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May 2018

May 1 2018

U.S. says it's studying Canada's border pact proposal as Hussen downplays talk of negotiations

GOLDSTEIN: McKenna’s carbon price report is a farce

Canada Needs A Government That Believes In Patriotism

Liberals' $7-billion 'slush fund' slammed by budget watchdog

May 2 2018

Justin Trudeau’s Two-Faced Climate Game

Trudeau Hilariously Blames U.S. For His Illegal Immigration Problem

Canadian PM: Sharia law is compatible with democracy

May 3 2018

Watch: Trudeau Spends 7 Minutes Refusing To Say What Carbon Tax Will Cost Canadians, Blames Harper Again

Trudeau family getting its meals delivered from 24 Sussex to Rideau Cottage

MALCOLM: Controversial Islamic groups receive Canada Summer Jobs Grants

Statistics Canada reports Canada’s trade deficit hit a March record of $4.1 billion

Get Ready For The Trudeau Liberals To Demonize Canadians Worried About The Border Crisis

Video: While Trudeau Makes Us Pay More To Drive To Grocery Store, He Has His Food Driven To Him At Our Expense

May 4 2018

RCMP raising concerns about Liberals' changes to criminal background checks

Liberals plan to build temporary housing for asylum seekers at Quebec border crossing

MALCOLM: Controversial Islamic groups receive Canada Summer Jobs Grants

Trudeau keeps blaming Harper on everything when he should be blaming his father

MALCOLM: Another controversial Islamic group gets Summer Jobs Grant funding

Liberals deny summer jobs grants to nearly 2,000 Christian groups — but not THESE Muslim ones

Conservatives slam “refugee camp” at Quebec-U.S. border

Clueless: As Billions In Investment Flees Canada, Morneau Denies There’s A Competitiveness Problem

May 5 2018

Corporate Welfare: Trudeau & Wynne Give $220 Million Taxpayer Dollars To Company That Made $22 Billion Profit

Trudeau is building a refugee camp on our border, here is the proof

May 6 2018

Jason Kenney declares war on ‘green left’, takes aim at David Suzuki foundation

May 7 2018

Corporate Welfare: Toyota Receives $220 Million From Wynne and Trudeau After Record Profits

Trudeau’s Election Reform Bill Is Attempt To Rig The System Against Conservatives

Cries of 'rank hypocrisy' as disclosures reveal B.C. government pension fund invests in Kinder Morgan

Canadians officials launch Nigerian outreach to stem border jumpers

REPORT: The Trudeau Government Is Speeding Up Work Permits For Illegal Border Crossers

Over 26,000 people have crossed the border illegally since last year, but only 1% have been removed

Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen to visit Nigeria to try to contain flow of asylum claimants

FAILURE: Since April 2017, Just 243 Out Of 26,250 Illegal Border Crossers Have Been Removed From Canada

May 8 2018

NDP launch investigation into MP Moore over allegations of inappropriate conduct

John Robson: What do the Liberals know about carbon tax that they won't tell us?

Study says lack of pipeline capacity costing Canada billions in lost revenue

May 9 2018

WATCH: Raitt Reminds McKenna That Driving Isn’t A “Choice” For Canadians

WARMINGTON: Cops warned to watch for violent MS-13 gang members

Former Religious Freedom Ambassador Warns About “Totalitarian Feel” Of Trudeau’s Canada Summer Jobs Restrictions

Extinguishing the Centennial Flame — a Canadian icon — is no way to meet emissions targets

MALCOLM: Illegal border crossers still getting a free ticket


Thank the Liberals. Justin Trudeau must go!


Bringing the total monies dispersed to $19,456,948,551. That I know of.


May 10 2018

Tories demand do-over on controversial surf clam licence bid

BONOKOSKI: Costs growing for feds’ open door border

Al Gore – Who Lives In Giant Mansion That Uses 34 Times More Energy Than Average Home – Attacks Oil Sands On Twitter

'I'm worried about what's going on in Canada': Magna's CEO concerned about competitiveness

Registered sex offender slipped into Canada through illegal Quebec crossing

Isis: Trump says five 'most wanted' leaders captured

The Liberals spent $233,000 to learn their budget messages aren't getting through to Canadians

May 11 2018

Conservatives grill Goodale about Canadian ISIS fighter shortly before he recants murder claim

Justin Trudeau just handed tens of millions of your tax dollars to the richest company on earth

