August 2021
August 1 2021
NP View: Liberals ensure the Muskrat Falls boondoggle is everyone's burden
Peel police investigating hate-motivated incident at place of worship in Mississauga
CDC: 397 Children Suffered Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccine
New heads of Toronto CSIS office say they want to hire a more diverse group of spies
August 2 2021
A Letter to the Unvaccinated
Report: UN Teachers Celebrate Deaths of Israelis
Trudeau’s Endless Foreign Aid Giveaways Are An Insult To Canadians
UN-paid teachers celebrate deaths of Israelis, support terrorism, study finds
BOMBSHELL: House Committee finds COVID-19 leaked from Wuhan lab
Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day
August 3 2021
Trudeau-appointed senator says Canada has “no democratic tradition” of free speech
Decision to mix COVID-19 vaccines could cause international travel difficulties for millions of Canadians
Liberal connections overshadow Trudeau’s latest “independent” senate appointments
GUNTER: The public sector fared very well during lockdown
Politicians Are Still Avoiding The Importance Of Improving Physical Health & Individual Responsibility
Following Health Canada guidelines on mixing vaccines could get Canadians kicked off cruises
GUNTER: Will voters overlook Amarjeet Sohi's record of wrecking Edmonton’s economy when they go to the ballot box?
Canada’s largest journalism union launches an official campaign against Erin O’Toole
Ottawa denies Alberta's request to let people carry pepper spray for self-defence
FACT CHECK: Unifor attack ad full of misinformation about Erin O’Toole
Ethics watchdog says Trudeau didn’t further interests of lifelong friend Pitfield
August 4 2021
Can’t Force Vaccines: Report
CBC advertising revenue down 18% last year
Canada’s election results could take a few days due to COVID-19: top official
A Matter of Fact: Opponents of Line 5 ignore safety record and planned improvements for critical pipeline
Pipeline operating for 68 years in the Straits of Mackinac without a single spill, $500-million tunnel to ensure further protection
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine linked to rare cases of eye inflammation - study
Calgary doc who claims ‘no ties’ to Alberta NDP has donated nearly $20,000 to party
'For $1/Day'... Double-Blind Ivermectin Study Reveals COVID Patients Recover More Quickly, Are Less Infectious
Digital Safety Commission to police Canada’s internet
Canada's health system ranked second last among 11 countries: report
The End of Women’s Sports
Missouri governor pardons gun-waving St. Louis lawyer couple
Shouldn’t The “Right To Control Our Bodies” Argument Apply To Vaccinations?
Trial of man accused in Marrisa Shen murder pushed back to 2022
The number one reason you will never be able to afford a house in Canada
The cost of down payments in Canadian cities skyrocketed in 2021, new data shows
How a B.C. woman got stuck with a $4,000 bill after renting a pickup truck
Trudeau's censorship czar deletes tweet falsely claiming Bill C-10 criticism was 'misinformation campaign'
August 5 2021
Diane Francis: Trudeau wants an election, and Canadians will pay for it
Delta variant will lead to increase in breakthrough Covid infections among vaccinated, Moderna says
Trudeau calls for forced vaccination of Canadian workers
Joe Biden Grabs Little Girl, Whispers in Her Ear During Bill Signing at White House (VIDEO)
Won’t Testify On Tax Cut Act
Jack M. Mintz: Inflation should be an election issue
PM says he's considering making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for federal workers
Quebec premier announces vaccine-passport system after rise in cases
Canada to donate more than 82,000 doses of AstraZeneca doses to Trinidad and Tobago
Corbella: Catch-and-release justice system led to death of home invader on acreage
28 prehistoric viruses unknown to science were found in a glacial ice cores. They are thought to be around 15,000 years old.
