September 2017
September 1 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: This should be Canada Wide)
B.C. government ditches tuition fees for former kids in care
September 1 2017
Saskatchewan: Trudeau fundraises on carbon tax while support for it plunges
September 1 2017
Why Omar Khadr supporters should OPPOSE his bail requests
September 1 2017
Federal government expanding would-be asylum seekers outreach beyond Haitian community
September 1 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: WTF? Is this done for our homeless or veterans? Nope.)
Feds Mull Moving Asylum Seekers From Tents To Winterized Trailers
September 1 2017
Trudeau Calls Himself A Feminist While Refusing To Say Whether Kang Was Forced Out
September 1 2017
Rex Murphy: 'Antifa' are despicable fascists — call them that, openly, now
September 1 2017
Justin Trudeau ‘will make no apologies’ for proposed tax changes that anger small business owners
Second accuser speaks about harassment by Calgary MP
Trudeau says he respects Darshan Kang’s decision to resign, but won’t say if he asked him to | Toronto StarEndFragment
Kidnapped in the Philippines, Kjartan Sekkingstad escaped execution. For the first time, the former hostage tells his harrowing story
St. John's mosque gets $46K in federal funds for security against hate crimes
September 2 2017
It’s not small biz owners who are greedy – it’s the tax hungry Liberal government
September 3 2017
Trudeau Liberals employ “whataboutism” to defend Diplo-Mate’s double-salary
September 3 2017
Tax changes the top issue at Liberal caucus retreat - The Globe and Mail
September 4 2017
At caucus retreat, Liberals prepare for small business tax backlash
September 4 2017
Liberals living off the fruits of your labour
September 4 2017
Venezuelan President Maduro to address U.N. Human Rights Council
September 5 2017
After Liberals' “gated communities” gaffe, here's a look at Morneau's “inherited wealth, tax havens”
September 5 2017
REPORT: Water Crisis On Reserves Worse Under Trudeau Than Under Harper
September 5 2017
Female genital mutilation defended in article on ‘Muslims in Calgary’ website
Justin Trudeau promised to end boil water advisories for all First Nations communities in five years. The numbers have gotten worse.
Justin Trudeau's Neo-Nazi Run-in Highlights Security Risk
Septemeber 6 2017
LET THEM EAT CAKE: Liberal MP Compares Canadian Small Businesses To Marie Antoinette - Spencer Fernando
September 6 2017
BBC publishes journalists’ salaries. Why won’t the CBC?
September 6 2017
Two Ontario Liberals On Trial For Election Act Bribery
September 6 2017
Trudeau's middle-class mantra shows he doesn't get it
September 7 2017
Liberal bribery trial hears details of allegations involving ex-NDP MP Thibeault
September 7 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Only in Canada do we reward criminals and terrorists.)
Man convicted of sexually assaulting girl sues her family for brutal beating
September 7 2017
More anti-Semitic graffiti painted on Hwy. 400 overpass
September 7 2017
2 ethics trials of Liberal insiders pose test for Kathleen Wynne - Toronto - CBC News
September 7 2017
Calgary Muslim website defends female circumcision and critiques ‘Jewish media’ | National Post
September 7 2017
Rachel Marsden column: The dangerous virtue-signaling of Western leaders
Calgary Muslim website defends female circumcision and critiques 'Jewish media'
September 8 2017
Trudeau's sad legacy: Billions in energy infrastructure spending, scuttled on his watch
September 8 2017
Canadians feeling DACA sympathy should understand we deport children too
September 8 2017
Trust fund millionaire Liberals raise taxes on small business
September 8 2017
FAILURE: Trudeau Wants Canada To Buy Saudi Oil Instead Of Producing It Ourselves
September 8 2017
Canadian Economy Lost 88,100 Full-Time Jobs In August
September 8 2017
John Ivison: Trudeau's Liberals have kept all the pipeline promises they intended to keep
September 8 2017
CSIS: Sixty ISIS terrorists return to Canada from Iraq
September 8 2017
'These are challenging times,' NDP reveals first Throne Speech
September 8 2017
As Energy East pipeline stalls, Tories accuse Liberals of failing energy industry
September 8 2017
Man at centre of Liberal bribery allegations believed party jobs were on offer
Trudeau's sad legacy: Billions in energy infrastructure spending, scuttled on his watch Claudia Cattaneo: The last time there was so much heavy handed, poorly thought out federal interference was during the failed NEP in the 1980s when Trudeau’s father was in charge
September 9 2017
Green fleet targets shrouded in hypocrisy
September 9 2017
Corbella: Four-year-old boy stuck in legal limbo while thousands illegally cross the border
September 9 2017
Trudeau needs to postpone small biz tax changes after having pit Canadians against each other
September 10 2017
We should be championing small businesses, not hiking their taxes
September 10 2017
NAFTA: Liberals fish for union support in vote-rich Ontario with “right to work” fight
September 11 2017
MONEYBAGS MORNEAU: Finance Minister Used Offshore Tax Haven In The Bahamas
From September 22 2016
Offshore Leak Names Canada’s Finance Minister Bill Morneau
September 11 2017
Three interest rate hikes in a row? The Bank of Canada has plenty of precedent
September 11 2017
WATCH: Canadian Farmer Says Trudeau Tax Hike Is “Going To Really Hit My Family Farm Hard”
September 11 2017
Morneau worries about tax cheats, but his assistant keeps “misplacing” expense receipts
September 11 2017
Freeland: Military jets were ready to help Irma evacuees if needed
September 11 2017
B.C. government raising taxes for high earners and corporations to help pay for $51.9B balanced budget
September 11 2017
VIDEO: Hypocrite Trudeau (Who Removed Condemnation Of FGM From Citizen Guide) Attacks Conservatives On Gender Equality - Spencer Fernando
September 11 2017
MONEYBAGS MORNEAU: Finance Minister Used Offshore Tax Haven In The Bahamas - Spencer Fernando
September 11 2017
What happens when an ISIS member returns to Canada? The story of one Toronto-area man
September 12 2017
Despite a hot economy, federal government will continue borrowing to invest: Morneau
September 12 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Globals bias reporting. Why do you like illegals?)
