News Site Tabulation
Someone asked where I get most of my news stories from.
I did a quick tabulation of the last three pages up to 3 months of page 4.
18% Rebel Media
13% CBC
13% Other
12% National Post
09% Toronto Sun
06% Macleans
06% Global
06% CIJ News
05% Globe And Mail
04% Huffpo Canada
04% CTV
03% Toronto Star
01% Jihad Watch
Is this an indication of who tells the truth in Canada. Maybe. I would need to tally every news article source from every page to make a 100% accurate count. And I don't have time for that. Unless someone with more time on their hands would like to do it.
Take this with a grain of salt.
I do find Rebel, National Post and the Toronto Sun to be the most reliable. The fake news would be CTV, Huffpo, and Macleans. This is my opinion only.