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August 2018

August 1 2018

Flying high? Feds yet to issue marijuana guidelines for airline industry

EXCLUSIVE: Docs reveal SHOCKING damage to hotels used to house Syrian migrants

Ottawa has turned income-splitting rules into an absolute nightmare for small businesses

The Trudeau Liberals Just Admitted The Carbon Tax Will Hurt Canada’s Economy

Number of top-level public servants rising under Trudeau

HARRIS: Almost Nobody Cares About Global Warming

United Nations grapples with financial woes, decline in global influence

August 2 2018

Irregular border crossers cost at least $270M, according to new PBO figures

EXCLUSIVE: Female hotel staff harassed in Trudeau’s “makeshift migrant camps”

Ottawa spent $270M on border crossers in under 2 years: PBO

Stephen LeDrew: Don’t just shrink Toronto’s government. Shrink them all

FAIL: Catherine McKenna Can’t Figure Out Whether The Feline Cafe Offers Plastic Straws Or Not, But Don’t Worry You Guys, She Can Totes Run A Massive Federal Carbon Tax Program!

LILLEY: Gun ban won't address gun crime

August 3 2018

Rex Murphy: Laurier, trading 'free speech' for 'better speech,' proves unspeakably clueless still

Easing the journey north A group of Americans is assisting immigrants as they illegally cross the Canadian border. Are they guardian angels or part of the problem?

BRAUN: Feds come up short with border cash promise

Federal border cash an 'insult' province says

MALCOLM: Canadians frustrated over Trudeau's stance on border security

SNOBELEN: Shrinking government could realize efficiencies

'He wasn't finished being a soldier': Grieving parents say son was robbed of purpose

Parody on Trudeau's Tweet.

August 4 2018

BAMFORD: Trudeau trade agenda is hurting Canadians

Trudeau defends decision to buy Trans Mountain pipeline at Vancouver Island event

Scheer fires back at Liberals for ‘pathetic’ attack on Tory MP over NAFTA

August 5 2018

The Liberal Party needs more than Trudeau

Edmonton man appeals extradition to U.S. on terrorism charges

Border agency, Transport Canada clash over gun rules

Prime Minister Trudeau continues B.C. long weekend tour at Vancouver Pride

Canada’s Chrystia Freeland “Very Keen” on Re-entering NAFTA Negotiations She Is Not Invited To…

'Getting tough on Canada': Saudi Arabia's expulsion of ambassador and suspension of trade sends a message, experts say

Canada Should Cut Off All Oil Imports From Saudi Arabia

(Tony Lam's Comments: When you are dealing with an active shooter situation. You need an immediate response or you end up with Danforth.)

Florida armed bystander stops gunman at crowded back-to-school event at park, police say

FATAH: Mosque sermon calls on Allah to slay non-Muslims 'one by one'

August 6 2018

Walk of Lame: Hollywood Council Votes to Ditch Trump Star

Saudi Arabia Threatens War While Trudeau Flutters Like A Butterfly

BREAKING: Saudi Arabia EXPELS Canadian Ambassador in human rights row

Toronto needed Trudeau and he wasn’t there

Tory asks Trudeau to end bail for repeat gun offenders

Arab states back Saudi Arabia in expelling Canadian ambassador over human rights dispute

Canada Must Retaliate Against Saudi Arabia, Not ‘Wait’ For ‘Specifics’

Delusional: McKenna Still Claims Canada Will Meet Arbitrary Paris Accord Targets

Trudeau spends B.C. Day greeting crowds at Penticton picnic

Saudi Arabian group apologizes for posting image appearing to threaten Canada with 9/11-style attack

ESCALATION: Saudi Arabia To Suspend Flights To Canada Says FT Reporter

PM Trudeau’s 12-Day Long Vacation Has Cost Taxpayers More Than $5 Million Already – Where Is the Media?

As Saudi-Canada feud escalates, here’s how axing armoured vehicle deal could hurt Trudeau in 2019

A Look at the Detainees at the Heart of Saudi-Canadian Spat

August 7 2018

Canada to ask allies to help cool Saudi dispute; U.S. offers no aid

Twitter account shut down following alarming tweet

PROULX: Trudeau has shockingly failed the gay community

Feds to test limits of Indigenous housing ideas through new contest

EDITORIAL: Is Justin Trudeau all talk on feminist agenda?