Trump policies could lead to fresh ‘spike’ in asylum seekers, intelligence report warns
September 13 2017
Trudeau's Bahamas trip is back with a vengeance
September 13 2017
World Wildlife Fund Report Shows Federal Protection Isn't Saving Canada's Animals
September 13 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Trudeau is full of crap. Don't listen to him.)
Trudeau presses Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi on violence against Muslim minority
September 13 2017
UN frustrated Liberals have not decided on peacekeeping mission despite hosting upcoming summit
September 13 2017
How Canada doesn’t deal with jihadists
September 13 2017
Scheer sucked up to LeadNow, but they're back to bashing Conservatives
September 13 2017
PM's Aga Khan trip cost more than $215Gs: Report
September 13 2017
Montreal couple on trial for terror answered Daesh propaganda call, prosecutor says
September 13 2017
Settlements for BC Liberal appointees reached as high as $540K
September 13 2017
Canadian tech community unhappy with Ottawa’s changes to small business taxes
September 13 2017
Jury picked for trial of Montreal couple facing terror charges
Census: Children make up one quarter of 4.8M Canadians living in poverty
Canadian median income growth sluggish over past 10 years, Statscan figures show
Trudeau's Bahamas vacation cost over $215K — far more than initially disclosed
September 14 2017
Indigenous Affairs Is A Sinking Ship. Naming 2 Captains Won't Help
September 14 2017
(UPDATE) Tabitha Speer thanks donors: “I am sure my husband Chris has been smiling from Heaven”
September 14 2017
'Moving from megabytes to gigabytes:' Ottawa pledges $50M for Arctic internet
September 14 2017
Liberals are wrongly supporting a Muslim victimhood narrative
September 14 2017
EXCLUSIVE: Liberal MP Bibeau “treats her staff like limo drivers” — and taxpayers pick up the tab
September 14 2017
Trudeau’s broken troop promises means Canada isn’t qualified to attend its own UN meeting
REPORT: Trudeau Could Become First PM Found In Violation Of A Federal Law While In Power
NAFTA must include gender equality protection, Trudeau says
September 15 2017
Judge orders government to release documents on Senate scandal that were improperly withheld
September 15 2017
ISIS supporters gloat about London bomb attack
September 15 2017
MUST WATCH: Ben Shapiro's speech at UC Berkeley
September 15 2017
It's a busy fall at parliament: What to watch as politicians descend on Ottawa
September 15 2017
Canada provides $2.5M in urgent funding for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
September 15 2017
Jewish group disappointed Montreal imams accused of hate speech won't be charged
Top 10 Climate Change Predictions That Went Spectacularly Wrong
10 Things Justin Trudeau Has Done Horribly Wrong As Canada's Prime Minister
Trudeau pledges to push through tax fairness agenda and defends own family's use of tax rules
September 17 2017
Kathleen Wynne and the politics of corruption: Cohn
September 18 2017
Canada won't do business with Boeing while it's 'busy trying to sue us,' Trudeau says
September 19 2017
VIDEO: Moneybags Morneau Can’t Explain How Trudeau Tax Hike Will Create Any Jobs
September 19 2017
Does Latvia need the Canadian soldiers now protecting it?
Liberals will dole out $11.2B over decade for housing strategy — and plan to declare housing a right
Justin Trudeau to receive global citizenship award in NYC, address UN General assembly this week
Federal deficit comes in at $17.8-billion for 2016-17
Trudeau’s own businesses show his hypocrisy
September 20 2017
M-103 weaponizes what a ‘phobia’ is | MALCOLM | Columnists | Opinion | Toronto S
September 20 2017
Canada's prime minister ridiculed for Chewbacca socks at New York business forum
M-103 talk turns to prosecution, censorship | Toronto SunEndFragment
WATCH: Trudeau’s Tax Hike Won’t Apply To His Corporations & Family Fortune
Feds launch Supreme Court appeal in sons-of-Russian-spies case
Canada contributes $33 million to help build rehab centre for Afghan vets
Trudeau’s sinister stand against doctors
September 21 2017
OWNED: Poilievre Asks Why Moneybags Morneau’s Massive Fortune Is Sheltered From Tax Hikes
Justin Trudeau's Chewbacca Socks Are the Leader's Newest Fun Socks of Choice
CETA in effect today as Canada-EU trade pact comes into force
September 21 2017
WATCH: Dinesh D'Souza answers the question: Are some cultures better than others?
