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Vaccine mandates create system of segregation for Canadian citizens

October 10 2021

Re-printed without permission

Medical apartheid is upon us. Canada now has two classes of citizens, the Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated, each with a different set of legal rights.

I anticipate howls of outrage at comparing South Africa's racial apartheid to Canada's medical apartheid. People will argue that the former was based on evil racism, and that the latter is based on public safety and solid science.

Apartheid (Afrikaans for "apartness") was the South African policy of racial separation, enforced by law, in place from 1948 to the early 1990s. All South Africans were formally designated as being "black," "white," coloured" or "Indian." A citizen's legal racial status had a huge bearing on where she or he could live, work, move and simply be. Non-whites were legally prohibited from entering and using public facilities designated for whites only. Apartheid permeated all aspects of society: trains, ambulances, hospitals, schools, unions, swimming pools, fitness facilities, theatres, cinemas, restaurants, and hotels. Non-whites were required to carry official government-issued documents to authorize their presence in areas reserved for whites. blacks were excluded from working in white areas, unless they had a pass, issued only to black persons with approved work in one magisterial district.

The government tolerated some public criticism of apartheid, but censorship was widespread. For example, anti-apartheid journalist Donald Woods was placed under house arrest and stripped of his editorship for five years. He was prohibited from writing, traveling and speaking publicly. Subjected to increasing harassment such as having his phone tapped, he fled South Africa in 1978 and moved to the United Kingdom.

Churches were one of the few places where races could mix without the interference of apartheid laws, which were not vigorously enforced against those churches which welcomed all people. The Catholic Church engaged in civil disobedience to the racial laws by admitting black people to its schools, and in 1977 expanded its defiance of apartheid to include Catholic hospitals, homes and orphanages.

Supporters of apartheid argued that separation and segregation were in the best interest of all races, in line with the long-standing support of "scientists" who claim that racial differences justify racist laws. The Nazis, too, argued strenuously that their racial and eugenics policies in Germany in the 1930s were "scientific," just as Communists spoke of their own "scientific socialism." When and where in human history has so-called "science" not been called upon to justify oppression and injustice?

Medical apartheid in Canada today cares not about race, but about whether an individual has received the correct number of injections of the experimental mRNA vaccine. I say "experimental" because the mRNA gene therapy has not been subjected to any long-term testing in human beings. Currently, Canada's provincial and federal governments accept two injections as enough to qualify for "full" vaccination. But this may soon change to requiring three, four and more injections to maintain one's legal status as "fully" vaccinated, as has been demonstrated in Israel and the Netherlands.

Fully vaccinated Canadians are first-class citizens, enjoying unrestricted access to airplanes, trains, gyms, pools, restaurants, coffee shops and other public facilities. Canadians who have not been injected with enough mRNA (as determined by government) are decidedly second class, and subjected to physical separation and segregation. Those who refuse to participate in the world-wide mRNA experiment cannot eat in restaurants or use gyms, or can do so only on discriminatory terms, like needing to spend time and money on multiple tests. This ignores the fact that Canada's vaccinated first-class citizens are still able to contract and spread the virus, just as are Canada's unvaccinated second-class citizens.

First-class Canadians are free to work anywhere. But Canadians who are second-class because they lack the correct number of mRNA shots are now getting fired, in many cases putting their families into severe financial constraints.

First-class Canadians can attend university; second-class Canadians may not (unless and until they become first-class by getting the mRNA injection). After teaching hundreds of thousands of students by zoom and skype during the 2020-21 school year, it seems that universities and colleges have suddenly lost their ability to use remote technology to accommodate unvaccinated students, who are now threatened with expulsion.

Governments throughout history have used "science" to support their policies, along with various appeals to public health, safety, security, morality, and so on. No government will violate human rights without putting forward a good-sounding justification, such as the war on terrorism, communism, homophobia, online hate, drugs, or a nasty virus.

Those who feel outraged by this column need to consider just how "scientific" mandatory vaccination policies really are. The government's own data and statistics tell us that Covid is much, much closer to the annual flu than to the Spanish Flu of 1918. This matters because the entire world was put into a state of panic by the dire predictions of Dr. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, who claimed in March of 2020 that Covid would be like the Spanish Flu of 1918, killing tens of millions of people. Canada's vaccine passports, and the creation of first-class and second-class citizenship, are founded on Neil Ferguson's demonstrably false claim that Covid is an unusually deadly killer.

Covid is real. Fear of Covid is wildly exaggerated. Over the past 18 months, government-funded media have been very successful in persuading the majority that vaccine passports (and lockdown policies preceding them) are based on science. When people hear a message thousands of times, they believe it to be true. But neither South Africa's pro-apartheid mainstream media in the 1950s and 1960s, nor Canada's fearmongering mainstream media in 2020 and 2021, has the ability to create truth through repetition.

Canada's second-class, Unvaccinated citizens pose no worse threat to public health than their first-class Vaccinated brothers and sisters. As repeatedly demonstrated, the double-vaccinated get and spread Covid as much as the unvaccinated.

Medical apartheid is a grave injustice, not based on science. Hopefully, medical apartheid will rule in Canada for a shorter time than racial apartheid's reign in South Africa.

Lawyer John Carpay is president of the Justice Centre, which is challenging vaccine passports in court as unjustified violations of Charter rights and freedoms.



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