Multiculturalism’s an outdated insult

Trudeau refuses to refund $20,000 speaking fee to New Brunswick charity

Noted Humanitarian Charged With Child Rape in Nepal, Stunning a Village

Corporate welfare and the gullible governments that pay it

May 12 2018

Trudeau worries that questions about a violent ISIS fighter are divisive

Justin Trudeau has lots of money, just not for veterans

WATCH: Bergen Rips Trudeau Government For Letting Confessed-ISIS Terrorist Come Back To Canada

DISTURBING: The Trudeau Government Has Made It Easier For Sex Offenders To Work Around Children & The Elderly

Tories attack Liberals for clearing former sex offenders to work with children, elderly

Ignorance or Negligence? Liberals Do Not Seem To Understand Own Carbon Tax

Liberal MP John McKay secretly taped criticizing Trudeau over abortion: media report

May 13 2018

Trudeau calls Quebec byelection 3 days after pledging $60M for project in riding

May 14 2018

Quebec has received 96 per cent of illegal border crossings so far in 2018

Man Who Stabbed Canadian Soldiers & Cited Radical Islamist Ideology Acquitted Of Terrorism Charges By Judge

EXCLUSIVE: Canada’s plan for managing the return of ISIS fighters revealed in documents

ABSURD: While Our Allies Revoke Citizenship From ISIS Terrorists, Trudeau Government Says They Have “Right To Return”

FUREY: Toronto ISIS returnee is laughing at us - something must be done

Muhammad Ali Jinnah Park opens in Canadian city

May 15 2018

WATCH: Trudeau Caught Lying Again About Harper’s Pipeline Record

May 16 2018

Sask. injects $175K into geothermal power project

DISGRACEFUL: Trudeau Compares Climate Change ‘Deniers’ To Supporters Of Female Genital Mutilation

We Dare You to Watch More Than Three Minutes of Justin Trudeau's Grad Speech

(Tony Lam`s Comments: Coming from the guy using identity politics. Irony)

Trudeau uses NYU graduation speech to criticize growth in identity politics

Jason Kenney called Justin Trudeau an 'empty trust-fund millionaire’ and he's not taking it back

Bell: Trudeau in Calgary takes on critics, Kenney rips him

Why Canada will go ahead with the LAV deal

May 17 2018


The do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do Prime Minister stars in NYC


Trump agrees to shake '1,100 and something' hands at Naval Academy graduation

Like it or not, crude oil is the biggest reason for Canada’s prosperity

Justin Trudeau sides with terrorists, again

Justin Trudeau’s appallingly dishonest speech to NYU

Corbella: Trudeau plain wrong about Harper's pipeline legacy

Hamas admits 50 “innocent protesters” killed in Gaza were actually jihad terrorists, UN holds MOMENT OF SILENCE for them

May 18 2018

Rex Murphy: Trudeau's desire for global praise comes at the price of Canadian jobs, and Canadian unity

EXCLUSIVE: Canada’s plan for managing the return of ISIS fighters revealed in documents

BONOKOSKI: Trudeau released floodgates, T.O. pays Sanctuary City price

WARMINGTON: NDP candidate says she won't wear a poppy

Canada “Becoming A Laughing Stock In The World” With Trans Mountain Crisis Says Former Ambassador

Question Period erupts over NYT podcast featuring Canadian ISIS recruit

May 19 2018

I’ll see your $16 orange juice and raise you $548 for coffee

EDITORIAL: Border crisis now means long waits at the airport

May 20 2018

Why Does Antifa Get A Free Pass From The Media For Their Violence Against Women?

Ontario Liberals Must Repay Secret Funds Funneled To Unions

Canada's Debt Spiral: Does Justin Trudeau Live In An Alternative Reality?

May 21 2018

How do Liberals spend $548 on coffee for 6? Try real hard!

Federal carbon tax could 'degrade' Canadian fishing industry's competitiveness: memo

Raving Canuck’s Guide to the Trudeau Government’s Carbon Tax Smoke and Mirrors

GOLDSTEIN: Justin Trudeau's climate of intolerance

May 22 2018

Myanmar Rohingya militants massacred Hindus, says Amnesty

Rohingya Militants Massacred Civilians in Myanmar: Amnesty Report

WATCH: Trudeau Liberals Shamefully REFUSE To Condemn Terror Group Hamas For Inciting Violence

Trudeau Government To Force Through Biased Election Changes, Shutting Down Debate After Just Hours

May 23 2018

It’s Disturbing How Trudeau Reserves His Anger For Canadians Who Disagree With Him, Instead Of Canada’s Enemies

REPORT: Pamphlets In Plattsburgh, New York Are Encouraging People To Cross Into Canada Illegally

Liberals explain away that $548 coffee

Justin Trudeau’s Best Friend Jailed After International Pedophile Ring Bust

May 24 2018

Trudeau tries to reassure Canadians over irregular immigration [Reuters]

Pamphlets circulating in Plattsburgh, NY, offer how-to instructions on border crossing

FUREY: Toronto to turn college dorms, community centres into refugee shelters

Toronto Mayor Says City Has Received ZERO Help From Trudeau Government As Illegal Border Crossers Fill Shelters

CBC says global warming could “wake up” Canada's “volcanoes.” They're lying — to push Trudeau's carbon tax

Vancouver to pay Kinder Morgan for legal costs after B.C.'s top court hands company twin victories

Bill C-75 An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

They really have nothing better to do.

