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May 2017

May has been a very active month. So many news stories that garner its own page.

May 2 2017

Kelly McParland: Governing means adapting. And Trudeau’s adapting his way right out of his promises | National Post

May 3 2017

Senate passes bill that repeals many Conservative citizenship changes - The Globe and Mail

Troops who lost tax benefit say government failed them

May 4 2017

Liberals suspend tax audits of political charities

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne defends $54k purchase of Canada Goose jackets

Liberals spent $53,948 on Canada Goose jackets

May 8 2017

TOTAL WASTE: Trudeau To Spend Millions On Worthless UN Bid

May 8 2017

Canada's bid for UN Security Council seat could mean costly campaign

May 8 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Wed May 10 22:00:12 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Trudeau government chooses Toronto as home of federal infrastructure bank over Calgary

May 8 2017

Trudeau Bestows $26 Billion Infrastructure Bank on Toronto - Bloomberg

Charities too political under Trudeau

May 9 2017

'We pull together': Federal government to pick up costs to deploy military to flood zones

May 9 2017

Justin Trudeau cardboard cut-outs were part of ‘championing Canadian values’ Freeland says

May 10 2017

Federal: Enforce Transparency for First Nations

May 10 2017

Trudeau’s determination to stick to a script undercuts his message - The Globe and Mail

May 11 2017

Earth's forests grew 9% in a new satellite survey

May 11 2017

Faith Goldy: Sharia Fines Come to Canada - YouTube

May 11 2017

Canada Infrastructure Bank

May 11 2017

Ambrose attacks Trudeau government over infrastructure bank

May 11 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Trudeau's reign of spending has not ended yet.)

Prime Ministers and Government Spending: A Retrospective | Fraser Institute HTML5 element support for IE6-8 [if lt IE 9]> <![endif]

May 11 2017

COMMENTARY: Cardboard Trudeau perfect symbol for government that can’t quite fall out of love with itself

May 12 2017

Listen, for the 18th time, the Liberal government is not transparent: Robyn Urback

May 13 2017

How did North Korea get nuclear weapons?

May 14 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: YES)

O Canada: Muslim Accommodation Gone Too Far?

May 14 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Tue Jun 20 21:57:55 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Forget about Trump, worry about Trudeau

May 16 2017

Aga Khan island that hosted Trudeau owned by company with offshore ties, records show - Politics - CBC News remove this after the video team refactors thePlatformPlaylist.js note: values are 'on' and 'off' New Style Sheets

May 17 2017

Canada’s air quality dramatically improved despite increased energy use | Fraser Institute

Aaron Wudrick: Millions of dollars for seedy gifts and trips isn’t worth it for Canada to get a useless UN Security Council seat

Listen, for the 18th time, the Liberal government is not transparent: Robyn Urback

May 18 2017

Don't be duped by Trudeau's carbon pricing plan

''I'm finally home': Frostbitten asylum seeker wins case to stay in Canada

Aaron Wudrick: Millions of dollars for seedy gifts and trips isn’t worth it for Canada to get a useless UN Security Council seat

May 19 2017

Venezuelas collapse and the useful idiots of the Canadian left

May 19 2017

Muslims pray in B.C. public schools, despite signs of opposition | Vancouver Sun

May 19 2017

Prime Minister Trudeau selling Canadians false bill of goods on infrastructure | Fraser Institute

May 19 2017

Rex Murphy: Notley learns a hard truth about social licence — it’s not meant to be granted, ever. That’s the point

May 19 2017

Venezuela’s collapse and the ‘useful idiots’ of the Canadian left

May 20 2017

“ILLEGAL”: Trudeau Ignores Law In Nomination Of Language Commissioner

Ontario Liberals Must Repay Secret Funds Funneled To Unions

May 22 2017

Trudeau says Canadians are 'shocked" by news of explosion in Manchester

May 23 2017

If the Slaughter Continues, Muslims will have to go

May 23 2017

2017 Has Seen a Jihad Terror Attack Attempted in Europe Every NINE DAYS

May 24 2017

Canadian groups are lashing out about Muslim prayer in schools

The Trudeau Liberals make history for the highest per person spending outside a war or recession

Globe editorial: Close the loophole for foreign money in Canadian elections

May 26 2017

Drowning victim's brother appalled that Coast Guard dive team being cut again

May 31 2016

Donald Trump’s Paris pull-out would put Justin Trudeau, Canadian businesses on alert, critics warn

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