You now need to make $253,000 to afford an average Vancouver house
Rex Murphy: The classy Stephen Harper returns to speak truth to the illiberal left
mRNA technology behind COVID-19 vaccines could change how we treat cancer
AstraZeneca COVID vaccine blood clot risk 'similar' to Pfizer, new study finds
Seniors cut off from income supplement after receiving emergency benefits
August 6 2021
Pfizer vaccine label amended in Canada to list Bell's Palsy as possible side-effect
EVs Cost 1.6 To 2.3 Times More To Service Than Internal Combustion Vehicles, New Study Shows
‘Like I got hit in the jaw’: Barrie-area resident diagnosed with myocarditis days after Pfizer shot
Munk School handed $99,000 contract to evaluate federal leaders’ debates
Fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus, CDC chief says
Chris Selley: Vaccination politics are more complicated than many Canadians seem to think
Kenney says he won’t ‘take a lecture’ from feds on COVID-19 in Alberta
Crack Unit Ran On Cab Chits
Opinion: Canadians deserve better than five decades of deficits
No charges against Alberta man who fatally shot home intruder: RCMP
Soldiers testify at court martial about feeling high on live-fire training exercise
Ottawa announces $6-billion transfer to Quebec aimed at strengthening child care
Vancouver man dies after assault at Grandview Park
South Korea to compensate nurse paralyzed after AstraZeneca vaccine
Man dies following daytime assault in Vancouver's Grandview Park
Restaurant giant in Burnaby posts big profit amid restrictions
United Airlines To Require All U.S. Employees To Get Vaccinated
Quebec gym owner facing threats over policy to require clients to show proof of vaccination
Legault announces Quebec will move ahead with vaccination passport
UK: Muslim rape gang police whistleblower says rape gang activity ‘is going on everywhere in the UK’
Trudeau's last middle finger to Alberta: Grassy Mountain project vetoed
MP Marwan Tabbara returns to court next month
August 7 2021
Worse than the disease? Reviewing some possible unintended consequences of mRNA vaccines against Covid-19
Teenage boy dies after targeted triple shooting in Hamilton
COVID hysteria: The real goal is rewiring society
Man in Richmond found dead from apparent targeted shooting: RCMP
EDITORIAL: Trudeau out to buy the election
Convicted Ontario terrorist receives four-year peace bond with 26 restrictions
August 8 2021
Two men dead, two others critical after shooting near Kensington Market: police
Vaccinated Americans can enter Canada starting Monday. Here are 11 things to know before a trip.
GUNTER: As CBC ratings plummet, they ask for more taxpayer dollars
Hypocrisy: Barack Obama Dances Maskless Among Hundreds of Guests
Most COVID-19 Patients at Israel Hospital Fully Vaccinated, Doctor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolic’
August 9 2021
Study finds cholesterol drug cuts COVID infection by 70%, reduces spread
WARMINGTON: More planes landing, but stranded Afghan interpreters not on board
COP26: Covid travel rules relaxed for overseas delegates
August 10 2021
GUNTER: Latest WE Charity report is bad news for Liberals
Canadian Michael Spavor found guilty of spying, sentenced to 11 years in prison by Chinese court
WE charity scandal grows with revelation of numerous sweetheart deals from Liberals
Billboard campaign sounds alarm over $1,000,000,000,000 federal government debt
Moderna to Build Vaccine Plant in Canada
Participants needed for study on mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines
Former ISIS recruit allowed to finish 7-year sentence living with wife
Government of Canada announces agreement with leading COVID-19 vaccine developer Moderna, Inc. to build mRNA vaccine facility in Canada
Canada strongly condemns China’s sentence of death imposed on a Canadian citizen
