blair

Justin Trudeau says he uses cash-for access fundraisers to champion the middle class

(Tony Lam's Comments: Yea Right. The idiot just wanted to see Star Wars and this was the way to do it.)

Justin Trudeau treats children at Ottawa hospital to advance Rogue One screening

Liberals' “social justice” environmentalism ignores “turds, tampons, toilet paper” in Canada’s waterways

Sister of Canadian victim of Islamic terrorists: “Trudeau’s words mean nothing”

Trudeau’s Trumped on carbon pricing

December 14 2016

The peasants in Canada are revolting, no question about

Quebec feminist author found not guilty of slandering Montreal Muslim school

'Extraordinary initiative': Canada's private refugee sponsorship system exported as model for the


“Delusional” Notley tells Albertans to “walk, take the bus” to cope with carbon tax


Eye on a Crazy Planet: Taiwan viciously ridicules Justin Trudeau for sucking up to China for cash

(Tony Lam's Comment: This is the most hilarious piece ever)

MUST SEE: The story of Justin Trudeau's Chinese fundraisers get the Taiwanese animation treatment

Canada to develop pathways to permanent residency for temporary foreign workers

Canadians owe $1.67 for every dollar of disposable income: Statistics Canada

Consumers won't notice carbon tax in price of consumer goods, Notley says

Desperate NDP hit Wildrose MLAs with “fake outrage” for attending Rebel rallies

I starved myself for financial transparency at Onion Lake Cree Nation

McCallum announces changes to sponsorship of parents, grandparents

Meltdown: Justin Trudeau Defends Presence at Elite Fundraisers as Approval Plummets

Privacy watchdog to investigate Liberals’ online survey

(Tony Lam's Comments: Coming to a city near you!)

UK: Muslims stage Female Genital Mutilation ‘parties’ with nurses being own in to carry out barbaric procedures

December 15 2016

Trudeaumania: Top Five Reasons Why Justin Trudeau Is an Intolerable POS

Anti-sharia Muslim personalities condemn Justin Trudeau’s participation at the Islamist conference in Toronto

Canada, Soros and UN join forces to resettle more refugees in the West

Canadian officials meet pastor sentenced to life in prison in North Korea

Chief criticizes state of aboriginal housing after father and four children killed in house fire on Ontario reserve

Ethics Commissioner to question Trudeau on cash-for-access fundraisers

Globe editorial: Justin Trudeau’s latest cash-for-access explanation is worse than the last

Fire in Chilliwack makeshift camp highlights homelessness crisis in Lower Mainland

For $20M, Canadian special forces will get fleet of combat vehicles that resemble dune buggies on steroids

How Justin Trudeau had a hand in the Obama family holiday card

Muslim chaplain of Canada’s army explains Quranic verse on wife beating

December 16 2016

What the Trudeau Government Did To Canada So Far

'Prince of pot' Marc Emery arrested during marijuana dispensary raids in Montreal

45% of Canadians can’t name Trudeau’s accomplishments after a year in office

Canada announces funding to UNESCO

Dion calls for an inclusive solution to the crisis in Syria

Justin Trudeau lives in a fact-free world on taxes

McCallum’s liberal logic: Don't ask refugees about religion -- but their sexual orientation is fair game

NCCM: “Canadian security agencies lost trust, confidence of Canadian Muslims”

Philip Cross: Do Canadian policy-makers understand how alarming it is that their ‘stimulus’ has proven an utter failure?

PM defends fundraisers, blames media and opposition for arousing criticism

Rex Murphy: Jobless oil workers would give much for a moment of their prime minister’s time

The price Trudeau pays for failing to address cash-for-access scandal

Trudeau invited Liberal donors to official dinner for Chinese Premier

Trudeau says current pot law stands until new legislation is ratified

Trudeau Says He Told Italian PM: 'Referendums Are Bad Things To Happen'

Muslim Chaplain of the Canadian army: Beat your wife, but keep it private

Trudeau, Couillard hopeful Ottawa will reach a deal with Bombardier

Liberal party’s self-interest pitted against Trudeau’s word on fundraising: Hébert

Canadian politics this week: opioids, marijuana and economics

Edmonton woman told sports bra inappropriate attire at city operated gym

Federal government to discuss allowing personal cultivation of cannabis

Nice Hair But No Brains, Where Did Trudeau Go Wrong

Notley’s carbon tax has already killed this greenhouse business

Provincial health demands ‘out of the realm’ of possibility: Bill Morneau

Trudeau spoke about being ‘knocked around’ by the media in ‘friendly-ish’ call to Trump

Minister Patty Hajdu approved $1.1-million price tag to build new office

You Won’t be Kicked Out of Toronto Police If You Believe Marrying 9-Year-Olds is Acceptable

Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over Liberals, analysis shows

December 18 2016

Double Honor Killing: Canadian Muslim STABS His Two Sisters to DEATH

Double Honor Killing: Canadian Muslim STABS His Two Sisters to DEATH By Pamela Geller - on December 18, 2016

Jordan: Jihadis Slaughter WESTERN TOURISTS at popular medieval castle built by Crusaders, UPDATE: 9 DEAD

Jordan standoff over, Canadian Linda Vatcher among 10 killed by gunmen

Jordan’s Crusader castle siege: 4 gunmen dead after killing 9 people, holding tourists hostage

Justin Trudeau and the great rock ‘n’ roll swindle

(Tony Lam's comments: WTF??)

