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July 2017

July 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: This memo got the person who wrote it fired from google. If you read it it is nothing one would think to fire the person.)

Google Diversity Memo

How bias clouds our thinking about diversity and inclusion

July 1 2017

It’s almost as if the Liberals are ashamed of Canada’s past

How the media killed free speech

July 2 2017

Whoops! Google left out a flag in its Canada 150 Doodle

‘We already know you hate Alberta’: How Justin Trudeau managed to insult an entire province

July 3 2017


A charity must be a charity

Pan Miaofei: Messenger of China-Canada Friendship

July 4 2017

Was anyone watching alleged terrorist Rehab Dughmosh?

July 4 2017

Five stories in the news for today, July 4

July 4 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: They don't know him like we do!)

Justin Trudeau wakes up to a gushing press in Ireland

July 4 2017

Irish leader shows off socks with maple leaves, Mounties to Justin Trudeau

July 4 2017

Trudeau, Irish Taoiseach tout CETA ahead of G20 summit

July 4 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: What a carbon scam!)

What about photosynthesis? Ontario greenhouses are getting charged for carbon their plants consume

July 5 2017

July 5 2017

Ottawa expanding business innovation fund to cover all sectors

July 5 2017

Man on bike sexually assaulted teen girl in Leamington, say police

July 5 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Not Federal Liberal, but you don't want any NDP provincially or Federally)

Horgan defends continued NDP acceptance of corporate and union donations

July 5 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Because the doofus is giving billions away to every tom, dick, and harry on the planet, if the world knew his record, they would run!)

John Ivison: Trudeau’s charm has created a niche for him on world stage

July 5 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: This shows liberal thinking in action)

Mark Zuckerberg puts Americans last, gives scholarships to illegal immigrants

John Ivison: Support for Liberals' national carbon tax plan cools

July 6 2017

More violent criminals entering Canada from Mexico after Liberal decision to lift visa requirements

July 6 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: As far as I'm concerned. You cross illegally YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!)

Canada’s ‘Safe Third Country’ status faces legal challenge in Federal Court

July 6 2017

Kelly McParland: The world's leaders gather to make more empty promises about climate change

July 6 2017

Stop the witch hunt against the five servicemen in Halifax!

July 6 2017

New decade of darkness for Canada’s military: Halifax 5 betrayed, Omar Khadr rewarded

July 6 2017

Philip Cross: How Canada's weak-dollar strategy flopped—and then backfired

July 6 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: If they accept this tax. IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY)

Nelson: We're being roped like dopes into accepting sales tax

Report recommends Canada revive wealthy immigrant program linked to soaring home prices

Sexual violence against the Yezidis is part of IS’s genocide campaign

July 7 2017

Female Circumcision in Islam

July 7 2017

The Trudeau government redacted the details of its own transparency plan

July 7 2017

The Liberals are spending far more than they said they would

July 7 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: If he does get elected we are even more screwed)

Thoughtful or just slow: Justin Trudeau is taking the long view

Former PM Stephen Harper blasts Liberals for ‘secret deal’ with Omar Khad

As cheerleaders for self-confessed terrorist, Media Party is complicit in Khadr pay-off

COMMENTARY: Omar Khadr should be charged with treason, not given $10.5 million

Douglas Todd: Buying fake jobs to immigrate

Justin Trudeau Has Lost The Moral Authority To Govern Canada

Injured U.S. soldier says Canada owed Khadr 'nothing'

The Liberals are spending far more than they said they would

Liberals formally apologize to Omar Khadr, acknowledge it has divided Canadians

July 8 2017

(Tony Lam's Comments: I wouldn't say denigrate. Trudeau was waiting his turn to try to talk to Trump. Kinda like the little kid trying to talk to their parents. Just wait a minute kiddo. You can see it at time index 00:03:00)

Trump publicly denigrates Canadian Prime Minister at G20

July 8 2017

Oil Investment Fleeing Canada For U.S. Shale - Spencer Fernando

July 8 2017

Canada pledges $20M for women's entrepreneurship program - Politics - CBC News remove this after the video team refactors thePlatformPlaylist.js note: values are 'on' and 'off' New Style Sheets

July 8 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Tue Jul 25 17:53:16 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons The best climate action plan is political competence | EDITORIAL | Editorial

July 8 2017

Canada, EU to provisionally apply CETA in September - Politics - CBC News

Trudeau should be charged with treason: Morris

July 9 2017

Syrian refugees struggling in Canada while Trudeau postures on world stage

July 9 2017

After years of missteps, Canadian military officials hope procurement now on track - Politics - CBC News


July 10 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Tue Jul 25 20:54:56 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Trudeau says we’re disorganized — by blood | EDITORIAL


July 11 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Happening here in Canada also!)

