Catherine McKenna Climate Barbie Page 2 - 2019
(Tony Lam's Comments: Her first page with three years worth of info is so long its taking forever to edit. Hence the need for Page 2.)
List of petroleum products

January 1 2019
Quebec lithium sector takes root
January 2 2019
No Trans Mountain, no payment: Southern Alberta ranch family refuses to pay carbon tax portion of heating bill
January 4 2019
Rex Murphy: How the Liberal carbon tax is not unlike a $2,000 cat door
January 7 2019
FUREY: The carbon tax isn’t the end goal – what comes next will be even wilder, like a meat tax
January 8 2019
Most First Nations in northern B.C. support LNG pipeline, group says
TransCanada hopes to start construction on Keystone XL pipeline by June
January 9 2019
Environment minister 'misspoke' about RCMP investigations into Bighorn harassment

TransCanada To Remove ‘Canada’ From Name, Rebrand As ‘TC Energy’
Without Big Taxpayer-Funded Subsidies, Sales Of Electric Cars Plummet In Ontario

January 10 2019
'Complete support': Notley stands behind environment minister
January 11 2019
American company wants to be compensated for impact of Alberta’s coal phase-out plan
Feds select Ontario business as first recipient of new climate money
'We felt we needed to stand up': Flames give an assist to pro-energy movement
Trudeau taking a big chance telling voters they can support his carbon tax or hide their heads in the sand
January 15 2019

January 17 2019
Corbella: Researcher exposes money trail behind U.S.-based campaign to kill the oilsands
January 18 2019
Rex Murphy: Spare us the yoga-mat mantras about the environment and the economy
Delusion: Trudeau Claims Taking Our Money Away With Carbon Tax “Helps Families Get Ahead”
January 22 2019
More And Bigger Private Jets Landing at Davos as Leaders Discuss Climate Change
January 23 2019
Exclusive: CBC deceives Canadians, lending legitimacy to fake First Nation behind pipeline blockade
Rex Murphy: The Biggest Threat To The Resource Sector Is The Government
Rex Murphy: The Government Needs To Get Its Priorities Straight When It Comes To Resources
Why the government should rethink the mortgage stress test
BONOKOSKI: Scheer's Tories promise to curb big Quebec toilet flushes
Coal Isn't Dead. China Proves It.
January 24 2019
Canada imports more emissions than exports, so why are we the ones paying carbon taxes?
January 25 2019
Bell: Team Trudeau doesn't fear backlash over carbon tax
January 28 2019
Nelson: Yes, David Suzuki, you are what you do
NASA Says Earth Is Greener Today Than 20 Years Ago Thanks To China, India
January 29 2019
Jack Mintz: Canadians have taken Alberta for granted. That’s dangerous for us all
January 30 2019
McKenna won’t reveal names of “key stakeholders” who cost Canadian taxpayers $177K in flights
GOLDSTEIN: Carbon credits could cost Canadian taxpayers billions
January 31 2019
PBO warns of billion-dollar losses if Trans Mountain expansion doesn't go ahead
John Ivison: PBO report on Trans Mountain purchase is sombre reading for a government that likely overpaid
February 2 2019
Tesla Model 3 Owners Vent About Polar Vortex Affecting Cars
February 3 2019
Winter Is Wreaking Havoc On Electric Vehicles
February 5 2019
A demand for a level playing field – ban ALL oil tankers from Canadian waters or abandon Bill C-48
February 14 2019
EDITORIAL: Carbon tax slams small businesses
February 15 2019
Alberta to double solar power capacity; government facilities will be powered by the sun
February 20 2019
Devon Energy — with up to $9 billion in assets — is getting out of Canada’s oilsands
February 21 2019
'Crisis of our own making': Regulatory logjam has cost $100B in cancelled resource projects
February 22 2019
National Energy Board rules Trans Mountain expansion project should be approved
Weak turnout cancels pro carbon tax protest at legislature
MALCOLM: Butts is gone so let's build some pipelines
February 23 2019

February 25 2019
Our energy industry is in crisis, but Trudeau is too busy doing damage control over SNC-Lavalin to act
February 26 2019
Braid: The Liberals' stunning hypocrisy over SNC-Lavalin and pipelines
Corbella: Ferries and whale-watching boats harm killer whales much more than TMX oil tankers

February 28 2019
Carbon tax costs add up for Slave Lake sawmill, owner says

STEP Energy Services cuts staff as Canadian oilfield spending slump continues
March 6 2019
There's more than lack of pipelines and Bill C-69 that ails the oilpatch. Let me count the ways
March 8 2019
Climate Change Theory: What's Wrong with it?
March 9 2019
BONOKOSKI: With God on your side, what could possibly go wrong?