Trudeau defends $600-million price tag for G7 summit in La Malbaie, Que.

May 25 2018

'What a mess': Open rebellion from Conservatives, NDP over $7 billion spending approval

MALCOLM: It's time to start enforcing our border laws

Ontario NDP candidate embroiled over blowing up 'gun nuts' comment

Trudeau's decision to vote in Ontario election angers Quebec MP

4 Canadian military cadets accused of desecrating a Qur’an with bacon, bodily fluids

Federal Budget Deficit Hit $19.4 Billion In 2017-2018, Another Broken Promise From Trudeau

Liberal collapse in Ontario gives rise to an unsettling feeling in Trudeau’s Ottawa

Federal deficit on track to come in near $19.4-billion for 2017-18: report

Mississauga restaurant bombing left a scene of chaos, witnesses say

Military looks at foreign recruits to boost ranks

Justin Trudeau: champion of diversity, or unenlightened despot?

WARMINGTON: Witness places NDP candidate at female oil wrestling match

No they don`t.

May 26 2018

Justice minister's tweet on Boushie verdict inspired wave of angry emails, letters

May 27 2018

LILLEY: NDP leader a fan of chichi shops

Justice minister can't say if or when pipeline legislation coming

Trudeau minister tells a big lie and a big truth on illegal immigration

CLUELESS: Trudeau Says Canadians Are ‘Reassured’ By Illegal Border Crossers Being “Processed”

MP Iqra Khalid Dedicates Canadian Park To Founder Of Pakistan


Why is Canada paying for signs in Ghana to tell them to stop pooping in public.


May 28 2018

Former hostage Joshua Boyle attends bail hearing in Ottawa today

Elizabeth May pleads guilty to criminal contempt for pipeline protest

WATCH: In New York, Trudeau Blames Harper Government For Current Illegal Border Crossing Crisis

Loonie Could Go Down To 71 Cents US “As Plants Shut Their Doors In Canada”: Report

Marijuana legalization comes one step closer as Senate committee adds amendments to Bill C-45

More than 1,000 CRA employees disciplined for misconduct over past 4 years

May 29 2018

Auditor general to release new, 2nd report on Phoenix payroll system

Federal government spending $4.5B to buy Trans Mountain pipeline, B.C. terminal

FUREY: Conservative Senators gear up to hit back at Trudeau’s aggressive push for 'independence'

WARMINGTON: Star NDP candidate carried 'F--- the police' protest sign

Trans Mountain Pipeline Was Too Risky for Kinder, Trudeau Says

Trans Mountain Nationalization Exposes Trudeau’s ‘Social License’ Lie Once And For All

Ottawa has no one to blame but itself for the Trans Mountain saga

Jubilant Notley praises Trans Mountain purchase plan; Horgan vows to continue fight

If Justin Trudeau Can Find $4.5 Billion To Nationalize A Pipeline, How Can He Say Canadian Veterans Are Asking For “More Than We’re Able To Give”?

WATCH: Poilievre Shreds Trudeau Liberals Over $4.5 BILLION Hit To Taxpayers From Trans Mountain Pipeline Debacle

Singh defends brother over anti-cop sign

Canadian Facebook whistle-blower: I did no voter targeting for Liberal entities

May 30 2018

CRAIG: Trudeau made a colossal mistake with the pipeline

FUREY: Pipeline purchase partly a ploy to ram through the carbon tax

EXCLUSIVE: Ontario Liberals ignored green energy advice that could’ve saved Ontarians billions, lead engineer says

May 31 2018

Canadian economy disappoints as housing market, consumer spending cool off

Fail: Trudeau Government To Fall Billions Short In Military Equipment Funding

Trudeau calls Trump tariffs 'totally unacceptable,' outlines $16.6B countermeasures


Our Dream Team. And you wonder why our trade situation is a disaster.


Trudeau: Trump tariffs 'are an affront' to Canadian soldiers who 'fought and died' alongside Americans

WARMINGTON: Star NDP candidate carried 'F--- the police' protest sign

Gun violence in downtown Toronto up 167% so far in 2018

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