June 2020
June 1 2020
WATCH: Trudeau asked about his blackface habit after denouncing anti-black racism
The Liberal Party Of Blackface Is Now Lecturing Canadians On Racism
Kathryn Marshall: Trudeau cancelled scrutiny of his government, and Singh was happy to help
Coronavirus outbreak reported among migrant workers at Ontario farm
WATCH: Dr. Tam says go out and protest, just don't yell
Rex Murphy: Canada is not a racist country, despite what the Liberals say
Kathryn Marshall: Trudeau cancelled scrutiny of his government, and Singh was happy to help
Alleged gas-tank gun smuggler set freed due to COVID-19 risks https://torontosun.com/news/crime/alleged-gas-tank-gun-smuggler-set-freed-due-to-covid-19-risks
Trudeau says anti-black racism is alive in Canada and 'we need to be better'
June 2 2020
Bell and Telus ditch Huawei for 5G network development
Unifor President calls for FASTER media bailout funding from Trudeau government
Trudeau government fails to provide proof of billions of dollars worth of Canadian investments
June 3 2020
Trudeau’s 21-Second Pause Becomes the Story in Canada
Liberal gun ban quietly expanded, potentially putting owners unknowingly on wrong side of the law
GOLDSTEIN: Is Trudeau's denouncing of Israel about his Security Council seat bid? https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-is-trudeaus-denouncing-of-israel-about-his-security-council-seat-bid
Thou Doth Protest Too Much
Audit of $187 billion worth of Liberal infrastructure spending finds 20,000 missing projects
Trudeau warned over violating Charter freedom of the press
June 4 2020
Trudeau government to spend more than $88M on COVID-19 ads
CBSA warned Bill Blair that organized crime groups may be corrupting border officers
Jack M. Mintz: Now more than ever, Canada needs a statutory fiscal rule
LILLEY: Liberals call for censoring the Internet again
BREAKING: Nova Scotia shooter's guns were all obtained illegally
Trudeau urges shared COVID-19 vaccine at global summit in a week amid UN run
State Department says U.S. will reassess intelligence-sharing with Canada if it lets Huawei into 5G
James Corden Fills In 21-Second Pause With More Hard-Hitting Questions For Justin Trudeau
University of Alberta fires anthropology professor for saying biological sex is real
June 5 2020
US Will Reevaluate Intelligence-Sharing with Canada if Huawei Participates in Country’s 5G: State Department
Ontario MP Marwan Tabbara 'stepping back' from Liberal causcus after assault, criminal harassment charges
Justin Trudeau takes a knee at anti-Black racism protest in Ottawa
Trudeau Trashes “White Politicians”, Canada RACIST NATION Say Federal Party Leaders
Liberal MP facing assault charges 'stepping back' from caucus
MP Marwan Tabbara leaving Liberal caucus after charges laid
HYPOCRISY: After Saying ‘Stay Home, Save Lives,’ And Shutting Parliament, Trudeau Attends Packed Protest Without Social Distancing
Infrastructure Minister asked for proof of 52,000 public works https://torontosun.com/news/national/infrastructure-minister-asked-for-proof-of-52000-public-works
Trudeau gets heckled, kneels before protesters

NP View: As Ottawa dithers, Canada's major cellular providers shun Huawei
Bombardier under fire over former CEO's $17.5-million compensation package
Man arrested after attending Toronto anti-Black racism protest in blackface: police https://globalnews.ca/news/7035215/man-in-blackface-toronto-anti-racism-protest/
Provincial border bans during COVID-19 spark lawsuits, anger from Canadians denied entry
WARMINGTON: Anti-racism protests provoke necessary discussion
Toronto man is arrested for turning up to an anti-racism protest in BLACKFACE and yells 'I got a tan' as he is escorted away by cops after demonstrators attacked him
GOLDSTEIN: Media deliberately distorted what Trump said about George Floyd
Feds sign $105-million deal with Bombardier for two new Challenger jets
June 7 2020
Tam frets over higher alcohol, junk food use by Canadians during pandemic https://edmontonsun.com/news/national/tam-frets-over-higher-alcohol-junk-food-use-by-canadians-during-pandemic/wcm/7c4342a6-40c7-4f35-b2a6-770b123832fa
Government’s gun legislation leaves confusion, says Lone Butte club
Ottawa restaurant fined $880 for opening patio, days after Justin Trudeau and thousands protest in the streets
Restaurant in Ottawa's ByWard Market fined for opening patio during pandemic
June 8 2020
Politicians will lose the public with COVID double standard
Virtual citizenship ceremonies CONFIRMED! Rebel had it first (and we predicted CBC's exact response)
Corrupt World Health Organization Does a 180 – Now Says Asymptomatic Spread of Coronavirus is “Very Rare” (VIDEO)
Scheer says people are 'upset and confused' by Trudeau's decision to attend a protest during the pandemic
