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February 2018

February 1 2018

Former University of Manitoba Students Wanted for Terrorist Activities

Some veterans want more than Ottawa can afford, Trudeau tells town hall

February 2 2018

Government policy hampers Canada’s oil industry as U.S. industry accelerates

'I DON’T SEE YOU DOING A LOT’: Disabled veteran, Indigenous woman pepper Trudeau at Edmonton town hall

EDITORIAL: Voter trust issues abound with Trudeau

Blame the 'Trudeau Effect' for why Canadian stocks are doing worse than the rest

Injured veteran that questioned Trudeau during Edmonton town hall says ‘enough is enough’

Hijab Hoax: Some Answers from Toronto Police and Lingering Questions for Toronto District School Board, Media, Politicians, and Girl’s Family

Canada announces additional support to strengthen education in developing countries

Canada Has Ended the National Wetland Conservation Fund

OPINION: Justin Trudeau's 'values test' is offensive

Toronto shelters struggle to cope with surge in refugee claimants

Liberal MP faces death threats after calling protestors ‘white supremacists’

February 2 2018

PMO staffer resigns after investigation into allegations of inappropriate behaviour

February 3 2018

COMMENTARY: The implosion of Canada’s M-103 conspiracy theories

Don Cherry says people who believe in climate change are ‘cuckaloos’

QUIGGIN: The Quebec mosque story has many layers

February 4 2018

MALCOLM: Monsef passport questions resurface following trip to Davos

Rescued Yazidi boy finally meets with Trudeau: ‘It was not the meeting we were looking for’

Ottawa lent $1 billion to a mining company that allegedly avoided nearly $700 million in Canadian taxes

February 5 2018

EDITORIAL: Trudeau's gaffes are no joke

GAFFE-TASTIC: Trudeau's top three town hall malfunctions

BONOKOSKI: Ottawa still waiting for the promised big penny to drop

Now Justin Trudeau is threatening to leave NAFTA rather than 'take any old deal'

Canadian government spent over $7 million to advertise on social media in 2016-17

Bibeau to announce funds to combat female genital mutilation in West Africa

WATCH: Trudeau Still Refuses To Pay Back Taxpayers For $200K In Costs For “Illegal Trip”

Trudeau under fire for saying some vets want more than government can afford

February 6 2018

Trudeau's stupidity on full display at townhall event

Trudeau’s tour was a disaster, if you look at his words

Ontario Liberals stand behind candidate who was reprimanded for professional misconduct in 2013

Liberal candidate reprimanded by law society

Philippines signs $233M helicopter deal with Canada to fight rebels

Why are gas prices in Metro Vancouver so high right now?

How dare you kill off mankind, Mr Trudeau, you spineless virtue-signalling excuse for a feminist

Justin Trudeau’s ‘peoplekind’ remark draws ridicule in U.S. and U.K. media

February 7 2018

Trudeau writes off peoplekind quip as 'dumb joke'

'Khalistan-II: Made in Canada': Indian magazine accuses Liberals of complicity in rise of Sikh terrorism

CORRUPTION: Trudeau Liberals Vote AGAINST Motion For MPs To Repay Illegal Expenses

Motion for PM to repay trip's security cost fails

Manitoba Tory who led charge says vote shows Trudeau 'special'

Forget ‘peoplekind.’ There’s a lot else wrong with Justin Trudeau.

Trudeau intervenes in lawsuit against military because Justice lawyers’ argument ‘does not align’ with beliefs

February 8 2018


Ottawa to scrap National Energy Board, overhaul environmental assessment process for major projects

For the sake of peoplekind, Justin Trudeau needs to shut his mouth

Suncor to shun major new projects amid Canada's 'difficult' regulatory environment

Trudeau Advisor Labels All Critics Of 'Peoplekind' Remark As Nazis. Shapiro Must Be Surprised.

'JIHADI JACK’ Wants Trudeau Government To Let Him Into Canada

EXCLUSIVE Alleged ISIS operative 'Jihadi Jack' begs Canada to let him come here

COMMENTARY: Dear Prime Minister, do your job and end the pipeline war

Federal government names winners of $950-million ‘supercluster’ funding

BONOKOSKI: Influential American eyes dimming on Trudeau liberalism

February 9 2018

MALCOLM: Forget peoplekind, Trudeau's ISIS comments are the real problem

Canada suffers biggest job loss in nine years

Canada is taking a ‘feminist approach’ to the military, defence minister says

Rex Murphy: In pipeline wars, Trudeau stands as always with Paris, never Alberta

FYI: Carbon isn't pollution

Philippines’ Duterte axes Canadian helicopter deal, admits he wanted them to ‘finish off’ rebels

Saskatchewan farmer found not guilty in death of Colten Boushie

Catholic Bishop to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: You Can’t Bully Us Into Supporting Abortion

Military to spend $170,000 so leaders can see what it's like to be stoned on marijuana

Federal election 2015: Voter turnout highest in decades

Andrew Scheer says 2019 election represents choice between ‘free or unfree’ Canada

Terence Corcoran: The ugly pipeline war is no accident. It was the plan

Canada lost 88,000 jobs in January in what was the steepest one-month drop in nine years

February 10 2018

He Fought for Iran’s Environment and Was Arrested. Now, He’s Dead.

