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NDP statement on the anniversary of October 7th

October 7th, 2024

NDP statement on the anniversary of October 7th

Canada's NPD leader Jagmeet Singh issued the following statement:

“October 7th marks one year since the horrific Hamas terror attacks in Israel in which 1200 people were killed, including eight Canadians. Over 250 people, Israeli, Palestinian, Jewish, Muslim, foreign nationals, and dual citizens were taken hostage by Hamas. This was the single deadliest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust. One year later, over one hundred hostages remain in Hamas captivity. This anniversary is a painful reminder of the suffering endured by countless families who have experienced the devastating impact of those attacks. New Democrats and all Canadians mourn with Canada’s Jewish community and we reiterate our call for the return of all hostages.

Over the past year, Jewish Canadians have faced an alarming and unacceptable rise in antisemitism. The Jewish community is currently observing the High Holidays, and we know that synagogues and community centres have unfortunately required enhanced security measures given the rise in antisemitism. Jewish families live with worry for their safety here in Canada, and fear for family and loved ones living in Israel who are caught in the crossfire of violence they did not choose.

There is no justification or rationale for the horrific terror attacks of October 7th, and the significance of this day - not just for the Jewish community, but for all those who uphold the sanctity of international law - cannot and should not be minimized. This day stands on its own as a devastating blow for so many.

For many Canadians, the response to October 7th from Netanyahu’s extremist government, was the beginning of a brutal assault on the people of Gaza, who did not and do not deserve collective punishment. Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab communities in Canada are feeling the weight of immense suffering from the ongoing genocide by Netanyahu’s extremist government that has killed tens of thousands of innocent people, including children. Just as there is no justification for the brutal terror attacks on October 7, there is likewise no justification for the high number of civilian casualties and indiscriminate attacks on the people of Gaza.

New Democrats also mourn with these Canadians who have experienced an alarming rise of anti-Palestinian hate and Islamophobia over the past year. And as we witness another war in Lebanon, their pain – and indeed, the pain of so many Canadians - has only increased.

New Democrats stand in solidarity with all Canadians who yearn for peace and justice for all people. As we mark this terrible anniversary and grieve the losses that have come before us and the losses that continue to mount, we reiterate the need to hold space for each other, to privilege dialogue and compassion over hate and violence.

We also remember that war is political, genocide is preventable, and Canada and the international community have a responsibility to act to end this horror.

There is no possible military solution to this decades-long conflict. We reiterate the actions Canada must take now: Work for a hostage deal and immediate ceasefire; sanction all those who violate international law, whether Hamas or Netanyahu’s extremist government; impose an arms embargo while the atrocities continue; recognize the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel and work to end the decades-long illegal occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem; and support international court efforts to bring all perpetrators to justice.

To the many Canadians feeling pain and trauma on this tragic anniversary: New Democrats stand with you. We will continue to work for our common humanity, for justice, and for peace.”


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