Pushing A Divisive Racial Guilt Narrative Is A Disastrous Mistake. We Need Optimism, Unity, & Patriotism Instead
June 9 2020
Wendy Mesley removed as host of her CBC show for using a word that no one 'should ever use'
Coronavirus: Feds to spend $8.9M in foreign aid for reproductive health services
Canadian military to crack down on leaks of unclassified information after recent embarrassments to government
Humpback whale that thrilled Montreal reported dead in St. Lawrence
Diane Francis: Jason Kenney is filling the foreign policy void left by Justin Trudeau
LETTER: Liberals whittling away at gun owner rights, Langley man says
Don't expect fiscal update anytime soon, says Trudeau: 'Any prediction will be widely unreliable'
Winnipeg police make first ever seizure of 'ghost guns' in city; one man arrested
LILLEY: Liberals can't use pandemic as blank cheque
Lorne Gunter: Where's the outrage at the Liberals crushing parliamentary procedure?
BREAKING: Trudeau can't put figure on debt, says projects require 'invention and imagination'
June 10 2020
EXCLUSIVE: 76% of Canadians want a total pause on immigration
OOPS: After Shutting Parliament, Liberals Find It’s Tough To Pass Legislation Through Parliament When Parliament Is Shut
Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch — List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.
Feds say COVID-19 supply council's lobbyist members were a surprise https://torontosun.com/news/national/feds-say-covid-19-supply-councils-lobbyist-members-were-a-surprise
Trudeau uses commencement speech to compare youth today to Greatest Generation
FUREY: Why isn’t parliament sitting?
Antifa Organizer in Seattle’s “Autonomous Zone” Begs For ‘Vegan Meat and Soy’ to ‘Keep Area Operational’ After Homeless People Take All Their Food
Foreign Affairs Minister has two mortgages with state-run Bank of China
John Ivison: Canada’s most senior diplomat owes China $1.2 million. He’s vulnerable
RCMP commissioner welcomes 'thoughtful' discussions on defunding the police
FATAH: The death of journalism as we knew it
Police no longer welcome in Vancouver Pride Parade, organizers say
Man, 20, killed, three others wounded in two separate Toronto shootings https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/two-hospitalized-in-east-york-shooting
Trudeau's 2000 monthly for Foreign students upsets locals
Historic First: Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women
June 11 2020
Police release image of suspect wanted in fatal downtown Toronto shooting
Elizabeth May accuses the RCMP of being a ‘racist institution’
Elizabeth May Demonizes Entire RCMP As ‘Racist’
GOLDSTEIN: Cancel culture is the new name for censorship https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-cancel-culture-is-the-new-name-for-censorship
Canadians Can’t Trust Francois Philippe-Champagne
Rex Murphy: A tidal wave of overlapping crises
Joe Oliver: Brace yourself for brutal tax hikes — and not just for the rich If the Liberals were to win a hastily called election this fall, look for a rise in income tax on the middle class or increase to the GST https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/joe-oliver-brace-yourself-for-brutal-tax-hikes-and-not-just-for-the-rich
June 12 2020
More than 60 rounds were fired at memorial for slain Toronto rapper Houdini: police
Establishment Media Shares Shortened Clip Of Chief Allan Adam Arrest In Attempt To Generate Rage & Divide Canadians
FULL CLIP: The arrest of Chief Allan Adam
After Criticism For Spreading Short Video Clip, CTV News Exec Deletes Tweet & Network Shares Full Video
BREAKING: Trudeau government to introduce airport temperature screening despite previously dismissing the practice
WARMINGTON: Violent crime shows defunding police in T.O. not an option https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-violent-crime-shows-defunding-police-in-t-o-not-an-option
Cop, 9 others charged in underage human-trafficking probe
Top Conservatives attack Trudeau minister for dodgy China dealings
Ex-local Liberal candidate Gerry Hawes facing child porn charges
After Committing Wrongthink Thoughtcrime, RCMP Commissioner Reverses On ‘Systemic Racism’
Raymond J. de Souza: It's time to stop pretending our politicians 'follow the science'
Toronto cop among 10 charged in human trafficking probe
The National Post Is Surrendering To Far-Left Radicals As ‘Conservative’ Paper Moves Towards Betraying Their Readers
CBC suspends remaining episodes of The Weekly after 'incident' with host Wendy Mesley
CRA warns CERB payments are being targeted by organized crime https://torontosun.com/news/national/cra-warns-cerb-payments-are-being-targeted-by-organized-crime
Bell: Hey Trudeau, where's the Alberta oilpatch help?
