Weapons cache, including loaded AK-47 magazines, found at home of Danforth shooter: police docs
July 24 2018
Gun in Danforth shooting traced to U.S., says police source
July 27 2018
Gun in Danforth shooting stolen in Saskatoon break-and-enter: source
September 17 2018
ISIL propaganda video calls Toronto's Danforth shooting its top foreign operation of the year
September 25 2018
The TRUTH about Toronto Danforth shooting: Ezra Levant
January 15 2019
Weapons cache, including loaded AK-47 magazines, found at home of Danforth shooter: police docs
Loaded magazines, ammunition found in Danforth shooter's room: newly-unsealed documents

Danforth shooter had conspiracy videos, ammo: Police documents
Toronto mass shooter Faisal Hussain had AK-47 ammunition, 9/11 conspiracy DVDs in bedroom: police documents
January 16 2019
SIU gives most-detailed account to date of Danforth mass shooting, clears officers in gunman’s death
SIU Director’s Report - Case # 18-TCD-220
(Tony Lam's Comments: Only in left wing Canada can Officers be potentially charged for shooting at a crazed gunman on a shooting spree, "killing him". What the hell planet do we live on. From Babylon 5, Sheridan "Apologize for doing my job, like hell !!!!!!)
June 21 2019
(Tony Lam's Comments: When Islam kills its always nothing to do with Islam. But when Bassinnette kills everyone on the right is blamed. I see how that works. wink wink)
Danforth shooter was ‘troubled’ but had no radical affiliations, police report reveals
'We may never know why': Danforth shooter fascinated by death, but motive still unclear
WARMINGTON: Extensive Toronto Police report on Danforth shooting spree leaves many unanswered questions

June 24 2019
Danforth shooter had lengthy history of violent thoughts, but motive remains unclear: Toronto police
Toronto Danforth Shooting investigation wraps up: No motive, move along