GOLDSTEIN: In wake of Lavscam, how can we trust Trudeau on carbon taxes?
March 11 2019
McKenna says rebates central to getting Canadians to support carbon pricing
March 12 2019
Canadian energy takes back seat at Houston oil conference
March 13 2019
Sask. MP Ralph Goodale faces boos, questions on carbon tax and canola at municipalities convention
Canada lost $100B in energy projects in two years: report
March 14 2019
Gwyn Morgan: Talk about ‘collusion’: How foreign-backed anti-oil activists infiltrated Canada’s government
March 15 2019
Economist Says Canadian Energy Sector Is Being ‘Left For Dead,’ But Conservative Win Could Boost Investment
With or without icebreaker, Qajaq can't get through, says coast guard
KNIGHT: Trudeau’s carbon footprint
INSANE: Trudeau Government Exempts Foreign Oil From Emissions Regulations They Impose On Canadian Oil

March 18 2019
B.C. seeks pipeline 'veto' in new court battle with Ottawa, Alberta
March 20 2019
LAU: The inconvenient truth about the carbon tax rebate
March 22 2019
McKenna’s climate expedition to Poland cost taxpayers $400K (so far)
March 23 2019
Braid: Senate cuts Alberta out of tanker ban hearings in 'unprecedented stampede of stupid'
GUEST COLUMN: Time to shrink Environment Canada's mandate
Opinion: Re-opening Alberta for business should be priority this election
March 25 2019
Canadian Oil Field Services Companies Are Doing Great… In The United States
March 26 2019
The "New Energy Economy": An Exercise in Magical Thinking
March 29 2019
Donald Trump issues new permit for Keystone pipeline
April 1 2019
FUREY: The carbon tax rebate will make you money?! Really?
GOLDSTEIN: McKenna’s credibility problem is Trudeau
April 2 2019
Catherine McKenna tried to plant questions in Senate’s environment committee: Tory senator
April 3 2019
The energy-hungry world isn’t waiting for Canada
Fraud: Trudeau Uses Photo Of Forest Fire Caused By Wind Turbine Construction Project To Sell His Carbon Tax Scam
April 4 2019 Sneaky “tax on tax” effect in the Carbon Tax
April 5 2019
FERNANDO: Trudeau's Carbon Tax Scam

April 8 2019
Ford government will now require gas stations to display Trudeau carbon tax price
WTF? Catherine McKenna Giving $12 Million Taxpayer Dollars To Loblaws – Who Made $800 Million In Profits & Admitted To Fixing Price Of Bread For Over A Decade
April 9 2019
Why is Loblaw getting $12M to install new refrigerators? McKenna under fire for new funding

WUDRICK: Fighting climate change, one refrigerator subsidy at a time

Bill C-69: Regulatory uncertainty has a chilling effect on investment
April 12 2019
Vivian Krause: Rachel Notley, the Rockefellers and Alberta's landlocked oil

Bill C-48 tanker ban is un-Canadian because it’s unfair to certain parts of Canada
Yes, anti-pipeline Vancouver really is North America’s largest exporter of coal
April 13 2019
Jason Kenney promises to make Vancouver carbon-free in 2020 — by turning off the gas taps
Gas stations face $10K fines for not posting carbon tax notice
April 14 2019
Hypothesis: Radical Greens are the Great Killers of Our Age
April 16 2019
Judge asks why Ottawa won’t leave Ontario alone as carbon-tax challenge continues
Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions went up in 2017 — far short of reduction targets
April 17 2019
Majority Of Canadians Now Represented by Premiers OPPOSING Trudeau’s Carbon Tax.
April 18 2019
Ottawa extends deadline for Trans Mountain decision to June 18
Sneaky “tax on tax” effect in the Carbon Tax
Rex Murphy: Kenney's resoluteness won Alberta. Trudeau's hypocrisy helped Notley lose
LILLEY: Trudeau punts on Trans Mountain pipeline again