Belgian ban on Muslim full-face veil is legal, European Court of Human Rights rules

July 11 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Just as bad as Alberta's was)

B.C. wildfires map 2017: Current location of wildfires around the province |

July 11 2017

Trudeau earns “Fool on the Hill” moniker in week of hapless fumbles - The Rebel

JULY 11 2017

First the article from March 8 2017.

Justin Trudeau marks International Women's Day with $650M for reproductive rights - Politics - CBC News

Canada champions sexual and reproductive health and rights at Family Planning Summit in London

Canada’s leadership on sexual and reproductive health and rights -

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Fri Jul 14 08:26:38 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Canada shouldn’t donate to the Clinton Foundation | EDITORIAL | Editorial

(Part of the 650M. 20 Million went to the Clinton Foundation)

Trudeau Gave $20 MILLION In Taxpayer Money To The Clinton Foundation - Spencer Fernando

July 11 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: More garbage from Macleans. That really is a lefty rag)

Down On The Border

July 11 2017 (This is in french you will need to google translate it)

10 000 $ par an pour une promesse d'accès exceptionnel au gouvernement Trudeau |

$10000 per year for an exceptional commitment to the Trudeau government.


How much is the access to the chief of staff of a minister? Radio-Canada has learned that a grouping of major innovation companies promises its members a monthly meeting with Minister Catherine McKenna's chief of staff for an annual contribution fee of $10 000.

July 12 2017

Canada shouldn’t donate to the Clinton Foundation

Bank of Canada hikes rate for first time in 7 years: Read the official statement | Financial Post

Canada shouldn’t donate to the Clinton Foundation

July 13 2017

Trudeau won’t recuse himself from hiring of new lobbying watchdog despite ongoing investigations | National Post

July 13 2017

First Nations tax exemptions aren’t helping Aboriginals, yet they cost over $1 billion | Financial Post

July 13 2017

INSANITY: Meeting "Climate Goals" Would Destroy Our Standard Of Living - Spencer Fernando

July 13 2017

Alleged Toronto hostage taker Michael Storms discussed ‘bullets’ with Pakistani terrorist group member: CBSA |

Justin Trudeau Gives Clinton Foundation $20 Million of our Tax Dollars

July 14 2017

The Rebel in Iraq: "Feminist" Aid Forgets Women - The Rebel

Canada’s health-care system is third-last in new ranking of developed countries

July 15 2017

Why these Canadians would take Trump over Trudeau

July 16 2017

Trudeau booed at Calgary Stampede, Media Party says attendees adored him - Mr John Douglas This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v5.0.2 - / Yoast SEO plugin. ngfb meta tags begin generator:1 og:image:1 og:image:1 og:image:1 article:tag:1 article:tag:2

July 16 2017

Extended EI benefits surpass budget expectations as program ends

July 17 2017

Kelly McParland: The Liberals over-promise and under-deliver on the Indigenous file | National Post

July 17 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: YVR Airport uses private security. And they aren't even armed. If something happens they have to call the RCMP)

Why Canadian airport security is exactly as useless and arbitrary as you think | National Post

July 17 2017

Graeme Gordon: Liberals let terrorists keep their citizenship, yet revoke citizenship for lesser offences | National Post

Canada shouldn’t donate to the Clinton Foundation

July 18 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Ya sure he'll feel the pinch wink wink)

Morneau expects to be hit personally by closing tax loopholes

July 18 2017

GREEN SHIFT? Turbine Plant Closure Costs Hundreds Of Jobs In Tillsonburg, Ontario - Spencer Fernando

July 18 2017

Saudi woman wearing miniskirt in video arrested following public outcry - World - CBC News

This was my response. Sophie Trudeau is just as ditzy as her husband. Sophie can go to Saudi Arabia and preach. See how well that goes.