Corbella: Loose tweets by Liberals are costing us dearly

FATAH: Good riddance to our ties with Saudi Arabia

FUREY: Saudi Arabia wants to nix all human rights criticism – and there's no way we can agree to that

Editorial: Pride bans don't help

Trudeau Government Increasing Spending On Housing For Illegal Border Crossers

Cost to expand Trans Mountain pipeline now $1.9 billion higher, Kinder Morgan says

As Canada feuds with Saudi Arabia, Trump administration pursues friendly relations, downplays human rights

Canada can easily replace Saudi Arabian crude oil, economist says

Saudi students given four weeks to leave Canada, even if studies not completed

Canada's oil price discount rises to widest gap since 2013

GUEST COLUMN: The Liberals have now admitted the carbon tax is a job-killer

August 8 2018

'Diplomacy by tweet' cost Canada in Saudi dispute, former diplomat says

Corbella: Trudeau and Freeland should leave governing by tweet to Trump

Saudi Arabia 'allergic to criticism', making example out of Canada, analysts say

DISGRACE: Trudeau Spent Our Tax Dollars Building A Road For The Jordanian Army. They Sided With Saudi Arabia Over Us

MALCOLM: Trudeau's made a blunder of our international relationships

Trudeau rebuffs Saudi call for an apology as diplomatic spat escalates

Two more handed week-long jail sentence for protesting Trans Mountain pipeline

More measures against Canada? Saudi Arabia is considering it as spat continues

LILLEY: What country hasn’t Justin Trudeau pissed off?

GOLDSTEIN: McKenna’s carbon tax fantasies utterly absurd

Kinder Morgan just told its shareholders how it persuaded the Trudeau government to pay billions for a pipeline no one else wanted to buy

Trudeau mum on Saudi dispute apology, says Canada will speak out ‘wherever we see the need’

Islamic State supporters stripped of their Australian citizenship

Why has Canada spent billions of dollars buying Saudi Arabian oil?

What Canada’s spat with Saudi Arabia reveals about Trudeau’s scatterbrained foreign policy

The Money Laundering Hub On the U.S. Border? It’s Canada

Minister Hussen wraps up trip to Uganda and Tanzania

The Saudis deliver a sobering lesson: In diplomacy, words do matter

August 9 2018

Saudi Arabia says quarrel with Canada will not stop oil shipments

SCHEER: “We Should Not Allow Political Correctness To Erase Our History”

LEADERSHIP: Doug Ford Stands Up For Law-Abiding Gun Owners, Rejects Handgun Ban

Canada Asks for Help in Saudi Dispute

Trudeau made a glaring tactical error that's getting Canada hammered by Saudi Arabia

LEVY: Finally some tough love for gun-toting thugs

REPORT: Ottawa Islamic Centre Stripped Of Charitable Status For Promotion Of “Hate & Intolerance”

Refugee claimants in Toronto being moved out of dorms, into hotels

August 10 2018

Ottawa mosque loses charity status for promoting 'hate and intolerance'

DISTURBING: Islamist Compound Was Training Malnourished Children To Commit School Shootings

Rex Murphy: The Badawis will probably be in Saudi prisons longer now thanks to Canada

Concession time for Canada? Ottawa faces tough choices if it wants to close a NAFTA deal

LILLEY: Taxpayers shouldn't be paying for free rides

Two officers among four killed in N.B. shooting: 'This is the worst moment'

'Canada is the world's worst oppressor of women': Saudi Arabia's bizarre propaganda campaign


GUNTER: Saudi oil still gets a pass on Trudeau's enviro rules and taxes

Somalis with criminal records coming to Canada from US, intelligence report warns

Canada can't say where its crime guns are coming from

August 11 2018

John A. Macdonald statue removed from Victoria City Hall

Canada Must Become More Self-Reliant & Build Up Our Internal Strength

LILLEY: What is Justin Trudeau's real agenda with the Saudis?

Corbella: Trudeau's actions have helped fuel and fund Saudi aggression

SNOBELEN: Why do fools fall in love (with Twitter)?