Manitoba premier says he'll be in Costa Rica six to eight weeks a year

McCallum reiterates citizenship to be revoked in case of false representation

NEW book: “Stupid Things Trudeau Says”

Oil and gas industry picks up — but not in Alberta

Provinces take aim at Ottawa's 'ultimatum' in health care talks

December 19 2016

Trudeau Liberal priorities: Alberta unemployment crisis takes backseat to “Gender Summit”

‘The Beast’ is still burning east of Fort McMurray

Another honour killing? Time to rethink Somali immigration to Canada

Devastated employees and struggling Canadian content: Behind the scenes of Shomi’s shutdown

Justin Trudeau mis-remembers health funding platform promise

Liberals ask Canadians to “wish the Trudeau family a Happy Holidays”

McCallum says Canada’s plan to save Yazidi women cannot be released

Ontario man sentenced in absentia for sexual assault of woman after leaving Toronto club

Oxfam: Canada has welcomed 248% of its “fair share” of Syrian refugees

The Diversity Fraud

Amazon chooses Montreal for its Canadian data centre operations due to cheaper hydro costs than Ontario

Dion “shocked and saddened” over “possible terror attack” in Berlin

Joe Oliver: Trudeau’s foolish fake carbon-credit fixation is a betrayal of struggling Canadians

(Tony Lam's Comments: A snowboard instructor vs a real estate mogul. No contest)

Justin Trudeau promises to protect Canadian values, interests if Donald Trump goes too far

Kelly McParland: You could say Trudeau’s Liberals accomplished one thing this year — disappointing


Liberal Status of Women Minister has “right” to spend $1.1M on NEW office

Ottawa Muslim community shocked by stabbing death of sisters

Sophie Gregoire Trudeau's most memorable and controversial moments of 2016

Trudeau's 'cheeky' quip stirs up City of Ottawa's bilingualism debate

Assad’s torture dungeons

Trudeau misremembers promise on health funding increase

December 21 2016

Can Justin Trudeau counter anti-globalism discontent?

Conservative senator accuses Trudeau of trying to 'destroy' opposition in the Senate

Faith Goldy calls the mainstream media “Fake News”

MPs keep ripping their pants in the House of Commons — and aren’t happy about it

December 22 2016

Trudeau pays back taxpayers about $38K for personal expenses

'Peculiar fascination”: Canadian embassies clamour for photos of... Immigration Minister McCallum

Cash-for-access organizers sought payments that exceeded federal contribution limits

Chris Selley: Canada, we had dumb luck in 2016. In 2017, let’s stop being smug about terrorism

Liberal government oversold child benefit’s impact on poverty rates, documents suggest

Michael Den Tandt: If Trudeau is wise, he’ll course correct in new year before dip in support becomes a


New ruling against free speech in Canada — but we’re fighting back

Ontario’s Court of Appeal ruled against Ezra Levant

Trudeau: “I’ve been incredibly lucky all my life”

Trudeau says Canadians, not him, want to bring in Syrian refugees

100,000 workers contacted federal government about pay since July

How NDP’s green energy subsidies will bring a toxic mess to Alberta countryside

December 23 2016

Trudeau, Dion condemn Germany terror attack only on Twitter

December 24 2016

Trudeau on Christmas: “Canadians continue to welcome Syrian refugees”

(Tony Lam's Comments: Wow he said "Merry Christmas")

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on Christmas

Ottawa’s new cap on refugee applications upsets sponsors

December 25 2016

Trudeau: “Canada is stronger because of the contributions of its Muslim community”

December 26 2016

Quebec City guide to help integrate newcomers derided as insulting, infantilizing

Top 3 Notley NDP insults Albertans will remember come next election

December 27 2016

Canadians face some tax changes in the new year after a busy 2016

December 27 2016

Food bank in Surrey, B.C. addresses need for Muslim-based services

Gasoline, home heating costs rise in Ontario on Jan. 1

Goodbye and good riddance to a ghastly year

Justin Trudeau's easy ride will end in 2017: Rex Murphy

Quebec cops shoot machete-wielding man after car chase

Nine questions Parliament will have to answer before we legalize marijuana

Trudeau Finally Loses It: Says Canada Is Stronger Because Of Muslims

December 28 2016

9 ways Trudeau's Liberals are making us poorer

A Conversation with the Prime Minister

Canadian taxes: Here’s what will be more expensive in 2017

Farewell 2016 and tax credits: Canadians will ring in the new year with federal, provincial changes

Globe And Mail Columnist Demonizes Israel

Jew hatred at the UN no surprise

Majority of Canadians believe Trudeau government has “more style than substance”

(Tony Lam's Comments: hahahahahahah)

Sophie Trudeau: “Canadians are part of our extended family”

December 29 2016

Trudeau’s Liberals were told donor was China graft suspect, but kept taking his money and help

December 30 2016

1 in 5 Canadians feel less safe in public places than they did a year ago: poll

'‘Brand Trudeau’ mulled by top bureaucrats to reboot Canada’s return to peacekeeping

More than 30 murders remain unsolved in Toronto in 2016

New laws in 2017: Everything you need to know

Police increasing security for New Year’s Eve in Ottawa following terror attacks in Europe

Funeral Monday for Canadian woman killed in Jordan terror attack

Rex Murphy: If Trudeau wants UN Security Council seat, he’ll have to answer questions about Israel

December 31 2016

As Canada begins celebrating “once-in-a-lifetime” anniversary, Trudeau is in some other country on holiday

Cap and trade catastrophe

In 2017, let Trudeau’s honeymoon finally be over

Justin Trudeau pledges to bring Canadians together in New Year’s message

Omar Alghabra explains why Muslim Brotherhood are not yet declared terrorist entity

Top 5 Liberal Entitlements of 2016

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada to mark the New Year

Top Ten Trudeau Misfires of 2016

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