Trudeau uses UN speech to shine spotlight on troubles of Indigenous peoples in Canada
Other countries, security, refugees: Here's what Trudeau didn't talk about at the UN
BUSINESS REPORT: Bill Morneau, Justin Trudeau left untouched by proposed new tax rules
Liberals paid headhunters $77K to help with botched appointment of a new languages czar
Christie Blatchford: Unfashionable as it is to say, Trump spoke the ugly truth in his refreshing UN speech
September 22 2017
McKenna defends luxury car purchases as necessary for 'testing'
September 22 2017
Trudeau aides Butts and Telford to repay portion of moving expenses
September 22 2017
Rex Murphy: All global warming predictions are infallible... until they're not
September 22 2017
Trudeau’s UN flop was a sad display of moral relativism
Canada to slap sanctions on 40 Venezuelan leaders, including President Nicolas Maduro
Trudeau’s pot plan goes up in smoke
Trudeau’s UN flop was a sad display of moral relativism
Trudeau shows off farming skills at International Plowing Match
Government will put Ukraine on weapons export list: Trudeau
Justin Trudeau backs UN peacekeeping mission in Ukraine, but stops short of offering to join in
EMPTY SEATS: Trudeau’s Globalist Fans Skipped His U.N. Speech
Christie Blatchford: Unfashionable as it is to say, Trump spoke the ugly truth in his refreshing UN speech
COMMENTARY: Free speech can’t be a casualty of Canada’s ‘whole-of-government’ approach to Islamophobia
September 23 2017
Rex Murphy: Justin Trudeau's UN address was a meaningless speech to a worthless body
September 23 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Wow something from Macleans I can retweet)
Justin Trudeau’s UN motto: don’t make trouble, wear silly socks
Fraser Institute report compares Canada's health care system to similar ones
September 24 2017 (Tony lam's Comments: When liberals tell you gun control works. hint. it doesn't)
September 24 2017
'Climate Barbie” hysteria covers up Liberal sexual harassment claims
September 25 2017
Canada’s Auto Workers Have Been Betrayed By Free Trade With Mexico
September 25 2017 (Tony Lam's Comments: Trudeau won't fight islamists. At least someone else will)
Myanmar officials: Insurgents killed 45 Hindu villagers
September 25 2017
Justin Trudeau stays mum on Iraq referendum, citing Quebec as a lesson
September 25 2017
INSANE: United Nations Says Canada Should Pay “Reparations” For Slavery
September 25 2017
Trudeau’s Continued Weakness Risks Even Bigger Illegal Border Crossing Surge
Stop normalizing Sharia law in Canada
September 26 2017
John Ivison: Liberals’ rope-a-dope strategy might work, but tax reform affair has hurt them
COMMENTARY: Justin Trudeau, a fake Superman
Over 80% of middle-class families face higher income taxes under the Liberals: report
September 26 2017
Liberal government has spent upwards of $13.7M on sponsored Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts
Trudeau milking the middle class
September 26 2017
Middle-Class Canadians Taxed More: Report
September 26 2017
European rail manufacturers announce deal, leaving Bombardier out in cold
September 26 2017
Bombardier hit with 219% duty on sale of jets to Delta Air Lines
September 26 2017
Treatment by MPs at M-103 committee hearing nothing short of lousy
September 26 2017
Pathetic UN Committee Calls Canada Racist, Trudeau Refuses To Defend Our Country
Trudeau government spent $13.6M on sponsored social media
September 27 2017
M-103: CBC says Islamic sharia law is “nothing to fear”
September 27 2017
Audit of B.C. mosque charity alleges personal spending, ‘relationship’ with Qatar group accused of supporting terror
September 27 2017
Liberals blame Harper for their failing grade on Access to Info disclosure
September 27 2017
Canada’s access-to-information system has worsened under Trudeau government: report - The Globe and Mail
VIDEO: House Erupts In Laughter After Trudeau’s Pathetic Spin On Access To Information Fail
September 27 2017
Netflix to spend $500 million to produce Canadian content
What middle-class ‘tax cut’? Your family is probably paying more under Trudeau
September 28 2017
Liberals' access to information bill would 'severely' limit access and create new hurdles: watchdog
September 28 2017
Netflix and shill: What the Liberals’ big announcement adds up to
September 28 2017
Liberals say no to so-called 'Netflix tax'
A great deal – for Netflix: Editorial
September 29 2017
Liberals blame CRA for fumble on tax plans
INSANE: Trudeau Government Pays Khadr Millions, But Fights Indigenous Child In Court Over $6K Dental Treatment
Quebec man who tried to join ISIS sentenced to 9 years
Despite benefits boost, feds post $100-million deficit through four months
Ottawa spent $110K in legal fees fighting First Nations girl over $6K dental procedure
September 30 2019
Monsef true birth country ‘known for quite a while’