Guelph police defend decision not to publicize MP Marwan Tabbara's arrest
Scheer wants Francois-Philippe Champagne to answer for his million-dollar Chinese mortgages
Systemic racism exists in the RCMP, Commissioner Brenda Lucki says
June 13 2020
Rex Murphy: What gives Antifa the right to take over Seattle?
Chantal Hébert: Justin Trudeau has two sets of pandemic rules: one for Parliament, and one for himself
Chris Hall: Kevin Page isn't buying the government's excuse for withholding a fiscal update
EDITORIAL: 'Defunding' police solves nothing https://torontosun.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-defunding-police-solves-nothing
Public safety minister broached systemic racism with RCMP head before course reversal
Second suspect arrested in shooting of Hamilton boy, 7
KNIGHT: The RCMP is not systemically racist
Canada’s PM announces new support program
Canada Pension Plan touts climate leadership while investing millions in Chinese coal
Public safety minister broached systemic racism with RCMP head before course reversal
Chris Hall: Kevin Page isn't buying the government's excuse for withholding a fiscal update
June 14 2020
Canadian scientist sent deadly viruses to Wuhan lab months before RCMP asked to investigate
Auditors target Defence Department for poor oversight of military-spending plan
Liberals' half-trillion-dollar military revamp plan poorly managed by Defence Department: Audit
Considering How Corrupt The System Has Become, We Can’t Trust Elections Canada
June 15 2020
As Ontario MP Marwan Tabbara sat in jail over Easter, there was no backlash because nobody knew
McKenna's Enviro office expensed more than $100,000 on Ottawa taxis
Seattle's occupied zone sees chaos, assaults, and medical emergencies overnight
NPR: ‘Mounting Evidence’ Shows COVID Not Nearly As Deadly As Thought
Kelly McParland: Justin Trudeau's anti-democratic agenda
Tides Canada rebrands following ‘smear campaign’
June 16 2020
Trudeau suffers blow to security council dreams as India supports competitors
MPs Probe 100% Job Grants (Paywall)
Trudeau's former environment minister spent over $100,000 on Ubers, rideshares
June 17 2020
GOLDSTEIN: 'Unconscious racism' the new McCarthyism https://torontosun.com/news/national/goldstein-unconscious-racism-the-new-mccarthyism
WARMINGTON: Hero cops save boy being dangled out window https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-hero-cops-saved-six-year-old-boy
BREAKING: Trudeau says Opposition parties calling him a dictator is 'irresponsible'
Jack M. Mintz: Erin O'Toole is right: We need tax reform
Trudeau cares more about a worthless UN seat than he does about Canadians
Canada loses high-profile bid for United Nations Security Council seat
Singh removed from Commons after calling BQ MP racist over blocked RCMP motion
Trudeau government's pandemic advertising to surpass $120 MILLION
FAIL: Trudeau Got FEWER UN Votes Than Harper Did
#TrudeauWorstPMever Is Trending On Twitter
Statue of Pierre Trudeau spray-painted in blackface
Scandal brewing as Trudeau minister still can't provide proof of projects worth billions of dollars