April 20 2019
GOLDSTEIN: Provincial elections refute Trudeau’s carbon tax claims

April 21 2019
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spotted catching waves in Tofino
April 23 2019
LILLEY: Trudeau has one set of rules for him, another for you
April 25 2019
As Vancouver drivers suffer gas price pains
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau’s carbon tax to raise $6.21 billion annually by 2023
Carbon tax could add $600 more to your family's airline tickets over time
B.C. tricked Canadian politicians into believing its carbon tax policy works. It doesn't
Harrison Ford Calls For Environmental Action At First-Ever Nature Champions Summit In Montreal

April 26 2019
Chris Selley: Trudeau's carbon-intensive vacations send a curious message to Canadians
Liberal environment minister faces push back over criticism of Scheer meeting
Don Braid: Federal Liberal hostility toward Alberta oil revealed on Catherine McKenna's Twitter feed
Braid: Federal minister shows extreme bias against Alberta oil
I’m on the Bill C-69 committee — and I’m hearing a lot of angry Canadians
April 27 2019
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau’s ‘revenue neutral’ carbon tax claim omits GST

April 28 2019
Canada's oil imports from Saudi Arabia on the rise since 2014, trade figures show
Justin Trudeau Increases Oil Imports From Saudi Arabia 66% Since Taking Office
EDITORIAL: Carbon tax costs hit families most, PBO reveals
Canada's oil imports from Saudi Arabia on the rise since 2014, trade figures show
Carbon tax to blame for high gas and grocery prices
April 29 2019
Is Canada’s recycling industry broken?

April 30 2019
A report reveals the massive fortune Canadians just lost thanks to pipeline shortages
May 1 2019
Ottawa to subject steam-driven oilsands projects to C-69 environmental reviews if Alberta nixes emissions cap
May 2 2019
Kelly McParland: B.C. is getting what it wanted, and it sure doesn't like it

May 2 2019
Braid: Cuts to Alberta oil shipments could hit the whole country
B.C. Green Party leader suggests struggling people take out loans to buy electric cars
Quebec slags Alberta's oil bounty, while gorging itself on it at the same time
Canadian garbage wrongly dumped in the Philippines is coming home
May 3 2019
EDITORIAL: Just because the carbon tax is legal doesn’t make it right
WUDRICK: Next up for the Trudeau Liberals — a plastic tax?
We live in unicorn land: senator says McKenna’s overhaul of environmental law disregards economic realities
LILLEY: Carbon tax ruling splits court, appeal to come
Bell: Hey Trudeau, carbon tax fight ain't over
Liberal ministers give no guarantees on meeting Paris target or pipeline approval
Horgan takes the bait and sues Alberta over “turn off the taps” legislation
May 6 2019
When foreigners began attacking Canada’s oil industry, Ottawa turned a blind eye. Now it's getting worse
City spending $300,000 a year to store unwanted grocery plastics; councillor demands action
The Reason Renewables Can't Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To
May 8 2019
Canada’s flawed carbon pricing
May 10 2019

Ottawa will make Alberta pay a higher carbon tax than Quebec’s? That’s unfair
May 10 2019 The Trudeau Government Couldn’t Even Get A Simple World War II Video Right. What Makes Them Think They Can ‘Save The Planet’ Or Change The Weather?
Gwyn Morgan: A principled Conservative policy would challenge Trudeau’s climate propaganda with truth
May 11 2019
Canada more dependent on Saudi oil as regime ramps up executions
EDITORIAL: More hot air on climate change
May 13 2019
INSANITY: Jagmeet Singh Says Canada Can’t Use Fossil Fuels “At All”
LILLEY: Who do you believe in carbon tax battle?
This goofy clause in Bill C-69 will ensure resource development in Canada stops cold
May 14 2019
John Ivison: Liberal tanker ban looks to be foundering in the choppy waters of the Senate

May 15 2019
BILL C-48: Trudeau’s Tanker Ban Bill Defeated In Senate Committee
After 5 years, Medicine Hat powers down $12M solar thermal power plant
Scheer calls Trudeau a ‘high-carbon hypocrite’ who is using climate change as a distraction