BONOKOSKI: Evolving resume of PM Justin Trudeau

Raising the basic personal amount — not the minimum wage — is the way to help low-income workers

Trudeau Defends His Reckless Tweet That Led To A Border Crisis

February 11 2018

Piers Morgan: Canada’s Leader of the Unofficial Opposition

Trudeau to meet with Boushie family after not guilty verdict prompts wave of anger

Tories accuse PM of 'political interference' after comments on Boushie case

National Chief Perry Bellegarde calls Colten Boushie verdict ‘wrong’

February 12 2018

Canadian Veterans Camping Out In Ottawa For Better Treatment After Trudeau’s “More Than We Can Give” Comment

February 13 2018

MALCOLM: Half of prospective Boushie jurors were Aboriginal, says member of jury pool

Justin Trudeau Should Meet With Gerald Stanley’s Family

PURGE: Trudeau Government Removing All Conservative Appointees From National Energy Board

Canada will not pull Oxfam funding after scandal hits charity’s British affiliate

Trudeau says it's time to recognize anti-black racism exists in Canada

Liberals pledge additional $12 million to rebuild infrastructure in Iraq

REPORT: CIBC Warns US Tax Cuts Are Eliminating Canada’s Competitive Advantage

Government requests meals and snacks for asylum seekers at Quebec border

Surgeries postponed due to severe flu cases overwhelming Toronto ICU

February 14 2018

CONCERNING: Trudeau Government “Fix” For Canada’s Jury Selection Process Could Make Things Worse

Trudeau promises new legal framework for Indigenous people

Veterans say they are in ‘combat against our own government’

Key accusation against Patrick Brown false, CTV now admits

The real threat behind M-103 is 'mission creep'

February 15 2018

WATCH: Trudeau Asked Why Cannabis Company Founded By Former Liberal CFO Is Getting Hundreds Of Millions In Secret Cayman Islands ‘Investment’

Canada to commit $440 million for immigration increase over next 3 years

MALCOLM: The fight against carbon taxes is the policy fight of our lives

John Ivison: With 'inclusive growth' agenda, Trudeau too busy tilting at windmills to balance the books

Ottawa to present plan to amend policy that rejects immigrants on medical grounds by April, Hussen says

US Army Ditches Grenade Throwing Requirement Because Too Many Recruits Can’t Throw Far Enough

February 16 2018

Ottawa to present plan to amend policy that rejects immigrants on medical grounds by April, Hussen says

Chrystia Freeland: Canada must ‘take care of the homefront’ as Russia engages in cyber espionage

Rink boards lone legacy of $8.1M ‘Joly’s Folly’

WATCH: 11 Minutes Of Justin Trudeau Being Owned On Ethics Violations By Pierre Poilievre

Senator Harder confirms Government's Intolerance of Opposing Views

PepsiCo shuts down Alberta Spitz sunflower seed factory

Canada imposes sanctions on Myanmar general over Rohingya abuses

Lawyers issue statement on Stanley trial reaction

February 17 2018

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau embarks on 7-day visit to India

WATCH: Trudeau Greeted By Low-Ranking Official After Arriving In India

Varcoe: Canada has lost $117B due to pipeline woes, says McKenna

BONOKOSKI: Trudeau played the Boushie tragedy for political points

No, Justin Trudeau is not Fidel Castro’s son

February 18 2018

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and family lark about on 'Diana's' Taj Mahal bench after he is 'snubbed' by Indian leader Modi

Helping Haiti: Bibeau begins 3-day visit focused on improving health, empowering women

India’s message to Canadian PM Trudeau is Loud and Clear

India’s message to Canadian PM Trudeau is Loud and Clear

February 19 2018

Governments of the past have been able to provide proper veteran care. So what's changed?

