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Miss USA Warns: Donald Trump Is NOT Who You Think He Is

Re-printed without permission.

(Tony Lam's Comments: I never hear stories about Obama, Hillary Clinton or Trudeau's "generosity." Clinton and Trudeau both have "foundations" where they make a pay to play scheme. Clinton's donations dried up when she lost. And Trudeau has not resigned over his Chinese Pay To Play Access.)

By Tori McNabb

Her name is Tara Conner, and when she won in the Miss USA pageant 2006, her misfortune took a turn for the worse when judges discovered she had previously been a cocaine addict.

She was immediately disqualified as the winner.

However, in 2006, Trump was the owner of the Miss USA pageant and heard the controversial backstory. He was moved by her strength and story to overcome addiction to become Miss USA and for this he announced that she would still hold the crown, provided she enter rehab for the addiction.

Donald Trump showed common sense and compassion to a young vulnerable woman who had risen from the dust to become the top in America; sound familiar? 10 year later President Trump would do the same thing, against all odds, he rose to the top to become our president.

Tara Conner made one statement that rings true, the act of compassion that trump showed her, she stated Trump “made me great again.”

USA Today reported Connors statement:

I became famous as “Mess USA” when my boss — now the president of the United States — tossed me into rehab after I tested positive for cocaine. Rather than strip me of my crown or add to the negative press with a humiliation campaign, Donald Trump surprised me, and shocked the world, when he held a news conference and declared: “Tara is going to be given a second chance.”

It was 10 years ago that I got out of treatment, and I thank him for my 10 years of recovery. I will always be profoundly grateful. He saved my life and, essentially, made me great again.

My life was the perfect storm for addiction. My uncle molested me when I was 3. When I was 14, my parents’ rocky relationship ended in divorce and my grandfather, my protector who gave me unconditional love when no one else would, died.

Like mine, 90% of all substance use disorders begin before age 18. Our president understands firsthand the life-long damage of addiction and how substance use at a young age creates a destructive cycle into an adulthood of suffering and isolation. He has often courageously spoken publicly about how his brother Freddy lost his battle with alcoholism and died in 1981.

Now that is the REAL Donald Trump, don’t believe the lies that liberals try to paint because they hate the President.

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