May 16 2019
Varcoe: $1.8B and growing — cost to Alberta consumers from power contract fiasco mounts
'Completely inconsistent': Carbon taxes applied unequally between provinces, new report says
May 17 2019
The Gas City' pulls plug on money-losing $13-million solar power project
May 19 2019
Stewart Muir: China’s appetite for Canadian oil continues to defy marketplace myths
Jason Kenney says Alberta’s carbon tax will be scrapped on May 30th

UNHINGED: Red-Faced McKenna Goes Nuts In Question Period, Shouts And Yells At Conservatives
GUNTER: Why the Liberals are getting unhinged on climate issues

May 18 2019
Around the world, backlash against expensive climate change policies
May 21 2019
BONOKOSKI: ‘Climate emergency’ be damned, Trudeau loves firing up the jetliners
May 22 2019
Paying some piddling carbon tax will do nothing to defend us from what lies ahead: Neil Macdonald
Scientists discover China has been secretly emitting banned ozone-depleting gas
McKenna’s climate expedition to Poland cost taxpayers $400K (so far)
May 23 2019
Elizabeth May parades in a gas-guzzling 1994 Dodge Viper but wants Canadians to switch to electric vehicles

China is still releasing banned ozone-killing chemicals into atmosphere: study
May 24 2019
B.C. can't impose environmental laws that could kill Trans Mountain pipeline, court rules
Science's Untold Scandal: The Lockstep March of Professional Societies to Promote the Climate Change Scare
May 25 2019
Braid: After humiliating court defeat, B.C. Premier Horgan blusters on

May 26 2019
EXCLUSIVE: Trudeau minister says Canadians who want natural resource development have “no regard” for the environment or First Nations
May 27 2019

Green Party calls for Canada to stop using foreign oil — and rely on Alberta’s instead
LAWTON: Catherine McKenna thinks opposing the carbon tax is like taking money from people
LILLEY: Trudeau looks for more ways to pick your pocket
May 28 2019
Climate Change is a Political Loser
Canadian Taxpayers Federation travelling Canada to raise the alarm about $6.2B in lost oil revenue
May 29 2019
Canada has lost $6.2 billion in potential oil revenue due to lack of pipelines: Canadian Taxpayers Federation
GOLDSTEIN: Liberals and the CBC say the new phrase is 'climate emergency'
May 30 2019

Alberta says goodbye to the carbon tax
Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade
May 31 2019
Corbella: Done with city's taxes, drilling company packs up Calgary facility and moves to Saskatoon
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau’s winging it on carbon taxes
Trudeau Liberals spent $3.4 million promoting their carbon tax plan
Experts warned four years ago that Alberta's aging forests bring risk of 'catastrophic fires'
Alberta premier says carbon taxes won't help stop forest fire threat
June 1 2019
HYPOCRITES: While Trudeau & McKenna Lecture Us About The Environment, The Liberals Aren’t Even Coming Close To The Paris Targets They Signed Up For
Disgraceful: Catherine McKenna’s Rhetoric Implies Conservatives Aren’t Canadians
B.C. mayor wants more action on pipeline after meeting Trudeau
Standing Committee Transport and Communications Bill-C48
EDITORIAL: Federal Liberals' climate rhetoric spells bad news for Alberta
MARIN: Trudeau's trash coming home to roost
June 3 2019
Corbella: Done with city's taxes, drilling company packs up Calgary facility and moves to Saskatoon
VEZINA: There’s no real price on most pollution -- all we have is a feckless carbon tax
Kelly McParland: Now it's a climate 'emergency' — and don't you forget it

June 4 2019
INSANITY: Trudeau Says Carbon Tax Will Stop Forest Fires
Trudeau says carbon tax can help deal with extreme weather, Alberta fires

June 5 2019
Senate committee says oil tanker ban off B.C. targets Alberta, divides country
Senate committee says oil tanker ban off B.C. targets Alberta, divides country
Liberals spend $3.4M on environmentally UN-friendly carbon tax propaganda