‘We don’t have a single friend’: Canada’s Saudi spat reveals country is alone

LEVY: Masked anti-hate demonstrators show no love at Toronto rally

INCOHERENT: After Saudi Spat, Trudeau Celebrates Independence Day Of Pakistan – A Country That Enforces Ruthless Sharia Law

Hysterical Reaction To Maxime Bernier’s Common-Sense Comments Shows How Disconnected The Elites Are From Everyday Canadians

EXCLUSIVE: Docs reveal security protocols “removed” for Trudeau’s Syrian “refugee rush”

BONOKOSKI: Taxes are our No. 1 expenditure - by a long shot

WARMINGTON: Father of Confederation's statue history but his legacy can't be erased

August 12 2018

POLITICAL COURAGE: Maxime Bernier Pushes Back Against Justin Trudeau’s “Cult Of Diversity”

Boris Johnson niqab row: the veil enslaves, and it isn’t racist to say so

2 men in hospital after ‘over 20 shots’ fired in North York: Toronto police

'A complete disregard': Cameras catch children running from North York gun fight

Native Council Of P.E.I. Opposes Removal Of John A. Macdonald Statue

Federal shipbuilding program poorly managed and lacks oversight, government adviser warns

August 13 2018

John Ivison: Liberals' pulpit diplomacy is more about feel-good than do-good

LEVY: Paging Councillor Joe Cressy ... Where are you?

JINNAH PARK: While Leftist Elites Pull Down John A. Macdonald, Politicians Name Winnipeg Park For The Founder Of Pakistan

Federal immigration minister removed from task force on asylum seekers

Victoria rejects Ontario government offer to take ownership of controversial statue of Sir John A. Macdonald

‘This has not been a good hour for Canada’: John Baird slams Trudeau government on Saudi state TV

Corbella: Saudi feud highlights Canada's lack of energy security

Saving Sir John A. Macdonald

Where has all the flour gone? The fake humanitarian UNRWA crisis

EXCLUSIVE: Canada Border Service audit reveals SERIOUS failures in migrant screening

August 14 2018

Ford Government Tells Trudeau To Pay Up As Cost Of Illegal Border Crossers Rises

August 15 2018

Sask. and Ont. rail against Bill C-69 after energy and mines ministers conference

FATAH: Canada has no space for Sir John A, but plenty for Jinnah

PRIORITIES: While Scheer & Altaullahjan Criticize Bernier, Iqra Khalid Accused Of Giving Taxpayer-Funded Award To Man Who Uttered Anti-Semitic Remarks

After She Gave Award To Man Who Spewed Vile Anti-Semitic Remarks, Trudeau Must Remove Iqra Khalid From The Liberal Caucus

CLIMATE CLOWNS: Under Trudeau Government, A Record Amount Of Raw Sewage Is Flowing Into Canada’s Waterways

GOLDSTEIN: More crocodile tears from Trudeau

Toronto police launch investigation into attack on photojournalist at anti-hate rally

Chrystia Freeland Has Been A Total Failure

Illegal Border Crossings Are Surging Again, While Trudeau Refuses To Take Action

Trudeau’s Contrived Diversity Is Not Real Diversity

After She Gave Award To Man Who Spewed Vile Anti-Semitic Remarks, Trudeau Must Remove Iqra Khalid From The Liberal Caucus

CBC report finds gun crime stat about legal guns is “fake news”

Montreal city council preparing to ask Ottawa for ban on handguns and other firearms

FUREY FACTOR: Relax, there’s nothing wrong about debating multiculturalism – in fact, it’s healthy

August 16 2018 BONOKOSKI: So, Mad Max Bernier is at it again. What else is new?

Liberal MP Iqra Khalid apologizes for giving award to alleged anti-Semite

Trump Says “We’re Not Negotiating With Canada Right Now”

WARMINGTON: 60 murders in Toronto... and counting

Maxime Bernier Is Fighting Against Identity Politics

EXCLUSIVE: Liberal MP warned that speakers had radical views and terrorist sympathies

MP Iqra Khalid Apologizes, Rescinds Certificate to Activist Linked to Hate Rally

REPORT: Under Pressure, Iqra Khalid Rescinds Award Given To Accused Anti-Semite

MP Iqra Khalid Apologizes, Rescinds Certificate to Activist Linked to Hate Rally

Jewish group accuses Liberal MP Iqra Khalid of giving award to purveyor of anti-Semitism

Who’s playing identity politics? Everyone

August 17 2018

WARMINGTON: Liberal MP apologizes for handing out dubious honours

Tory senator pokes holes in Khalid's claim she didn't know constituent was alleged anti-Semite

Sign vandalized after MP Maxime Bernier calls out Winnipeg park for 'extreme multiculturalism'

Canada: Conservative leader “caves to Trudeau’s cult of diversity”

BIASED CBC ATTACKS BERNIER: Rosemary Barton Criticized After Acting Like Propaganda Minister For Trudeau Government

MALKIN: The theory of political relative relativity

MALCOLM: Antifa, encouraged by the media, grows by spreading fear and paranoia

(Tony Lam's Comments: No other leader does this.)