Chinese court sentences Canadian Michael Spavor to 11 years in case tied to Huawei
Canada cites “diversity” in outer space as strength in UN report
August 11 2021
LILLEY: If we truly believe vaccines work, we don't need a vax passport
Liberals hide names of media companies given $61 million in subsidies
Kerry Family Jet Emitted 30 Times More Carbon So Far In 2021 Than Average Vehicle Does In A Year
A German nurse may have injected thousands of people with saline instead of COVID vaccine, police say
BREAKING: Trudeau announces national vaccine passport program for travelers
Trudeau’s Weak Response To Communist China’s Actions Continues Putting Canadians At Risk
Canada Is Spending $73 Billion On Affordable Housing, And It Will Push Prices Higher
Dr. Bonnie Henry ordered to stand trial
UN climate change doomsday warnings have predicted 'decade to save planet' since 1972
August 12 2021
Canada donating 10M J&J COVID vaccines to countries in need
COVID-19 vaccine trial data for kids coming by end of year: Pfizer
Canadian military preparing to evacuate Canadians from Afghanistan: sources
Troubled department store giant in Burnaby splitting stores from online
Study Shows That 44% Of Employees Would Quit If Ordered To Get Vaccinated
August 13 2021
South Africa: R*pe Capital of the World
Federal government to require vaccinations for all federal public servants, air and train passengers
Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Poised to Make Billions on COVID-19 Boosters
Feds win battle for privacy of serial killer Paul Bernardo and cop killer Craig Munro over victims' families' requests
BREAKING: Canadian Forces is bringing in a vax passport
'We are not anti-vaxxers': Concerns over side-effects, research among main reasons some Canadians are not getting COVID-19 vaccine
Austria: Funeral of 13-year-old raped and murdered by Muslim migrants gets police protection as family gets threats
EXCLUSIVE: At least 74 people on Martha's Vineyard have tested positive for Covid-19 since Barack Obama's maskless 60th birthday bash - the most cases on the island since April
The SNC Lavalin Ethics Scandal Revisited HD 1080p
LILLEY: Trudeau's mandatory vaccination plan all about politics, not health
COVID-19 vaccine sends young man to Richmond hospital
August 14 2021
Canada to buy 40 million Moderna COVID-19 doses in next two years: Trudeau
Sir John A. Macdonald statue toppled in Hamilton park after hundreds attend rally, march
US Asking Taliban to Spare American Embassy During Siege on Kabul to Maintain ‘Robust Diplomatic Engagement’
China dismisses Ottawa’s protests over cases tied to Huawei
Canada flouting international law by continuing Saudi arms sales, report says
B.C. makes COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for workers in long-term care, assisted living facilities
NASA boosts impact risk from 'potentially hazardous' asteroid Bennu
COVID-19 vaccine sends young man to Richmond hospital
Raymond J. de Souza: Canada gets its plot in the graveyard of empires
August 15 2021
Donald Trump fires back at Joe Biden after Biden tried to blame Trump for Afghanistan collapse: 'Failure through weakness'
President Ghani has left Afghanistan, official says, as Taliban fighters enter Kabul
Canadians head to the polls in pandemic federal election set for September
This morning at Rideau Hall and in Kabul
Afghanistan’s first female mayor: ‘I’m waiting for Taliban to come for people like me and kill me’
'Canada left them behind': Afghan interpreters and their families plead to be evacuated from Afghanistan
LILLEY: Trudeau calls election to look after himself while saying it's all about you
O'Toole comes out against mandatory vaccinations for federal employees, travellers
NASA slightly improves the odds that asteroid Bennu hits Earth. Humanity will be ready regardless – Salon
August 16 2021