June 6 2019
John Ivison: Not even a pipeline will soothe Western ire when this legislation sails through the House
Man shot by homeowner during robbery should get reduced sentence, lawyer argues
BETRAYAL: Despite Scathing Report From Committee, Trudeau’s Senators Refuse To Scrap The Dangerously Divisive Tanker Ban Bill, Raising Odds Of National Unity Crisis
June 7 2019
Ross McKitrick: This scientist proved climate change isn’t causing extreme weather — so politicians attacked
Canada’s average carbon tax rebates are lower than the feds projected: data
Rex Murphy can’t figure out what made the oil industry the number one villain of the entire world
6 Premiers Representing Majority Of Canadians Issue Letter Warning Trudeau Of Danger Posed By Bill C-48 & C-69
June 10 2019
In ‘urgent letter,’ 6 premiers tell Trudeau national unity would be threatened if bills C-48, C-69 become law
June 12 2019
Ottawa rejects majority of Senate amendments to C-69, setting stage for court challenge
David Suzuki, prominent environmentalists launch cross-country tour warnings of global crisis
Liberals reject most Tory amendments to environmental assessment bill
June 13 2019
Federal carbon tax will be imposed in Alberta on Jan. 1: environment minister
Environment minister ‘disrespectful’ of energy industry, Canadians: CAPP CEO
LILLEY: Report warns Trudeau's carbon tax will go up a lot
John Ivison: Report showing how high carbon tax must go to meet Paris targets gives Tories major ammo
Colby Cosh: Trudeau and the Gang of Six: A PM undone by his own handiwork
Jack Mintz: Only one country is contemplating destroying its own resource sector: Canada

June 14 2019
Election a chance to toughen climate-change targets: McKenna
William Watson: After banning disposable plastics, Trudeau may be a disposable prime minister
FUREY: Canadians really hate the carbon tax
Kent Hehr defends Bill C-69 as contentious legislation faces oilpatch backlash
NP View: Trudeau and McKenna are the ones endangering unity, not the premiers
David Staples: Trudeau regulatory plan is 'government by Greenpeace,' says legal expert
Smith: Trudeau is blocking Alberta from saving the planet
Trudeau’s 'plastic ban' won’t help the environment. It could actually harm it instead
Ottawa gives plastics giant $35M grant despite commitment to reduce use of single-use plastics

June 16 2019 GUNTER: McKenna’s smear of oil industry will cost Canada billions
June 17 2019
Canada's House of Commons has declared a national climate emergency
National climate emergency declared by House of Commons

June 18 2019
John Ivison: Trans Mountain approval a high wire act on which Trudeau is staking his future
Trans Mountain approval comes too late for some: ‘Many families didn’t survive this’
June 19 2019
KNIGHT: Catherine McKenna has lost all credibility
June 20 2019
Canada Becoming a ‘Banana Republic’ Over Energy, Grafton Says
EXCLUSIVE: Trudeau government wants to burn Philippines trash at Burnaby plant cited for toxic ash and air pollution
Canadian Senate passes B.C. tanker ban bill, prepping for it to come into law
June 21 2019
Rex Murphy: Scheer and Trudeau both continue their tiresome climate charades
Trudeau Government Passes Bill Banning Oil Tankers From BC Coast
Terence Corcoran: Why the global fossil-fuel phase-out is a fantasy akin to time travel
The World Laughs At Canada As We Cripple Our Energy Industry With C-69 & C-48
Opinion: C-69 will allow our courts to be tools of economic demise
June 22 2019
Corbella: Vivian Krause shows Canada useful idiot to U.S. interests with Bill C-48
BONOKOSKI: Last day of Parliament sees Alberta take serious kicking
June 23 2019
UBC fined $1.2M for 2014 release of ammonia into Fraser River tributary
Vancouver could join other B.C. municipalities asking energy sector to cover climate change costs
Why the Liberals might scrap their carbon tax plans (no, really)
June 25 2019
B.C. slashes electric vehicle subsidy after consumers flock to the program
June 25 2019
MILKE: Foreign money and Canada's democracy
Anti-pipeline campaign was planned, intended, and foreign-funded: Vivian Krause
EXCLUSIVE: Philippines garbage shipment expected to arrive in Canada on Saturday
While The Trudeau Government Wipes Out Canada’s Coal Industry & Screws Canadians Over With A Carbon Tax, China’s Coal Production Has Hit A RECORD HIGH
June 26 2019
LAU: Does paying $102 per tonne carbon tax sound good to you?
June 27 2019
Anti-pipeline campaign was planned, intended, and foreign-funded: Vivian Krause
June 28 2019
LILLEY: Carbon tax ruled constitutional in split and muddied decision
Canada announces new support for international climate action and coal phase-out
Disgraceful: Catherine McKenna Giving Over $200 MILLION More Of Our Taxpayer Dollars To Foreign Countries
June 30 2019
BREAKING: Philippines garbage ship arrives in B.C. on Canada Day weekend