WATCH: 100-Year-Old WWII Vet Gets Special Letter From The White House

Canada's Tax System Is Rigged To Help The Rich, 9 In 10 CRA Professionals Say

Ottawa judge strikes down two mandatory minimum sentences for 'nice' pimp

Fredericton Shooting Victim’s Ex-Wife Called Trudeau a POS in Condolence Call

GUEST COLUMN: Mr. Trudeau, your foreign policy team may cost you re-election

EXCLUSIVE: Liberal MP warned that speakers had radical views and terrorist sympathies

BONOKOSKI: No apology or regrets for not putting polish to a perceived turd

A bump in petroleum imports helps fuel Port of Vancouver cargo record

August 18 2018

An Iranian Dream: "Why Can't I Dance?"

BULLETS AND BLOODSHED: Smoke and mirrors won't stop gangs and guns

Nelson: Saudi oil is still preferred over Alberta crude

Bill Maher Asks Brutal Question Cakeshop Critics Can’t Answer: ‘Is There Only 1 Bakery in Colorado?’

LILLEY: Calls for gun ban off target

Man faces assault charge for allegedly attacking Sun photographer

August 20 2018

Lise Ravary: It's not racist to question multiculturalism in Canada

EXCLUSIVE: “Secret” memo reveals Canada sought Europe’s Syrian refugee “rejects”

Canada has to stop pretending our hands are completely tied on the border

Chris Selley: Before Justin Trudeau cries 'intolerance,' he needs to look in the mirror

Pakistani Diplomats Threaten Journalists … in Canada!

DISGUSTING: Justin Trudeau Says Questioning Cost Of Illegal Border Crossers Is “Hate Speech”

Trudeau unapologetic after telling heckler, ‘Your racism has no place here’

WARMINGTON: PM Trudeau's encounter with heckler raises questions

August 21 2018

Tories using ‘anti-immigrant sentiment to get into power,’ minister tells Surrey business audience

FUREY: Trudeau's re-election strategy? Call everyone racist

“Canadians Are Sick And Tired Of This”: Scheer Slams Trudeau For Demonizing Critics

Liberals took steps to block Omar Khadr from celebration near Parliament Hill

GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau plays the race card against Scheer

Senator Salma Ataullahjan Criticized Maxime Bernier On Twitter. Why Didn’t She Criticize Iqra Khalid?

Calgary man released on bail and awaiting trial 'disappeared': Police

FUREY: Secrecy and lack of info follows security incident at Parliament Hill

EXCLUSIVE: Liberals to spend $25K on Facebook “chatbot” to scare kids about climate change

Joe Oliver: The cost of the government's feel-good posturing is out of hand

August 22 2018

Canadian Sentenced to 3+ Years in Prison for Conspiracy To Export Restricted Goods and Technology to Iran

ISIS leader al-Baghdadi appears to call for attacks on Canada in new audio recording

Canadian oil pipeline faced delay, work proceeding: minister

Philippines president questions whether Trudeau understands history, politics

Canada criticizes Saudi Arabia over another jailed female activist

August 23 2018

Reconsider Energy East and get Canada off Saudi oil

Union calls on Trudeau government to buy back Canadian Wheat Board from Saudi interests

Concern grows for detained UBC grad after Saudi Arabia seeks death penalty for another activist

TENEYCKE: Canada needs Prime Minister Andrew Scheer

WARMINGTON: Too soon to move on from Danforth mass shooting

August 24 2018

UNHINGED: Ahmed Hussen Accuses Conservatives Of Defending ‘Racism’

Federal government to invest $8.3-million in organics

Hicks on Biz: Climate leadership is tearing Canada apart

UNHINGED: Ahmed Hussen Accuses Conservatives Of Defending ‘Racism’

Canada's backlogged asylum system is 'not sustainable,' immigration minister says in leaked letter

August 25 2018

REVEALED: While He Calls Canadians Racist, In Leaked Letter Ahmed Hussen Admits Illegal Border Crossings Are “NOT SUSTAINABLE”

WARMINGTON: No bang with gun ban

DISLOYAL: Justin Trudeau Thinks Canada Has No Covenant With Veterans, While Saying We Have ‘Obligations’ To Illegal Border Crossers

August 26 2018

Trudeau’s politics of division

Justin Trudeau Throws his (Cultural) Grandmother Under the Progressive Bus "Pride in one’s cultural heritage is normal and universal, and not necessarily a sign of bigotry towards others."

