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June 2017

June 1 2017

FEAR OF SCHEER? Trudeau Skips Question Period Again

June 2 2017

Massive privacy breach at Public Services reveals workers' salaries

June 2 2017

National Post View: The Liberals have ended up with an infrastructure bank that offers Canadians only downsides and risk

June 4 2017

Opinion: Canada replacing its population a case of wilful ignorance, greed, excess political correctness

June 5 2017

Trudeau downplays 'sexy' claims, imagines 'female PM' in 'Kelly and Ryan' interview

Ontario Liberal insiders paid millions in publicly funded deals

Trouble in Paradise: Inside Canadian banks’ billion-dollar Caribbean struggle

June 7 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Wed Jun 07 19:42:18 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Trudeau’s casual response to terrorism

Cheryl Gallant Was The Only MP To Vote Against Paris Agreement Motion

June 8 2017

Facebook Suspends Priest for Sharing Politically Incorrect Thoughts About Islam

June 9 2017

Bibeau to fight for more money in new 'feminist' foreign aid policy

June 9 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Not Canadian, but insightful)

Rex Murphy: American politics is an embarrassing mess thanks to a reality TV huckster, poor loser and scandal-hungry press

June 9 2017

Liberals move $150M to women’s foreign aid policy, but make no new spending commitments

June 9 2017

Trudeau’s new ‘feminist’ plan commits 95% of foreign aid to gender, women and girls by 2022

Canada: Muslim migrant beats wife with hockey stick for half an hour, says he didn’t know it was against the law

June 10 2017

WATCH: 5 Minutes Of Trudeau Getting Owned In Question Period

June 10 2017

ELITES: Trudeau Gives $36.2 Million In Taxpayer Money To Formula 1 Race

June 11 2018

'It is a battle for hearts and minds': Trudeau's $35 million gamble to counter radicalization

June 12 2017

The Trudeau government has committed Canada to spending $2.65 billion on the UN Green Climate Fund.

WATCH: Trudeau Government Deleted 398 Documents After Access Request

June 13 2017

EMAIL SCANDAL: Employee Who Deleted 398 Emails Is Liberal Riding Association President

PROOF: In rush to keep Trudeau promises, “refugees” weren't screened

Second frostbitten asylum seeker granted refugee status in Winnipeg

June 14 2017

GOVERNMENT ELITES: Trudeau PMO Staff Living Large On Your Dime

Wynn’s Law defeated in the House of Commons

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Mon Jul 10 10:21:52 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Syrian refugee process bungled by Trudeau | MALCOLM

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Mon Jul 10 10:21:52 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons

As reported exclusively in the Sun, an internal government memo suggests the Trudeau government did not conduct proper background checks and security screening on some Syrian refugees coming into Canada.EndFragment

INSANE: Infrastructure Bank EXEMPT From Access-To-Information Laws

June 15 2017

Man charged with sex assaults at West Edmonton Mall waterpark to go to trial in 2018

HIDING: Trudeau PMO Refuses To Reveal Highest Paid Staff

Robyn Urback: After campaigning off the backs of veterans, the Trudeau government turns its back to them

June 16 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: The lefts mantra. If they disagree with you they will do everything to shut you down from threats to boycotts, etc. TRUTH HURTS)

Outspoken Muslim T.O. Sun writer threatened again

June 16 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Should not have gotten rid of the First Nations Financial Transparency Act. Thanks Trudeau)

Sask. court orders Onion Lake Cree Nation to disclose finances

June 16 2017

Canadians Could Face Hate Crimes Over Using The Wrong Gender Pronouns

June 16 2017

The real legacy of Trudeau’s Syrian refugee program

Gas Stations In Canada Should Label Fuel By Country Of Origin

June 18 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Not Canadian but the media and Liberals act the same way.)