July 1 2019
Inconvenient Energy Realities
July 4 2019
Catherine McKenna’s Fear-Mongering Totally Demolished As Report Indicates Canada Will BENEFIT From Climate Change
Corbella: Krause questions why Trudeau changed charity laws for activists
Nelson: Hypocrisy knows no bounds in climate change circles

Justin Trudeau Increases Saudi Oil Imports Despite Mass Executions
July 6 2019
GOLDSTEIN: Numbers show Trudeau’s climate promises are fake news
Ontario court rules Trudeau’s carbon tax is constitutional
Congo, child labour and your electric car
July 8 2019
BREAKING: Scheer Slams Trudeau’s SECRET FUEL TAX
July 9 2019
GOLDSTEIN: The magical thinking of Catherine McKenna
Ecojustice files legal challenge to Trans Mountain re-approval over whales
Cheap, Clean, Safe and Secure?
July 10 2019 Corbella: Public inquiry into U.S.-funded attack on Alberta is vital
July 11 2019
Braid: Trudeau cheers anti-pipeline activist as star Liberal candidate
July 12 2019
CLUELESS CATHERINE: McKenna brags about loving Ottawa tap water, gets reminded about Attawapiskat water emergency
EDITORIAL: PM's climate plan is already obsolete
POILIEVRE: Taxed green tomatoes
Trudeau meets with TMX workers, but announces no new details on pipeline expansion during Edmonton visit
City of Victoria’s Plastic Bag Ban Overturned By B.C. Court
Watch: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets workers at Trans Mountain pipeline terminal
Finnish study finds ‘practically no’ evidence for man-made climate change
Trudeau defends anti-pipeline Liberal candidate, reaffirms commitment to Trans Mountain

July 15 2019
CRAIG: Oil protesters actually use countless oil products
Matt Gurney: Liberals would rather talk about Scheer than their own failing climate plan
Coal production in the ruthless Communist State is up 10.4% year-over-year.
July 19 2019
Alberta judge denies B.C.'s bid to block 'Turn Off the Taps' bill
John Ivison: Scheer climate plan gives voters what they want — expressions of concern with no actual cost
July 21 2019
EDITORIAL: The cost of Notley and Trudeau
July 23 2019
Ontario minister, wind companies charged under Environmental Protection Act
July 24 2019
Richmond council expresses frustration with pipeline, but votes in favour

July 28 2019
Government 'didn't care' about reducing emissions: Inside Quebec's green fund
Catherine McKenna attacks Conservative campaign staff, ignores return of Butts

July 30 2019
A unified message': Provinces move to synchronize battle plans against carbon tax
August 1 2019
A-listers arrive in private jets, mega yachts for climate confab
August 2 2019
Rex Murphy: There's no hypocrite like a rich, jet-setting anti-global-warming one

Arctic ice is melting yet Canada bought 6 new Icebreakers. The irony.

August 4 2019
Elizabeth May weighs in on whether elected officials could be criminally liable for their climate policies
August 6 2019
China coal mine approvals surge despite climate pledges
August 8 2019
Why has Canada spent billions of dollars buying Saudi Arabian oil?
August 9 2019
Rex Murphy: Apparently world-savers don't need to worry about the little people
August 14 2019
Canada’s dependence on imported fossil fuels reaches a whole new level
August 16 2019
Delingpole: Greta Thunberg – Patron Saint of the Age of Stupidity
August 18 2019
Elections Canada warns environment groups that calling climate change real could be considered partisan
Environmental groups were warned that some climate change ads could be seen as partisan during election period
August 19 2019
GOLDSTEIN: For climate alarmists 'free speech' exists only for them
Trudeau Irked By Partisan Label For Groups Worried About Climate Change
August 20 2019
The rising cost of ‘social licence’? Liberals give away $40M stake in coal terminal to two First Nations
Alberta to continue oil production curtailment until 2020 as pipeline delays persist
August 21 2019
LAWTON: Catherine McKenna says the carbon tax creates jobs
Trans Mountain pipeline construction restarts with completion expected in 2022
August 22 2019
Canada’s climate change plan among worst in G7: report