Federal poll workers won’t be required to be vaccinated: Elections Canada
People who have been infected with COVID-19 are nearly 4.5 times more likely to feel side effects from vaccine compared to those who've never tested positive, study of healthcare workers finds
Pfizer submits data to FDA for COVID-19 vaccine booster authorization
PMO, Global Affairs holding off deploying CAF Kabul evacuation team: Sources
GOLDSTEIN: Campaigning Trudeau and the Liberals failed our Afghan allies
Man groped, woman punched in 'completely unprovoked' incidents on Commercial Drive: Vancouver police
‘Gaslighting’: Joe Biden Defends Decision to Leave Afghanistan, Avoids Explaining Botched Withdrawal
Trudeau’s Dishonesty On Vaccine Mandates Shows He’ll Say Anything To Divide Canadians And Gain More Power
August 17 2021
Ontario to offer third COVID-19 dose to high-risk populations
Consumer price inflation could become Trudeau's biggest economic vulnerability
Current Taliban Leader was Freed in Exchange for Deserter Bergdahl by Obama in 2014
Canada will not recognize 'terrorist' Taliban as official Afghan government: Trudeau
The Taliban knocked on her door 3 times. The fourth time, they killed her
August 18 2021
Trudeau blames Taliban — not bureaucracy — for pace of evacuations from Afghanistan
Justin Trudeau’s first public campaign event seemingly broke Ontario’s COVID rules
Watch Trudeau: ‘I don’t think about monetary policy’
Canadians don’t want amnesty for faulty CERB payments
Rex Murphy: Trudeau's vanity election would be silly, if it weren't so shameful
Montreal man sentenced to 18 years for buying African girl to use as sex slave
Want to skip the polling stations next month? Here's how to vote by mail
Fusion experiment breaks record, blasts out 10 quadrillion watts of power
High-profile extradition case of Meng Wanzhou wraps up with reserved decision
New $4.15 billion George Massey Tunnel with 8 lanes confirmed by BC government
Defence department website tells employees vaccine mandates not legal
She sells seashells to she-cover from the she-cession
Liberals pledge to support training of 1,000 more personnel to fight wildfires
August 19 2021
Unvaccinated? Here are some of the things that are off-limits to you in Canada
Ontario MPP ousted from PC caucus over refusal to get vaccinated
Mortgage debt is rising at its fastest pace in Canada since 2007
Justin Trudeau spotted sipping a pint at Metro Vancouver pub (PHOTOS)
Getting away from the science? Reasons behind mixed COVID-19 vaccine restrictions unclear
Taliban reportedly going 'door-to-door' looking for Christians to kill them
Study: Pfizer and AstraZeneca’s protection from delta variant weaker after 90 days
August 20 2021
Rupa Subramanya: Trudeau blames Afghans for not getting to the airport fast enough
Taliban going 'house to house' in Afghanistan 'hanging' people who worked with US: source
Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden: Biden ‘Deserves An Impeachment,’ He ‘Surrendered To The Taliban’
Vancouver police release dash cam video of violent unprovoked assault on busy street
University Health Network to terminate unvaccinated employees in October
'It's Now or Never': US Mom Flies Halfway Around the World to Rescue 10 Members of Afghan All-Girl Robotics Team
Rex Murphy: The lost Liberals and their lofty ideals
Liberal candidate apologizes for calling early vaccine takers 'entitled' guinea pigs
Kevin Newman: Kabul shows the unflattering truth: Canada is slow, risk-averse and selfish
Burial costs covered for Canadians killed by approved vaccines
August 21 2021
COVID-19: Toronto hospital network plans to fire employees who aren’t vaccinated
Where are the most people declining COVID-19 vaccines? See how your state ranks.
Dr. David E. Martin reveals shocking news everyone, especially Canadians, MUST ACT on NOW! Proof of Treason and Crimes Against Humanity.