Justin Trudeau 'snubbed' by Indian PM as he lands in New Delhi

All family and no work: Justin Trudeau’s lonely 48 hours in India

Canada raises 'concerns' over Israel's mass deportation plan for African migrants

February 20 2018

Justin Trudeau’s ‘unusual’ India trip raises eyebrows, panned by Canada watchdog

Pipeline shortage to cost the economy $15.6 billion this year: report

FATAH: A slaughter in Nigeria goes unreported

DECEPTION: Trudeau Caught Lying About “$1 Billion Investment” Deal, Which Is Actually Canadian Companies Spending $750 Million In India

Trump Jr. steals spotlight from Canada's Trudeau as India visits coincide

Convicted attempted murderer invited to reception with Trudeau in India

Trudeau is a global Darling, but Does Canada love him too?

Feds use taxpayer money to fly celebrity chef to India

Trudeau family criticized for overdoing it on their traditional Indian outfits

MALCOLM: Trudeau's global sensation comes crashing down in India

Surrey man convicted in 1986 B.C. terrorist shooting poses with Trudeau's wife, cabinet minister in India

Sudbury patient kept in hospital bathroom for 13 days, MPP says

B.C. can’t stop the oil, but it sure can screw with Canada’s interests

Opinion: HD Mining allowed temporary foreign workers while Canadian miners are unemployed

February 22 2018

VIDEO: Speaking In India, Trudeau Forgets How Old Canada Is

India-Canada relations at ‘rock bottom’ after Trudeau invitation error, ex-Liberal cabinet minister says

Trudeau's India trip is a total disaster — and he has only himself to blame

Christie Blatchford: Liberals have a high tolerance level for convicted Sikh terrorists

EDITORIAL: Joly and the name police are off-side

February 23 2017

The look on Trudeau's son's face is priceless. India "Vacation"

Six things that have gone wrong (so far) on Justin Trudeau's trip to India

Conrad Black: Our politics is getting silly. We can and must do better

FUREY: The world has all of a sudden revised its take on Justin Trudeau

ANALYSIS: How Justin Trudeau’s India trip went from bad to ‘Bengal Bungle’

Don Martin: If this is Trudeau putting Canada 'back' on the world stage, we should get off

Ottawa to pledge $50 million for local journalism in budget

WARMINGTON: Anti-racism meeting turns into The Jerry Springer Show

GUEST COLUMN: Fearmongering over oil tankers isn't the way to go

Federal budget an opportunity for Ottawa to change big spending ways

Former Liberal cabinet minister blasts Trudeau over attempted murderer's Delhi dinner invite

dear mr trudeau how not to turn fashion diplomacy into a fashion disaster

February 24 2018

Justin Trudeau pushes fake news, punishes the truth

GUEST COLUMN: Trudeau and India ― the loss of strategic trust

February 25 2018

Trudeau is delivering the foreign policy Canadians deserve

UH OH: Convicted Attempted Murderer Jaspal Atwal Says He And Justin Trudeau Are Friends

Canadian navy ship spills 30,000 litres of fuel in Strait of Georgia

Prairie farmers want Canada's trade dispute with India 'straightened out'

Pro-separatist Sikh Canadians praise Trudeau, slam Indian government and PM Modi

February 26 2018

Video: Brave Canadian Patriots Confront Sharia Law-pusher MP Iqra Khalid

Kelly McParland: Welcome home, Prime Minister! How was the trip? Oh. I see

WATCH: Trudeau Says Top “Complaint” Of Canadians Is “You’re Not Bringing In Enough Immigrants”

This is the kind of judge Justin Trudeau wants on the court

UPDATE: Feds explain why pricey electric car chargers are “collecting dust” (sort of)

Liberals vote against having MPs repay expenses from illegal activity

February 27 2018

Trudeau defends official who said Indian government tried to sabotage trip

Justin Trudeau backs official that said Indian government involved in Jaspal Atwal invitation

Morneau delivers a budget in deep denial about the dangerous territory we're in

FUREY: Liberals double down on threats to regulate social media

Trudeau’s Virtue-Signalling Budget Leaves Our Economy More Vulnerable In An Uncertain World

Ottawa ‘screwed up’ when it greenlit sale of B.C. retirement homes to Chinese company: UBC prof

February 28 108

Canada Needs A Massive Investigation Into Extremist Influence Over The Federal Government

Vaughn Palmer: Documents link Kinder Morgan Strategy Group to militant environmental activists

India visit and budget more related to style than substance

On the India fiasco, Trudeau is looking for blame in all the wrong places

John Robson: Trudeau and Morneau truly don't realize the mess they're making

Terry Glavin: Prime Minister Wardrobe Malfunction's awful parade of idiocy continues

Good pensions mean Toronto couple don’t have to rush decision on selling their home

Corbella: As rural crime soars, residents go to desperate measures to protect their property

Police keeping an eye on several ‘newcomer’ gangs popping up in Winnipeg

Taxpayers to shell out $605M for G7 meeting

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