August 24 2019
GOLDSTEIN: Report slams Trudeau on climate change
August 26 2019
GOLDSTEIN: McKenna flip-flops on carbon taxes, totally
McKenna denies claim carbon tax may exceed $50 a tonne
August 27 2019
GUNTER: Of course Liberals will increase the carbon tax if re-elected
August 28 2019
$40 billion leaves Canada as foreign energy firms flee
EDITORIAL: Trudeau must come clean on carbon taxes
August 29 2019
Ottawa, B.C. to push electrification of natural gas industry to cut carbon emissions
Delingpole: St Greta of Thunberg – Her Gospel Is Pure Propaganda; Her Cause Is Evil
August 30 2019
EXCLUSIVE: Liberals give $2.65B to “combat climate change in the developing world” — here's exactly where it's going
Catherine McKenna says she has done everything she could to fight climate change
September 1 2019
Trans Mountain pipeline protesters to gather on Columbia River Monday
September 3 2019
Federal environment minister calls for new Northern Pulp review
September 4 2019
Canadian court allows new challenges to Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion
Environmental activist Tzeporah Berman receives $2M climate award
Matt Gurney: Trudeau gets a new pipeline headache — just in time for the federal election
Federal Court of Appeal allows six of 12 Trans Mountain appeals

September 5 2019
Ottawa-area Green hopefuls call out Liberals over ‘the other SNC-Lavalin affair’: Proposed Chalk River nuclear waste site
Saudi Oil Imports Rise 66% Since 2014, with Irving Oil Refinery Calling the Shots
Parliament security apologizes after man told shirt expressing love for Canadian oil might be offensive
September 6 2019
Government of Canada supports climate action by Climate Smart
Rex Murphy: Why don't the Liberals just declare the Trans Mountain charade over?
Why did Ottawa fail to defend its Trans Mountain process in court? Blame politics
WALLACE: The only factual part Leach got right, pipeline constraints that have stalled the Canadian oil and gas industry AND eco-warriors
$2MM gift to Tzeporah Berman proves again that ‘dark money’ is mostly on the anti-development side
September 7 2019
Threats, abuse move from online to real world, McKenna now requires security
What’s in a name? If you’re Environment Minister Catherine McKenna, it now means extra security.

September 9 2019
B.C. greenhouse gas emissions near 2007 levels despite carbon tax
September 10 2019 B.C. carbon pollution rises 1.2 per cent in most recent report
B.C. greenhouse gas emissions still near 2007 levels, ministry says
Corbella: $2 million prize to Tzeporah Berman should have stirred up a tidal wave of controversy

September 11 2019
Trans Mountain pipeline construction will be delayed by hearings, permits, court action: report
September 12 2019
Feds to study using electricity to 'reduce or eliminate' fossil fuels
Nine Energy closes Calgary headquarters, pulls up stakes in Canada
September 13 2019
Rex Murphy: Chillin' with Jason Kenney's miraculous letter
Read the full text of Jason Kenney's response to Amnesty's criticism of his 'fight back' strategy

September 15 2019
Ten years of carbon tax in BC barely impacted emissions
Second Alberta man told to remove pro-oil and gas shirt during Parliament tour
September 16 2019 100 years of climate data DELETED from Canadian policy report, including historic high and low
Canada could have been ‘first responder’ to fill Saudi oil gap if not hamstrung by own risks
September 17 2019 GOLDSTEIN: Feds scrapped 100 years of data on climate change
Attack on Saudi Arabian crude plant leaves Canada's biggest oil refinery vulnerable
There Is No Climate Emergency!
Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
McKenna's SUV and hybrid mileages prove only YOUR car is bad for the earth
September 21 2019
CTV News reporter MELTS DOWN after Rebel News asks McKenna tough questions | Keean Bexte
McKenna LIES about plastics, driving habits at "green" photo op | Keean Bexte
10,500 Steaks at 2020 Democrat Steak Fry Despite Their Meat Consumption Climate Change Concerns
September 22 2019
GOLDSTEIN: UN's fat-cat hypocrites praise Greta Thunberg
Who’s Speaking at the U.N. Climate Summit? Several Champions of Coal
Updated – Climate Scientists Write To UN: There Is No Climate Emergency
September 23 2019
Green Party used Photoshop to add reusable cup and metal straw to photo of Elizabeth May
Swedish Teen Greta Thunberg Screams at World Leaders at UN Climate Summit, ‘You Have Stolen My Childhood… How Dare You!’ (VIDEO)
September 24 2019
500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
Liberals promise to halve tax rate for clean tech companies as part of long-range climate action plan
B.C. wins injunction blocking Alberta's turn-off-the-taps legislation over oil
Surprised? Greta Thunberg’s “Coach” A Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates Operative
September 25 2019
Matt Gurney: Elizabeth May's faked cup is a perfect symbol of climate hysteria
September 26 2019
Climate Strike Prompts MEC, Others To Close Stores Friday
Greta Thunberg To Poor Countries: Drop Dead