The Nova Scotia killer had ties to criminals and withdrew a huge sum of cash before the shooting
Trudeau slams Bloc leader for suggesting he’s ruling country like a ‘king’
June 18 2020
Federal deficit could hit $256 billion, PBO says in new report
HYPOCRITE: After Epic UN Vote Failure, Liberal MP Slams Conservatives For ‘Gloating,’ Only To Be Reminded Of His Tweets Attacking Harper Government For Exact Same Thing
Trudeau blames failed UN Security Council bid on late entry to race, others blame 'superficial' foreign policy
Conservatives support Singh’s motion calling RCMP systemically racist
COMMENTARY: Trudeau’s UN vote loss is rebuke of his ‘preachy’ foreign policy
June 19 2020
The Nova Scotia shooter case has hallmarks of an undercover operation
Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor: China charges Canadians with spying
China charges two detained Canadians with alleged espionage
Liberals allowed MP Marwan Tabbara to run in 2019 despite sexual harassment investigation
Trudeau says he's 'disappointed' after China charges two Canadians with spying
Rex Murphy: Maybe CHAZistan will give Canada a seat
Trudeau says he’s ‘continually informed’ of Liberal Party sexual harassment investigations
LILLEY: Trudeau's weakness leaves two Michaels in dire straits https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-trudeaus-weakness-leaves-two-michaels-in-dire-straits
GOLDSTEIN: Farcical UN Human Rights Council condemns U.S. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-farcical-un-human-rights-council-condemns-u-s
Facing spending attacks, federal minister Catherine McKenna doubles down on 'social infrastructure' aims
Canadian arrested in U.S., faces murder charges in India for Mumbai terror attacks
Toronto doctor gets no professional penalty for sex assault on 16-year-old after panel finds he was ‘struggling to express’ gay identity
MALCOLM: Canada's back? More like increasingly irrelevant
Trudeau's federal debt reaches a stunning $1 trillion
Analysis: Media hounded Harper for UN Security Council loss, but gives Trudeau a pass
June 20 2020
'They are applying pressure,' Bains says of China's push for Canada to adopt Huawei's 5G tech
SNC-Lavalin to pay $1.9M for rigging bids on Quebec municipal contracts
LILLEY: Trudeau shielded MP now facing charges
GUNTER: Gun controls hardly accomplish what its advocates think https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/gunter-gun-controls-hardly-accomplish-what-its-advocates-think
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau's erstwhile left-wing allies scuttled his UN bid

EDITORIAL: Trudeau, Liberals mum on Tabbara case https://torontosun.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-trudeau-liberals-mum-on-tabbara-case
Canada’s failed UN security council bid exposes Trudeau’s 'dilettante' foreign policy
June 21 2020
Ottawa has failed for months to serve plane crash lawsuit on Iran, as legally required, lawyer says
LILLEY: MPs need to get serious on sexual harassment
Rex Murphy: The right to your own opinion is a keystone of a true democracy
FUREY: Why does Canada even want a seat on the UN security council?