July 19 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Wed Jul 19 17:28:23 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Trudeau pot deadline 'super-duper' but Premiers demand an actual plan | Canada

July 19 2017

Jack Mintz: Morneau’s tax changes won’t just hurt the ‘rich,’ but they will hurt growth | Financial Post

July 19 2017

[if IE]><![endif]Ottawa to Finance Iran's Bombardier Order | Financial Tribune

July 19 2017

Trudeau Government Giving Bombardier $100 Million For Deal In IRAN - Spencer Fernando

July 20 2017

Supreme Court building to get $1B rehab in 2023, well after systems risk failure - Politics - CBC News

July 20 2017

Trudeau caught breaking rules and lying about it!

July 20 2017

DANGEROUS: Justin Trudeau Is Putting Canada's NAFTA Negotiations At Risk - Spencer Fernando

July 20 2017

An Ontario court has just affirmed that cultural norms that excuse violence have no place here: Editorial | Toronto Star

July 20 2017

BROKEN PROMISE: Trudeau Government Ignores Canada Post Decision Deadline - Spencer Fernando

July 20 2017

National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg gets $5M to expand Ebola containment lab - Manitoba - CBC News

July 20 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: The SCC ruled on this. Canada must now provide charter rights to any Canadian anywhere)

Ottawa may have no choice but to repatriate, prosecute captured Canadian ISIL members: experts | National Post

July 20 2017

Break-in suspect shot, man in home charged

July 21 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Wear a conservative shirt. Pure evil. Take money for cash for access. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.)

Elections watchdog says Tory golf shirt at child benefit event broke rules

July 21 2017

Ottawa boosts funding for future Olympic athletes | Toronto Star

July 21 2017

COMMENTARY: Canada’s former prime ministers fade into obscurity after leaving office, and that’s a good thing - National |

July 21 2017

Everything you need to know about income sprinkling and how it will affect you | National Post

July 21 2017

Rex Murphy: One man and his staircase is a threat no city bureaucrat could abide | National Post

July 21 2017

Justin Trudeau urges opposition to leave ‘domestic squabbles’ at home |

July 22 2017

Trudeau 'not working hard enough' on NAFTA file, says Scheer - Politics - CBC News

July 23 2017

BETRAYAL: Trudeau Removing Warning Against FGM & Honour Killings From Citizenship Guide - Spencer Fernando

July 23 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Tue Jul 25 14:31:34 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Citizenship study guide getting revamp as taxes, census, treaties described as taxes, census, treaties described as obligations

July 24 2017

The Liberals’ plans for Indigenous reconciliation are just beads and trinkets

Calling out Canadian Islamic leaders

REPORT: More Forced Marriages In Canada Than Many Think

I was raped everyday': Yazidi girl speaks of horrors of being held as Isis sex slave

July 25 2017

Trudeau Government Giving Bombardier $100 Million For Deal In IRAN

July 26 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: hahaha What another joke)

July 27 2017

Trudeau Pose For Delta Air Lines' Magazine Sends Twitter Into Overdrive

July 28 2017


Justin Trudeau wants the West to worship at his feet | Coffee House

VIDEO: Extremists Scream During Anti-Jewish Protest In Mississauga

The world needs to stop mindlessly fawning over Justin Trudeau

July 29 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Thu Aug 10 20:43:11 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Al Gore's hypocrisy 'breathtaking' | GOLDSTEIN

July 29 2017

No room for THIS family in Trudeau’s “welfare welcome wagon” immigration system - The Rebel

July 31 2017

What does it cost to help a homeless mentally ill Canadian? - Montreal - CBC News

July 31 2017

Calgary’s Syrian refugees: The progress, challenges and the road ahead | Calgary Herald

July 31 2017

Trudeau urges Canadians to give to B.C. wildfires fund, but feds aren't matching donations - Politics - CBC News

July 31 2017

CHARTBEAT First script This page was generated on Thu Aug 10 21:20:33 EDT 2017 We keep only the first 80 characters for SEO reasons Pseudo Tories are Tories’ biggest problem | GOLDSTEIN

July 31 2017

Ottawa urged to suspend arms exports to Saudi Arabia amid probe

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