LEVY: Toronto students allowed to skip school to protest 'climate crisis'
September 27 2019
Rex Murphy: The Liberals' 2050 net-zero carbon vow is pure delusion
Greta Thunberg meets Trudeau, tells him he's not doing enough to fight climate change
Greta Thunberg's four simple steps to combat climate change
Terence Corcoran: Net-zero carbon is a big nothing — nobody has a clue how to achieve it
John Ivison: Opponents will call Scheer's climate strategy cynical and obscene. But it just may work
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau joins climate protest against himself
Society needs oil & gas, & Canada needs to provide it

September 28 2019
Federal election 2019 roundup: Greta Thunberg says Trudeau is 'obviously not doing enough'
We asked 3 companies to recycle Canadian plastic and secretly tracked it. Only 1 company recycled the material

September 28 2019
Doomsdays that didn’t happen: Think tank compiles decades’ worth of dire climate predictions
September 29 2019
'There is no climate emergency,' hundreds of scientists, engineers tell U.N.
Five hundred scientists send letter to UN saying “There is no climate crisis”

October 1 2019 Braid: Federal parties plan end of oilsands but offer no help to Alberta
Braid: Federal parties plan end of oilsands but offer no help to Alberta
October 2 2019
Liberals are carrying two deficits: fiscal and credibility

October 3 2019
Vladimir Putin: Greta Thunberg Is a ‘Poorly Informed Teenager’
Vivian Krause: The cash pipeline opposing Canadian oil pipelines
October 4 2019 Danielle Smith: Running against Alberta hurts all Canadians
Company Selling Carbon Offsets Admits It’s Better Not To Fly Than To Buy
October 5 2019
Investigators say former Alberta Energy Regulator CEO 'grossly mismanaged' public funds
CARGOLIFT CONUNDRUM: Liberal cargo plane inefficient 1960s-era gas guzzler
MALCOLM: Two-plane Trudeau's hypocrisy knows no bounds
October 6 2019
MALCOLM: Trudeau’s so-called carbon offsets bought from Liberal-friendly firm

October 9 2019 David Staples: Elizabeth May has a disastrous plan — and an outside shot at implementing it
October 10 2019
Climate protester climbs on departing British Airways plane in Extinction Rebellion stunt
Climate change protesters with a boat blocked traffic today in New York's Times Square
Taxpayers will pay for most of Trudeau’s dual jet costs, while offsets target methane
Liberal MP avoids carbon tax by fuelling campaign vehicle in the U.S.
Vancouver breaks 103-year-old temperature record as arctic front continues
October 11 2019
Braid: In French debate, Trudeau lumps oil industry with enemies
GUNTER: The uselessness of Canada's current climate extremism

October 13 2019

October 16 2019
Over a Barrel Documentary (2019)
October 17 2019
Braid: The Bloc Quebecois plan that would ruin Alberta
October 18 2019
Rex Murphy: What's this election about? The future of Alberta
Unlikely new pipelines will be built under Bill C-69, star Liberal candidate says, contradicting party claims
Norway Is a Green Leader. It’s Also Drilling More Oil Wells Than Ever
October 19 2019
OOPS: Liberal Candidate Accidentally Speaks The Truth, Says Pipelines Probably Won’t Be Built Under Trudeau’s ‘Assessment’ Legislation
SIMS: Carbon taxes will cost you
Company extracting metals from asbestos waste gets $12M from Ottawa
October 20 2019
Norway Is a Green Leader. It’s Also Drilling More Oil Wells Than Ever