Canada’s jet-setting PM Trudeau: One year, ten vacations
Tony Lam's Comments: Who the hell gets ten vacations a year. Especially in the PM's position.
Story By Brian Lilley of Rebel Media
December 31 2016
As Canada begins celebrating ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ anniversary, Trudeau is in some other country on holiday
February 29 2016
Weekend in Whistler: Do Trudeau’s actions match his words on climate change?
March 30 2016
Back from $2000/night vacation, Trudeau snubs Edmonton’s unemployed during Alberta visit
May 25 2016
Entitled to his entitlements: Canadians pay for idle staff while Trudeaus “take a moment” in Japan
August 8 2016
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August 26 2016
Atip docs for Trudeau’s St. Kitts trip reveal undisclosed costs for “Tour Manager”
December 22 2016
Trudeau pays back taxpayers about $38K for personal expenses
January 2 2017
PMO tried to keep Trudeau's vacation details secret
PM's official summer home at Harrignton Lake