Conservatives call for ethics probe of Liberal MP's 2017 Italy trip
August 22 2021
Afghan, American troops turn away Canadians at Kabul airport
Allegations of flagrant overspending, mishandling Afghanistan dominate campaign trail
August 23 2021
FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine
Posthaste: No, you’re not imagining it — food prices are rising, and they're set to go even higher
Trudeau is in panic mode and resorting to manipulating the truth
WARMINGTON: There will be no movie about rescue mission heroes didn't show up for
August 24 2021
WATCH: Trudeau threatens to reduce health transfers to Saskatchewan over private MRI services, silent on Quebec
Canadians left to fend for themselves in Taliban-controlled Kabul as U.S. troops again turn away evacuees
Toronto Police Association oppose mandatory vaccination policy of TPS
Trudeau's deputy PM faces investigation over social media post deemed fake news
B.C. becomes third province to require proof of vaccination, starting Sept. 13
Freeland Faces Election Probe
Liberals promise helping hand to first-time homebuyers through grants, loans
COVID-19: B.C. orders vaccine passport for non-essential services
August 25 2021
Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
BREAKING: Trudeau Chased Out of Neighbourhood by Angry Crowd
Maryam Monsef criticized for Taliban 'our brothers' comment
Liberal candidate blasted for 'flipping' homes as Trudeau promises to crack down on speculators
Chinese state-owned shipbuilder tapped to supply ferry for Crown corporation as Canadians remain jailed
Trudeau's Women & Gender Equality Minister begs “Our brothers, the Taliban” for HELP
August 26 2021
Japan suspends 1.6 million Moderna Covid vaccine doses over contamination concerns
Tasha Kheiriddin: Trudeau Liberals have no clue on foreign policy — 'our brothers' gaffe just the latest fail
The Fallacious Covid Narrative Has Completely Fallen Apart But the Corrupt Medical Establishment Steams Ahead On Its Catastrophic Course
LILLEY: Liberal platform contains promise to tax home sales
August 27 2021
Raymond J. de Souza: Wealthy Singh's 'life experience' a far cry from that of most Indigenous Canadians
Trudeau campaign event breaks Ontario’s COVID gathering restrictions
Not all Liberal campaigning candidates are vaccinated: Trudeau
Moderna vaccine production continues in EU amid contamination probe
Rex Murphy: Trudeau's handling of Afghanistan is our great national shame
Businesses that resist vaccine passport program could be forced to close: B.C. government
COVID-19: Premier says police will enforce vaccine card rules
Not all Liberal campaigning candidates are vaccinated: Trudeau
Trudeau promises $1B to help provinces pay for vaccine passports
August 28 2021
Defence department scrubs webpage saying employer-mandated vaccines are unlawful
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s outdoor event in GTA cancelled due to protests
August 29 2021
HEALTH Video of premier dining in Vernon causes anger, highlights confusion with COVID rules – News 1130
Panicking Justin Trudeau counts cost of hypocrisy and hubris
LILLEY: Trudeau's wild claims show he will say anything to get elected
Mother of slain Marine unleashes on 'treasonous' Biden in surprise call to radio show: 'You did this to my son'
Police unions say enforcing B.C. vaccine passport a ‘concern’ given lack of resources
August 30 2021
They Openly Mock Us Now: Taliban Hangs “Traitor” by the Throat From US Helicopter in Kandahar Left Behind by Joe Biden (VIDEO)
Retired Marine Says Hundreds Of Their Rescued Orphans, Christians Turned Away By U.S. Military, ‘Ended Up In Hands Of The Taliban’
Taliban execute folk singer days after saying music is ‘forbidden,’ family says
Vancouver Liberal candidate flipped dozens of homes for profit, records show
What Mark Norman thinks now: Full Comment with Anthony Furey
Japan's Moderna vaccine contamination woes widen as regions put holds on shots
August 31 2021
Taliban declare victory from Kabul airport tarmac after US withdrawal
Man urinates on Dairy Queen counter over mask policy
Liberal candidate allowed to run for re-election despite past claims of inappropriate behaviour
LILLEY: Trudeau stands by candidate accused of sexual misconduct
U of T professor suggests Conservatives are promoting Nazism
Biden Administration Erased Afghan Weapons Reports From Federal Websites
Rex Murphy: Trudeau is a one-man lighthouse of virtue-signalling for faults not his own
Canada tax agency reveals secret study linking home prices to millionaire migration, five years after freedom-of-information request
Censorship Czar Guilbeault owes Revenu Quebec five-figure debt in taxes