REAL SCOOP: Murders stem from Wolf Pack internal conflict

It's time for a tax revolt in Canada

August 27 2018 LILLEY: Trudeau Liberals botched NAFTA negotiations

EDITORIAL: Liberal double-talk on asylum seekers

TRUTH: Jason Kenney Reminds Everyone That When Stephen Harper Proposed Bilateral NAFTA Talks Between Canada & The U.S., The Trudeau Liberals “Ridiculed Him.” Now, Mexico Has A Deal And We Don’t.

High-income earners paid $4.6-billion less in taxes in 2016 despite higher rate for top 1 per cent

Chrystia Freeland appeals for German support in diplomatic row with Saudi Arabia

Canada appeals for German backing amid Saudi rights row

US, Mexico strike trade deal that could pave the way for an overhaul of NAFTA

August 28 2018

He never served, but Veterans Affairs pays for convicted murderer's PTSD treatment

GUN BAN? Trudeau Instructs Bill Blair To Examine “Full Ban” On Handguns & “Assault Weapons”

WATCH: Nervous Freeland Comments On Trade Discussions

No need to ensure purchased military equipment actually works, government officials argue in procurement dispute

August 29 2018

Kelly McParland: I wonder how the Liberals will blame the NAFTA mess on Harper

Veterans Affairs stands by policy paying for PTSD help for murderer who never served

VIRTUE-SIGNALLING: Trudeau Cabinet Has No Committee For The Economy, Creates “Committee On Growing The Middle Class And Inclusion” Instead

Canadian and U.S. negotiators meet in Washington for NAFTA talks, Chrystia Freeland arrives late

Peter MacKay Says Canada “Already Under The Bus” On NAFTA

Trudeau pushes a handgun ban

EDITORIAL: Justin Trudeau no working class hero

LILLEY: Federal report calls for special treatment of immigrants

Jack Mintz: Actually, evidence shows ‘diversity’ makes countries weaker — not stronger

REPORT: Trump Wanted To Speak With Trudeau BEFORE His Mexico Deal Announcement. Trudeau Didn’t Take The Call.

August 30 2018

Measuring Labour Markets in Canada and the United States: 2018 Edition

GUNTER: Federal Court's Trans Mountain decision kills all pipelines with impossible bar

GUEST COLUMN: Teachers should promote trades as road to success

Trudeau's contradictions 'coming home to roost' in Trans Mountain ruling, say analysts

TOTALLY ABSURD: Morneau Tries Spinning Court Decision Blocking Trans Mountain Expansion As “Important Next Steps”

WARMINGTON: Our summer of murder

Just as Trans Mountain is quashed, NEB confirms there are more oil trains than ever

After Federal Court quashes Trans Mountain, Rachel Notley pulls out of national climate plan

'There is no justice in Canada' say ex-soldiers as Supreme Court declines benefits lawsuit

'Victory for all of us': Federal Court of Appeal quashes approval of $9.3-billion oil pipeline expansion

August 31 2018

Christie Blatchford: Bewildering silence of Canadian politicians on plight of Christian mother on death row

Internet Mocks Trudeau over Pipeline Failure, Lists Pipeline on Kijiji Hoping for Buyer

The Betrayal Of Alberta Continues To Worsen

MALCOLM: The hypocrisy of Trudeau's citizenship policy

Donald Trump confirms Star story on his secret bombshell remarks about Canada

It’s The SOCIALISM Bro: Bob Rae Wonders How Crisis In Venezuela “Happened”

Maxime Bernier: Why my new political movement? Because Canada has been hijacked

In Column, Maxime Bernier Says Canada Has Been Hijacked By Interest Groups

Christie Blatchford: Why is the birth date of the Danforth shooter too personal to make public?

Rex Murphy: How much more can Canadians ask Alberta to take?

Trudeau & McKenna’s Climate Plan Lies In Ruins

Man dies after being shot multiple times in Scarborough

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