June 22 2020
Elections Canada dismisses complaints against Trudeau minister without interviewing him
Pandemic has provided chance to reshape Canada's future, PM says
Kelly McParland: Apparently for our PM, 'zero tolerance' doesn't apply to hypocrisy
China detained Kovrig, Spavor in ‘political decision’ over Meng arrest: Trudeau
SNC-Lavalin under fire for getting federal contracts despite bid-rigging https://torontosun.com/news/national/snc-lavalin-under-fire-for-getting-federal-contracts-despite-bid-rigging
Trudeau Just Announced A $100 Million Investment Into Plant-Based Food In Canada
June 23 2020
Foreign affairs minister has repaid mortgages held with state-run Bank of China
SNC-Lavalin awarded $6.8 million in federal contracts since pleading guilty to fraud https://tnc.news/2020/06/22/snc-lavalin-awarded-6-8-million-in-federal-contracts-since-pleading-guilty-to-fraud/
John Robson: When rules are just for the little people, injustice prevails
Liberal government nearing revived trade spat with U.S. as tensions mount over dairy, aluminum
June 24 2020
Canada loses AAA rating, Fitch downgrades amid virus costs
Morneau Shredded By Poilievre After Claiming Liberals Were ‘Fiscally Responsible’ Amid Credit Rating Downgrade
Fitch strips Canada of AAA rating as finances deteriorate
LILLEY: Roxham Road crossing goes from deluge to trickle
June 25 2020
Terence Corcoran: The precautionary disaster
Trudeau's Public Health Agency pays non-refundable $300,000 deposit during global pandemic for ski resort trip
Gerald Butts tweets US map that labels states “white Congo” and “rape central”

Canada spends $1.5 million to fund feminist COVID-19 journalism overseas
Butts Expels More Crap
BREAKING: Joe Biden ancestor owned slaves, according to genealogist, census records
Ottawa outsources student-grant program to a Toronto charity that works with Justin Trudeau’s wife
Dean Del Mastro sentenced to month in jail, 4 months house arrest for election overspending
Man avoids jail after being caught with large child porn cache
June 26 2020
Public Health Agency booked $300,000 conference after telling Canadians to cancel events
Trudeau accused of cronyism over giving WE Charity a contract to run $912-million student volunteer program
Trudeau says charity with ties to him and his wife 'only one' that could run COVID-19 student volunteer grant program
Cops bust suspected triggerman in trio of Toronto murders https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/cops-bust-suspected-triggerman-in-trio-of-toronto-murders
Trudeau says civil service chose WE Charity for partnership on student grant program
Warning—Apple Suddenly Catches TikTok Secretly Spying On Millions Of iPhone Users
June 27 2020
Canada pledges $300 million to address humanitarian concerns of COVID-19 abroad
Trudeau BFF Gerry Butts tweets anti-Christian, racist map of the USA (so we contacted his boss)
Crown says release of N.S. mass shooting details could harm 'massive' probe
June 28 2020
Volunteer Canada declined to work for WE Charities over wage concerns with student grant program
June 29 2020
Trudeau to end daily coronavirus briefings as country moves to reopen
SHOWDOWN: Rebel News vs. Antifa (and politically correct police) at Toronto autonomous zone
Conservative MPs demand investigation into 900 MILLION dollar contract awarded to Trudeau’s favourite charity
Rex Murphy: There's nothing charitable about circumventing Parliament
Undercover FBI employee on the Dark Web nabs Winnipeg woman trying to buy chemical weapon
Environment minister to let municipalities dump raw sewage into waterways until 2040
Albertans kicked out of a B.C. provincial park by RCMP
Trudeau says only WE Charity can administer $900 million student grant program
June 30 2020
Canadian citizen sentenced to eight years by China is latest victim of Huawei feud, Beijing lawyer says
Kelly McParland: Trudeau drives straight into another pothole with the WE controversy
WE Charity co-founder said PMO 'called' to award $900M student-grant program, contradicting Trudeau
Records show charity closely linked to Trudeau has received multiple sole-source contracts from Liberal government
Kielburger backtracks after saying PMO contacted WE about student-aid program
Canada's first Muslim lieutenant governor appointed in Alberta
Canadian sentenced to eight years in jail by China, renounces citizenship
Trudeau’s handpicked Lieutenant Governor donated thousands to Trudeau, Notley
How Justin Trudeau’s Third World ELITISM AGENDA Marginalizes “Old Stock” Canadians
Nova Scotia senators renew call inquiry into April mass shooting
VIA Rail losing one-third of a million dollars each day due to rail blockades and coronavirus
Half a dozen religious statues beheaded in Sudbury
Teachers to be paid $12K to recruit and manage students under government program with WE Charity
Liberal government provided Trudeau's favourite charity with multiple sole-sourced contracts
GOLDSTEIN: WE contract puts Trudeau in another charity controversy https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-we-contract-puts-trudeau-in-another-charity-controversy
We Charity offers 450 ‘virtual volunteering’ positions at own organization while running $900-million grant program