Rex Murphy: Liberals need to stop using Trump as a shield for their own incompetence in losing an election

Trudeau Has No Idea When The “Budget Will Balance Itself”

June 19 2017

Trudeau government breaks campaign promise on access-to-information law - The Globe and Mail

Tories Ask Trudeau If He'll Balance Budget When Pigs Fly, Hell Freezes Over

HORRIBLE: Immigration Minister Compares Tweet To Brutal Domestic Violence

CLASSIC: Thomas Sowell takes just four minutes to DEMOLISH 100 years of liberal thought

Updated June 19 2017

Liberal riding association in Guelph fined for robo-calls in 2011 election

June 20 2017

Liberal anti-terror bill could make it harder for spies to do their job: former CSIS director

VIDEO: Compulsive Liar Trudeau Flails In Question Period

Justin Trudeau Hugs a Puppet Unicorn in a Beautiful Universe Much Like Our Own

'There will be no vote': Conservative senators successfully delay new lyrics for O Canada

June 21 2017

Terry Glavin: The Liberal government has become a pro-China propaganda machine

Justin Trudeau Hugs a Puppet Unicorn in a Beautiful Universe Much Like Our Own

June 22 2017

VIDEO, Trudeau at Muslim Welfare Centre: “To be Canadian means to be Muslim”

Trudeau Accused Of Turning Rookie Female Ministers Into 'Political Roadkill'

VIDEO, Trudeau at Muslim Welfare Centre: “To be Canadian means to be Muslim”

WATCH: Trudeau Caught Lying About Attacking Middle Class

Opinion: Canada replacing its population a case of wilful ignorance, greed, excess political correctness

June 23 2017

Universities Are Too Easy On Students Out To Silence Free Speech

Calgary's Al Quds Day: Fake News and Police Hypocrisy

The best response to terror? Fighting terrorism, of course

Video: Here’s Justin Trudeau Hugging A Unicorn Puppet. You’re Welcome

In rare display of unity, opposition hammers Trudeau on 'cold-hearted' autism funding decision

Review sparked by stabbing death of Abbotsford student makes 31 recommendations

June 24 2017

Trudeau silent on Canadian terrorist plots

June 25 2017

'You take away from Pride when you exclude': first responders throw their own party

Canadians deserve extensive reporting on refugee issue

France and Germany: Before Islam and After Islam

7 things you didn’t know about ‘O Canada,’ the country’s national anthem

June 26 2017

Most Canadians feel $500M for Canada 150 is too much

Speakers at Calgary Al Quds rally compare Jews to Nazis

Islam critic “Wild Bill” detained, arrested in Canada for “smuggling hate speech” on his iPad

'“So gross, and you paid for it” — CBC’s Peter Mansbridge says goodbye to himself

Global farce: UN’s worst despots single out Israel again

Liberals ease trade with Belarus, leaving N. Korea as last country on restricted list

'‘I meant to harm those people’: Toronto woman who pledged allegiance to ISIS appears in court

Liberals launch counter-radicalization centre but special adviser to be appointed later

June 27 2017

Trudeau claims his government has met fiscal targets and Conservatives partly to blame for deficit

No security risks in Chinese takeover of Canadian satellite firm, Trudeau says

M&A activity hits decade-high as international oil companies dump their oilsands assets

Statement by the Prime Minister on Canadian Multiculturalism Day

Prime Minister announces new Ambassador for Climate Change

Indigenous communities have to lead before Ottawa hands over funding, says Justin Trudeau

Canadian sniper's shot 'entirely consistent' with non-combat role, Trudeau says

WHAT? Trudeau Blames Opposition For Budget Deficit

Trudeau blames Conservative senators for acrimony in Senate

Alleged terror-attacker should be kicked out of Canada

Why Does Canada Need A Climate Change Ambassador?

Celebrity Trudeau Attending ‘Global Citizen’ Festival In Germany

Trudeau touts open Canadian immigration system in face of Trump travel ban

PM Trudeau blames opposition for electoral reform failure, budget deficit

Transgender Rights Bill Is A Point Of Pride For Canada

VIDEO, Trudeau at Muslim Welfare Centre: “To be Canadian means to be Muslim”

June 28 2017

'Don't expect much'; Peter Mansbridge's sign-off from 'The National' will be low-key

Top 10: Swedish police beg for help; No White House Ramadan dinner

Prime Minister to travel to Ireland and the United Kingdom before attending the G20 Summit in Germany

Trudeau appoints fake “climate change” ambassador to troll Trump

June 29 2017

WASTE: Trudeau Arrogantly Dismissed Report That Cost Taxpayers $600K

Official feminists “turn their backs on women”

Canada’s anti-radicalization centre won’t actually be deradicalizing anyone

June 30 2017

Federal health-care deal ‘dangerous, reckless and risky’: Brian Pallister

TERRIBLE: Majority Of Canada 150 Merchandise Made In China

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